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Looking for an RP Partner or Group

Looking for an RP Partner or Group
Posted 2022-12-29 22:26:56 (edited)

< Heyyy I'm Alpha! I am currently looking for a literate RP partner or group! I have been roleplaying for over four years on various apps but for the last year I've exclusively been on ARPA. I am now venturing out to discord and here! >

•  My Discord is "  *•♚Alpha♚•*#1985  " feel free to add me!  •
Information for Potential RP Partners
-MUST be Literate to Adv-Lit (not semi-lit) with a minimum of 5 lines per response (more than that is preferred)
-Writing style must be 3rd person
-I am looking for a long-term Roleplay
-Any Gore must have a tw but it is still allowed
-I am open to doing a mature rp
-Genres: Romance, Action, Adventure, Drama, and various others. Our rp must have romance in it but the other genres can later be decided.
-I perfer to do FxM but I am open to doing FxF and MxM
-I am looking to either do Dogs or wolves.
-Must be open to playing either a Male or Female character since we will likely be playing multiple different characters at the same time
Information for Potential Group RPs
•Can be either a wolf pack or dog rp
•Must be semi-lit to lit.
•Preferably realistic but I'm not opposed to a fantasy rp
•I prefer for them to be on Discord, but they can be here as well
Small Form

Is this for a partner rp or group rp:
Where will we be roleplaying (Discord, here, ect)?:
Any Triggering Topics?:
Small Roleplaying Example (Can be shorter than usual if you tend to write very long responses):

< Thank You! >
• I'm Excited to RP with all of you! •


Posted 2023-01-01 13:03:33
Is this for a partner rp or group rp: Partner
Where will we be roleplaying (Discord, here, ect)?: Discord preferred but can do on site
Any Triggering Topics?: not really? Heavy gore or graphic content bugs us a bit tho ig
Small Roleplaying Example (Can be shorter than usual if you tend to write very long responses):

End of fight scene:
Fawn presses the tip of her blade to the back of ellie's neck, kicking away her blade "You.. Leave. Get far away. I refuse to hurt you any more. But you cannot stay here. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of." she sounds exhausted but keeps her voice strong. After a few moments her anger wavers a bit, she hesitates. her soft healing side showing through. she lifts her blade, sheathing it. she takes a step back and picks up ellie's blade, walking over to Prism. she kneels next to her, sharply inhaling from pain "You okay..?" Fawn hesitates a moment before putting her arm around Prism "I'll be okay,,, I promise,, all that matters to me right now is that youre safe,, she didnt hurt you- did she?"

DnD character entry/excerpt:
The fire genasi cracks open the door, taking an extra moment to step into the building. They take a wide stride into the lit shelter, cape flowing behind. Their dark outfit dotted with ruby accents provided by both gemstones and red thread. As they glance around the fire that makes up their short hair flickers, a gentle glow emanating from it. On one hand they wear a dark leather glove, and perched on said glove is a magpie. The black and white bird is connected to the glove by a ruby lead and a gold clasp.
The being slowly starts to move over to the counter, nodding in acknowledgment to the bartender. "Good afternoon, sir." They make no move to see if the bird was allowed, and from the look in their eyes they wouldn't take no for an answer, instead just gingerly sitting on a stool, resting their arms on the countertop.

Shorter canine rp response:
"City center? You're a long way from there- But I know how to get there!" his tail wags, he looks excited to be able to help "Oh we better hurry if you hope to make it!" he pushes a bit of debris out of the way and steps out into the street, his paws and muzzle still a dirty gray. he takes a few steps forward along the side of the road before looking back at Bailey, waiting for her to follow.

Posted 2023-01-27 12:32:33
Is this for a partner rp or group rp: Partner Rp
Where will we be roleplaying (Discord, here, etc)?: Here please ^^
Any Triggering Topics?: Nope, but tell me if you have any
Small Roleplaying Example (Can be shorter than usual if you tend to write very long responses):

Here is a Canine Rp Example-

Tempest starts to shake, she'd only ever been trained to scout. Not hunting. Not fighting. Not searching for herbs. Just scouting. She let out a terrified whimper. She really wish that Ziron had come, that way Alaska at least had a good partner to help fight off the bear. She inhaled sharply, trying to calm herself. Maybe I could distract the bear, and then Alaska could escape... She shook her head, No I'd never last long enough for that.. She kept thinking. I guess it's never too late to learn how to fight... She stilled her shaking body and stepped forward, trying to seem brave and defiant. She gulped. Maybe the others might hear and come to help... She thought. She looked at Alaska, who was being her teeth at the giant bear. Following her lead, Tempest snarled at the bear.

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