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✻✼ Shiny Hunting ✼✻ Breeding One of the Rarest Puppies

✻✼ Shiny Hunting ✼✻ Breeding One of the Rarest Puppies
Posted 2023-02-23 16:43:21 (edited)

The Backstory:

Hello Wolvden peeps!

I have been playing this game on-and-off since Early Access and I absolutely love how much the game has improved! New mutations, new bases, new events, SO many decors, and recipes were such a cool addition in my opinion. But there's always been a slight problem - I never know what I want to do. I mean, there's a lot to do, surely, like participating in events, breeding puppies, making absolute bank selling rare items. But it's always a little... meh. And I really, truly want to play this game a lot. Most of my friends play the sister game, Lioden, which is awesome too, but I like Wolvden's slightly more involved gameplay more.

So I needed something to do, something to aim for...

And I got an idea. Such a devious, completely insane idea.

See, there's always been 2 things in this game I've loved the most:
  • The Mojave Base
  • The Polymelia Mutation

Both of these, you're able to breed for, though both require a lot of luck to actually get even one of them. The sole reason I ever got a Mojave base was because a kind sould gifted her to me when we were talking about favourite bases. And while I certainly love her and am so unimaginably grateful still, I'd love to get a few more as a side project, you know?

And Polymelia is just so... stunning in a creepy way. A friend of mine asked if it was a wolf centipede and honestly? I see it

But while those two certainly look pretty - and are still relatively achievable (at the time of writing, there are a few TIII Polymelia puppies) - I wasn't really interested. And none of the Secondary Mutations really did much except, well, cover the pretty base. I was not having it personally.

Then, Piebald came out. Piebald is one of my absolute favourite patterns on animals and I know many others agree - just thinking back of the Merle Rage when EA just finished should show that, and let's we not forget how many Pandas there are now too. So, of course, I wanted a Piebald, but I missed the time when you could get the recipes. This leaves breeding them which, while I'm not against (in fact, I have bred Melas and plan on breeding Albinos too eventually), they certainly aren't as easy as most of the other inheritable mutations out there, especially if you don't have a Piebald, which I, in fact, don't right now.

Maybe you can see where this is going. After all, it would be a wasted Chekhov's Gun at this point, right? So let me just show you how absolutely gorgeous this puppy is:

How could I say no? How could I look at this beauty and not immediately decide this was it - my biggest project on any game.

I couldn't. So let me run you through my plan.


Let's start simple: base genetics. I won't go too in-depth (check out Grouse House's guides for that, they are fantastic!), but here's a short overview:

Every base is split into 3 traits: Colour, Shade, and Rarity. Based on the combinations that each parent has, different bases have a chance of appearing. So a Muted Dark I breeding with a Cool Light II could produce a Cool Medium I base. Additionally, if all of those categories match, it gives an extra 25% chance that the base of the parent will pass down.

In order to eliminate as much randomness as possible, I would need to breed 2 Mojaves together - this (I assume) gives an extra 25% chance that one of the 2 Mojave bases is passed down, meaning a 50% chance. But do correct me if I'm wrong. Regardless, a 25% chance of passing a TIII down is much better than the 1% or lower chances normally which I don't actually know the percentage of.

The second factor that I can control would be the Piebald mutation. Being a Non-Carriarable Hereditary Mutation (meaning it cannot be carried like Mela or Albino), I can increase my chances of a particular pattern passing down if both my Mojave and the stud have the same Piebald pattern. Personally, I want Uneven on this puppy.

Lastly, and most heartwrenchingly, I need to get a very low chance to get the Polymelia mutation. There is no way around it, sadly. As there are no mutation raising items, I need to rely on pure, blind luck. And even then, that's assuming I get the rest to line up as well. Not to mention that I have to immortalise the wolf, else it will die and forever be forgotten.

But I certainly do like a gamble...

The Actual Plan

I think you've heard me ramble on and on and on and on quite enough for now. Assuming you didn't just, you know, skip everything. So now I promise I will actually get on with how to achieve this disgustingly unlikely task.

  1. Get my Mojave down to 1% fertility
    This can only be done temporarily using Juniper Berries, and only in 10% intervals. This means that, at 58% fertility, I would need 6 JBs, or 600 SCs (yikes).
  2. Find a way to put Piebald[Uneven] onto her
    Yeah, this will be very, very expensive too.
  3. Find a Mojave stud with Uneven Piebald
    At the moment of writing this, there are 3 Mojave wolves with Piebald [Uneven]. Hopefully they stick around and for cheap...
  4. Breed. And breed. And breed until I get it.
    For the best chances, I should use at least one of the Sages to guarantee 4, 5, or 6 puppies. But that means playing Slots a lot.

Bonus Step: Recipe hunt! People love giving away recipes for tons of GC and SC, so those would be an amazing source of money.


This will take a loooooot of SC and a loooooot of time. But I think it'll be worth it

I will keep posting to this thread whenever I get a chance to update on the progress of getting it done. Something tells me that once I get Piebald onto my girl and/or maybe get a VLF Mojave other than Goldfinch, there'll be very little things of interest. Though I plan to probably give away any interesting puppies I don't want to keep, like any daughter Piebalds that aren't Mojave or mutations I can't be bothered to immortalise. So stay tuned~

Posted 2023-02-23 16:47:43
Reserved for any future needs!

Feel free to post below though

Posted 2023-03-13 05:51:55
All right, been a bit, mostly because my Mojave girl was still on cooldown. But first attempt at this breeding project is a go! I used about 6 Junipers to get her to 1% fertility, so here's to hoping SOMETHING interesting happens, although still unlikely haha. Also, MODs are still expensive, so no increased piebald chance yet, but we shall see!

Posted 2023-03-17 09:00:21
A few days have passed, and she did give birth, 4 puppies total.

Two of them were Mojave and the other 2 were TII bases. This seems to confirm the idea that, if two wolves have the same base, there's a 50% the base will pass.

No piebalds, however, nor any Polymelia, but I might keep the Mojaves and try to get more of them breeding at once. Should up the chances juuuust a little bit.

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