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My Pack RP

My Pack RP
Posted 2022-12-22 19:09:54
The Wolves of Willow Woods Past:

(I'll detail later,)

Ash was the runt in a litter of 5 pups. She was born in the Zoo and got her name due to her Ashen fur.
She had to be cared for by the people, but when they put her back with the other Wolves and was rejected.
This happened multiple times before the people decided to send Ash to the Wild.

The Wolves of Willow Woods Present:

Ash got up and looked into the den. She relaxes some, Fallow was asleep still. Tomorrow would be his first day to go hunting with Bronze. The day after would be Scouting with Goldenrod. Hopefully all would go well.

(I'll give better detail later! Sorry!)


Posted 2022-12-22 20:37:27 (edited)
Characters of HowlClan

HowlClan Lore:

A clan of felines that run with canines is unheard of. Absolute Foxtails. But this clan of cats has done exactly that, befriended canines. When their very first leader, WolfStar, had made the clan with his lover, PurpleDawn(a wolf, nonetheless.), made the clan the other cats had laughed. And now they would be suprized.

The clan was all feline, at this point, but they didn't believe the tails of dogs and wolves who hunted them. Occasonally they would even let one join them temporarally! This clan of cats sees canines as equils, giving it its name; HowlClan.

HowlClan Leader:

NightStar - A small black she-cat with white eyes - 56 moons
Nightstar has 5/9 of her lives left, she is reserved and doesnt like talking much. more often then not her deputy takes care of her work.

HowlClan current day lore:

with a hard no leaf season, the luck of the clan cats has been going up, new leaf ariving and seeming more green then ever.
3 kits and a queen was lost in the no leaf season. Along with an elder and the clan's old deputy, DawnStone.
The medicine Cat(TreeStump) and his apprentice are up to their ears in work to do, with sicknesses still here and herbs returning to the forrest.

Posted 2022-12-22 20:55:06
The Wolves of Willow Woods Present day:

Ash yawned then got up and started looking for Silver, she was going exploring and needed someone to watch Fallow while she was away.
Where should Ash visit today? The Deciduous forest was already decently explored, Moss and Goldenrod had just recently finished scouting the Grasslands... Maybe she would go there, you never know what you can find out in New places.


Posted 2022-12-22 21:01:03
ScarletScale stretches softly as she wakes, her long tail flicking before she urges her kits awake, making the three youngins whine before she makes her way out of the nursery. She looks around her clan's camp for a few moments before she licks per paws a few times. the evergreen scent was her favorate part about her home, the trees were tall and pinecones littered everywhere. Soft and sharp needles covered the ground. Over living here for genorations the feline's paw pads had hardened, so they never worried about a needle in the paw.

WolfPelt and 3 other cats make their way though the forest, seaching for a border. this was meant to be a scouting, but WolfPelt planned to explore outside the clan territory. She hated being to limmited.

Posted 2022-12-22 21:04:45
Gotta go!)

Ash thought she heard something so she stopped and listened closely trying to decide what to do...


Posted 2022-12-22 21:12:29

"MysticPaw Slow down! your not meant to be without us." WolfPelt mews to her apprentice, who was a bit a ways in front of the rest of the cats, two Warriors and two Apprentices. a decent sized scouting. WolfPelt hoped DragonClaw(the other Warrior) and his apprentice MudPaw would split up so MysticPaw and herself could split explore outside the territory. "Sorry wolfpelt . . ." The young female turned around to return to her mentor, and DragonClaw rolled his eyes. "Can't even keep control of an apprentice" "oh hush your fox-temper, MudPaw only listens to you cause you scare him into it. you take south we'll take west?" DragonClaw rolls his eyes but nods, before turning and walking off. MudPaw following close behind.
WolfPelt turns to grin at MysticPaw. "Lets go?" with MysticPaw's nod they both dart out of the territory and run.

Posted 2022-12-23 07:54:59
Ash growls very quietly and crouched closer to the ground, she definitely has heard something but what? She could look and see but if something came out to fight her the odds of her winning were very low. Choices, choices, choices. Ash hated having to make choices.


Posted 2022-12-23 07:58:50
MysticPaw is about to tackle WolfPelt in a playful gesture, but Wolfpelt freezes as her ears perk up and she hears a growl. MysticPaw Stops, falling silent. Wolfpelt scans around her with narrowed, cautious eyes, then she sees it. A bit of Ashen Furr. "Get down." she growls a little to her apprentice, who quickly follows orders.

Posted 2022-12-23 08:13:53
Ash sees a little movement nearby and bristles, whatever it was it probably knew she was here. Ash slowly stood up and let out a loud and threatening growl and said "Who's there?"


Posted 2022-12-23 08:16:50
WolfPelt's furr bristles, a wolf. She knew they wearnt a danger but even felines could attack other felines. "Why should i tell you?" The large feline female shifts her weight on her paws, and MysticPaw stays quiet as she watches her mentor. The poor apprentice has never been in a situation like this before, but her mentor was smart and knew how to hold her own.

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