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Lands of Konran (W.I.P)

Posted 2020-10-29 04:50:34 (edited)


Spies are basically scouts, but they have a more valuable role. When not needed for spying, they take a role as a scout. When the alpha(s) asses that they need to spy (for example: on Heiya Pack to see if they have a lot of food or are looking weak), they will then go to that pack's borders and take all required information without being caught.

(funny i chose Heiya for the example cuz they can turn invisible and shapeshift so lmaooooo have fun)


Posted 2020-10-29 06:40:15

Could I have the alpha male of Yama, but could he select his future alpha in RP? I like having bachelor alphas. ;-;

But also, wind-powers, full support. Avatar the Last Airbender wolf.Ā 


Posted 2020-10-29 09:22:25 (edited)

Lmao! Welcome, mia! Sorry for the late reply, but sure! I used the wardrobe to style my wolves. Also, based on where they stay, please pick a background that matches, as well as colors that work well with him!


Posted 2020-10-29 10:07:58

Alright, I think I have my alpha dude (I'm thinking his name is Sirius):

handsome guy this way


Posted 2020-10-29 10:09:21 (edited)

Oki! I'll add his link to the list >3< he looks very handsome!

Any other roles you'd like to fill..?


Posted 2020-10-29 10:11:19

No others for now!


Posted 2020-10-29 10:23:36 (edited)

Baby -
Idea for your expecting mother

Arlo -
Idea for your alpha male
Idea for your huntress


Posted 2020-10-29 12:23:03

Oof just saw the mother now, and I wuv her, but I might make changes to her, just because Iā€™d feel dirty simply taking her-

āœØš™±ššŠšš‹šš¢āœØ |:| Mutie Breeder!

Posted 2020-10-29 12:31:54

Oh, dont be! But if you want to make changes, go ahead >x< then post the link so I can put it with your characters. Also, I hope I explained the Spies enough :P


Posted 2020-10-29 12:32:43

Imma start making adoptions for people to take if they're too lazy to make their own or feel they are terrible at making wardrobe designs :D

(they all gonna have Japanese names tho so they better not complain <.<)


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