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Posted 2022-11-25 14:37:37
Aw, don't worry about it, sorry if I overreacted and misunderstood you! And I get you, even though I joined in 2-3 months after release, I've been playing WD quite actively, and in 80% I totally enjoy it. Just today's implementations also left me with a bad feeling. Anyway I will go after them as I adore the applicators, just ugh. Would be better if we could get them in different ways too.


Posted 2022-11-25 14:42:34 (edited)
Agreed. Having it be the only option/time of year to get them makes it pay to win- because we know they will be raffled or bid to the moon in price.

There is already something from Black Friday in the trading center for 500GC!

Captain Hakob

Posted 2022-11-25 14:52:54
For anyone wondering if the Piebald apps will be available in the
grove after the Black Friday sale, the answer is NO as stated by
Katze on page 3 of this news post...

This disappoints me more than I can say and anyone trying to
say this isn't a pay wall, I'm sorry but are trying to convince
themselves. It's either at least $50 in real money, ~200 SC to
stud hopefully they stay that price and/or someone puts one on
a NBW, and hope RNG is on your side
, or hope you get real lucky in the 5 SC raffle...

Sooo when do I not pay to get this mutie? But honestly I don't
think this is what's getting people riled, it's that we have to rely
on RNG for our money to be "worth it" aka get the items we
actually want instead of have to trade?? Again I'm sorry but
who's trading their mutie app?? I think you meant sell. Really trying not to be rude here, sorry.

And how isn't this gambling either? Or loot boxes. And I mean… shouldn't there be ~16yr olds on this site, in both the US and UK you need to be +18 to gamble soo… and even if they're not buying it off the grove, tons of others are and will probably be holding raffles…so more gambling? But mainly, as said above, the "winners" now will continue to "win". Sure not everyone will see getting a mutie as "winning" but others will…

I honestly love this idea of "there's no winning on this game" as that's just not true. You can win a raffle, you can be successful at befriending, you can have a great litter… losing is honestly just FOMO, fear of missing out and this Black Friday Sale preys heavily on that

❀・愛》 JuneJuniper《花・❀

Posted 2022-11-25 16:40:03
Yay!! Pies!!

Daisy Delight

Posted 2022-11-25 17:06:38
piebald looks awesome, let's go!!!

Posted 2022-11-25 21:19:14
Yess pies on wd!!!

Posted 2022-11-25 21:58:39
Happy Black Friday guys!! I wish I could afford to spend some but as a person with too many bills, I'm just happy that other people get some cool stuff this year!

Posted 2022-11-25 22:33:38
I think people forget that this game stems from Lioden. The Black Friday sales are the same there as here, you pay for a bundle for MoDs. How it's always been and I doubt they'll change it. Considering it's a mutation, it will be expensive anyway, no matter what. There are ways to get them through breeding. Eventually, you'll find them in the wild like Albino and Melanism. Calling people Whales is a little unfair as you will be able to get them eventually for a lower price or even free. Also, remember that the income from buying things from the grove helps keep this site running, so you get rewards while also supporting a game you play.

Anyway, I'm definitely excited for Piebalds!! Been waiting for this mutation o:


Posted 2022-11-26 02:35:17 (edited)

i have to agree with gothy [#14396] here. i've only spent money on this game twice (early access + now this). and tbh, i would've had fun just as much as without buying anything. the only reason i took this offer was to support the creators (and to treat myself a little, i finally got some money on the side).

sure, being one of the first to get piebald mutations is fun... but literally everyone will be able to get it after a while. the only thing "behind the paywall" here is to get the mutation before someone else. and if that bothers you to the point it makes the game unenjoyable for you... then i dunno what else to say. the black friday offer is merely an opportunity to get some extra stuff for lower price. it doesn't effect your gameplay if you don't buy it.

frankly, it's kinda childish to blame a developer for trying to keep the game running. the majority of the playerbase is old enough to manage their own finances... if you can't afford it, don't buy it. oh and i really hope this didn't come off as aggressive or anything, that is not my intention! i'm just confused on how people get this upset over a cosmetic feature in the game.

we're all entitled to our own opinions though. message to the devs, you're doing great, thank you so much for all the hard work you've done and are still doing.

bambiroe [hiatus]

Posted 2022-11-26 03:28:28 (edited)
I don't know, it still bugs me. As @ ❀・愛》JuneJuniper《花・❀ stated here before, it will make  "winners" continue to "win". Also, I don't agree with that everybody will be able to get it after a while, as @Katze stated, MoDs are Black Friday exclusive applicators. Just a thought: what if I want to put the applicator on an NBW? Either I need to pay 50$ (and maybe I still get an app, that differs from my preferred one) or find the applicator on TC to get it for a possibly even more massive price than 230 (Currently for 400-1000 buyout prices on TC lol)

We don't blame devs for trying to keep the game running, as with current economical situations, keeping up the website is probably as difficult as keeping up with bills in our everyday lives, but I just can't accept the fact without complaining about it, that FOMO is being abused here, to gain more income. Maybe a dumb idea, but: I don't know if it's legal at England and Wales, but in my home country it's a practice, if a website is experiencing financial instabilities, they ask for donation or offer more frequent discounts on currencies. (While on WD - if I remember correctly -  there's discount on GC only once a year)

Since Custom Decors were introduced, WD swallows GC super quickly, and Grove items are essentially only for GC I'd think more common GC discounts could help the site too.
Personally I appreciate transparency more, than paywalls. If I knew one of my favourite sites is having financial troubles then obviously I would donate, even if I can only afford to give a small amount of money, but this paywall makes me feel like I'm a less valuable  player, because I can't suddenly whip out 50$ from my pocket. Also there are minors on the site too, who usually don't have stable income, also it's weird to make a sale which is essentially gambling on a website that advertises itself as a 16+ community.

So imho the way this applicator was introduced was not the best - to put it lightly. I'm always super up for new craftable and purchasable applicators. Even if latter one costs a fortune, with hard work those players can also get it, who don't buy GC, but if paywalls will become a common practice on a free to play site, it will be very discouraging and disappointing for a lot of players.
