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Make me a Husky

Make me a Husky
Posted 2023-01-06 03:41:49 (edited)


I want to have some projects going on. A DOG BREED project :D

I have already started with German Shepherd, and am now looking to add two more breeds into my pack!

The first one will be a Husky. Which will be this post.

I want you to use as many markings as possible! And make it as REALISTIC as possible!

Preferably the ones i can create with marking applicator from the Grove! I would like you to use the ***GRULLA*** BASE

Here are some examples. :)

Credit to most of these pictures: OVShowSiberians (Instagram)
Rest are Google!

Again, try keep it Cusomizer-friendly! :)

I'll choose a winner next month! (Had to extend it as i got a few inquiries in pm to wait a little longer)

I would like to have multiple offers, as i am not completely sure which coats i'd like xD

The prize is 50GC + tip!

Smula [Semi-Hiatus 1week]

Posted 2023-01-09 11:44:51 (edited)
Trying realistic without applicators being needed.
Black base with white:
Husky entry
White base with black:
Husky entry 2
How many entries maximum?

Posted 2023-01-09 11:53:02
Only customizer or would applicators be accepted too? <3/gq/nf

Juniper โšข

Posted 2023-01-09 12:24:07
Here's my entry. I put a bg and one decor. I hope it looks good I tried my bets to make it look realistic and kept going back and forth between picture of real huskies and the wardrobe.
Entry #1
I am going to make a cream/brown husky as well soon.


Posted 2023-01-09 12:33:06
@Emrys, Applicators can be acceptable too, as long as i can get my hands on them xD

Smula [Semi-Hiatus 1week]

Posted 2023-01-09 12:34:31
Would you accept a brown/cream husky design? Wasn't sure if you just wanted black and white ones or not.


Posted 2023-01-09 12:58:17
Of course! Any realistic designs are allowed! ^^ Just posted my fav coats hihi

Smula [Semi-Hiatus 1week]

Posted 2023-01-09 13:01:58
Okay thank you! And how many entries per person? I was going to make a brown one and a cream one as well.


Posted 2023-01-09 13:07:57
As many entries as you want. I have no rules ^-^

Smula [Semi-Hiatus 1week]

Posted 2023-01-10 15:26:08
Here is my second entry! This one is the cream one. ^^
Entry #2
I admit that someone helped me to put it together and they adjusted some stuff from the original design.


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