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1x1 Roleplay with Ghost

Posted 2022-12-07 10:20:00
"right. your mistakes reflect on me." quiet for a moment, "yes, yes, of course i know that! but the goddess can only be in the mortal world for so long. we should wait it out, then you need to track down the target."

((please don't try to pick out targets for Wolfie? She has her reasons and plans- she doesn't just kill humans-))

Posted 2022-12-07 10:24:53
she listened for awhile then got bored and watched a "how to throw a knife and hit the target without making a single sound'' video -this video helps with nothing- she thought -maybe i should ask a knife throwing master- she thought almost laughing

(sorry just thought it was a cool idea!)
Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2022-12-08 04:01:38
Ejina tenses, "Wh . . . are you sure? . . . but . . . she was . . . right. Report that to Wolfie." She hangs up before standing and checking the knifes that were strapped to her belt, she takes a small breath and goes to the bathroom.

((it was, but i don't think it's gonna work, sorries!))

Posted 2022-12-08 05:16:04
(ok! but ima have something like chase her for drama! also fun fact eclipse has a random collection of knifes,guns literally alost every weapon shes aloud to have and she had like 3 dogs and wants more lol ejina will probably meet them when she meets eclipse due to her usually being with them she also so over protective of them she will most likely stab someone if they are ever hurt lol)

when eclipse finishes her latte she stands up and goes outside before deciding to go on a walk in the woods.after almost an hour of hiking she gets to the top of a hill almost 3 miles away from the town and sits down enjoying the cool breeze of fall.
Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2022-12-08 05:20:23
((i have plans for you to meet Wolfie, and she's got an entire pack of wolves along with an entire mafia under her so- uhm . . . Wolfie's a powerful woman-))

Ejina looks in the mirrior, before pulling her hair up and sighing deeply. "okay." she turns and leaves the bathroom before leaving the shop. carefully, she looks around at the faces around her.

Posted 2022-12-08 05:28:42
(oh thats perfect lol her dogs are literally wolf dogs since she cant have a real wolf lol so yk i feel like eclipse will like wolfie just for having a pack of wolves lol like she wont even be scared at this point lol)

eclipse sits for a bit before walking to a river and playing with the way the water moves and a fish with blue stripes comes close and she gently gets a clear tank and picks the fish up and puts it in the tank the fish completely calm takes a clear picture and places it back watching it swim slowly away

(im just like waiting for something to happen lol)
Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2022-12-08 05:33:43
Ejina begins to walk, casually, and eventually she stops in front of an abandond office building. She glances around, making sure no one was looking, before going inside.

Posted 2022-12-08 05:56:11
after taking pictures of a deer,3 different birds,moose and even a fox she was almost 5 miles away and she didnt realllly mind being so far she was friends with alot of the animals here including a fox a wolf a few birds and even a moose and wanted to say hi to all of them . she had already said hi to the fox and birds when she seen the wolf .''hey luna'' she said when the wolf turned around luna came right over licking her face to say hello. after a while she had to leave due to the sun being almost close enough to the ground to be called the sunset.the problem was how she would get home in time but she just kept walking untill there was  a very familiar sound.she turned her head to see a moose herd and one came up to her large and strong the rest stayed back."hi eli" she said gently petting the moose on the head ''sorry i would stay for a bit but i have to go its getting dark'' she said when the moose didnt go back to its herd ''hmmm eli can i have a ride please?" she asked the moose looking into her eyes at first the moose tilted its head but then understood and lifted a leg as a kind of stool.eclipse sat on eli's back and she instantly began walking the rest of the herd stayed.

(so the reason she is friends with these animals is because she save each one like the birds were all siblings and had fallen from the nest so she picked them up and took them home and cared for them till the could take care of them selves.for the fox someone killed its mother and the father left the baby to die but when eclipse found it she took it in and didnt tell anyone till she had released it into the wild as a young adult,and the wolf was around the same thing but instead of a parent being killed or sm the whole pack abandoned it due to a hurt leg and eclipse healed the leg and stuff and then at an adult set it free. the moose was different her herd was hunted down and her mother died protecting her and when eclipse found her she was like super close to death but some how she managed to feed her and find her a new herd. and when she let each animal free she would make sure they knew how to eat and survive which they did fine at lets just say she LOVES animals lol)
Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2022-12-08 06:13:23
((imma be honest i only read the last line of the second paragraph because theres very little punctuation and it hurts my brain but im okay with anyone who loves animals))

Ejina slips into an elevator, waiting as it takes her up before opening again to show the wolf woman who was gobally famus. "Boss . . ." "Dragon. You let the prey get away." "Ma'am please, i'm doing everything i can to hunt her down again . . ."

Posted 2022-12-08 06:44:58
(ok she saved each animal from death thats a very short version and sorry i keep forgeting punctuation lol)

after an hour she was back home and it was sunset.''thanks eli'' she said petting her on the head and just like that the moose left. she went inside and at that moment all 3 dogs jumped onto her and she fell ''oof'' she said petting each one ''yall are to big for jumping'' she chuckled standing up.
Ghost of the lost wolf

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