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{Wolf RP}

Posted 2022-12-27 20:25:41
Blossom Pack | Crisanta | Blossom Pack Territory
"You ok Aloe?" She asked.

Posted 2022-12-27 20:56:37
Blossom Pack | Aloe | Blossom Pack Territory
Aloe jumped, looking up at the female wolf.
Whoa. Where'd she come from? He thought, bowing his head at her.
"U-uh, yea, I'm fine," he said quietly, backing into the log further. "J-just thinking about something. Shouldn't you get out of the rain?"
He glanced at Crisanta's fur, already dripping with water. He knew no one would really care if he caught cold, they'd still tell him to go hunt. But if someone else got sick, they might blame Aloe for it.
He didn't trust her. There was no reason for anyone to care about his well-being. Maybe she'd just wanted to see if he'd say, 'no, I'm not okay,' and then yell at him for complaining.

(( Hey, I completely understand if you're busy or something, but it'd be cool if you tried to write a bit more— like at least a paragraph? Which is around 5 long sentences. ))

Posted 2022-12-27 21:46:09
Blossom Pack | Crisanta | Blossom Pack Territory
"A little rain doesn't hurt" she said to him as her white cream pelt was soaked. She was honestly worried about him. "You should be careful, and Aloe"  she turned and looked at him. "Great job with the hunt."

Posted 2022-12-27 21:46:28 (edited)
-----------deleted text------------
(It repeated the for one)

Posted 2022-12-27 22:21:49
Blossom Pack | Aloe | Blossom Pack Territory
"But I barely caught anything," Aloe mumbled to Crisanta's departing back. He stared at his paws, edging backwards in his den, and watched the rain as it fell again.
Be careful? What does that mean? Is that a threat? he thought, then licked his leg. She'll see soon enough— being nice isn't how you survive in this world. You either get hurt or you hurt others. He stared at his paws again. And if you're the one getting hurt, you need to protect your life. Because it's the only thing you have. He glanced over and sniffed the molding bark of the tree.
I'll survive, no matter what I have to give up for it.

Posted 2022-12-28 00:43:56
Fire Pack| Moon| Fire Pack Camp
Moon nodded "I am feeling better now!" She said to the herbalist then began chewing the meat again.

Blossom Pack| Cardinal| Blossom Pack Territory
"Aloe!? Where are you!? ALOE!?" She shouted for the omega "Why do we even have him in our pack!? He's just useless!" She spat then called for the omega again.

Posted 2022-12-28 01:16:43
Blossom Pack | Aloe | Blossom Pack Territory
Aloe jumped, his eyes wide, and bolted towards the direction of Cardinal's voice. Oh no, oh no, what's going to happen to me? What does she want? He found her, jumping backwards and lowering his body.
"Y-yes, Cardinal?" He yelped, his ears pressing closer to his head. Seeing her furious expression, he winced a little, trembling.

Posted 2022-12-28 01:31:51
Blossom Pack| Cardinal| Blossom Pack Camp
Cardinal bared her teeth at the wolf "Are you deaf!? If you want to stay in this pack then you should clear your ears!" She growled before calming herself down. "I've decided that we're going to hunt! The river is overfilled so the beavers must be leaving their dams and causing chaos all over the place, and... this is our time to feast! The prey won't notice us in all this ruckus." She told the male.

Posted 2022-12-28 01:37:42
Blossom Pack | Aloe | Blossom Pack Territory
Nodding, Aloe tucked his head and fell in step behind Cardinal, following her towards the river. I've got to catch something this time, he thought the whole way, extremely scared of what might happen to him if he lost prey three times in a row.
"T-there's a den further upstream," he said quietly. "Not that— not that I think you don't know," he added, then bit his tongue and stopped talking, following Cardinal with his tail lowered.

Posted 2022-12-28 01:53:45
Blossom Pack| Cardinal| Blossom Pack Territory
Cardinal looked at the wolf in disdain "How can you be so dumb!? You think I will bring two wolves to just hunt beavers!? We'll be hunting those-" She pointed at an elk herd "You stay here, I'll lead an elk towards you and you'll catch it, if you miss..... then you'll suffer!" She said with a snarl "I hope you've understood the plan?"

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