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Ōristu pack chronicle (personal use private thread) [DNR]

Posted 2022-12-12 04:24:55 (edited)
5 winters, summer season

"Nobody but the scouts leave the dens." Elvor ev Ōritsu circled his pack worriedly, glancing at the two remaining pups in the care of their mothers. Lyesi was licking her daughter Nira affectionately. "Don´t you worry, little one. You are all fine now."; On the other side, Satura, who had lost all her puppies, was desperately wailing "I failed to protect them!".

Paridamaq was soon seen returning from his scouting trip, and as he was approaching, a small, bloody wolf body was visible in his jaws. He walked over to Elvor ev Ōritsu and laid the tiny carcass at his feet without a word. All bystanders seemed shocked at the gory sight, including Elric. It was the body of Nyra, one of the twin pups, daughter of Elric ev Ōritsu and Lyesi. Elvor had the little pup cleaned away. "Not a word about this to her twin sister ever. Do not show the body to her mother either, but do inform her about the find," he said and invited Parimadaq to further question him about his discovery. He soon returned, walking slowly, stepping forward. "All search is hereby officially abandoned. None shall leave the dens until further notice." He looked over at his packmates and stopped at his mate Elles, with a sad expression. "Every wolf of the pack will now start preparations to abandon the den place. Furthermore, barefur animals shall not be approached, under the threat of punishment as seen appropriate, excluding none. Consider this an official addition to the law of the pack, effective immediately."

Posted 2022-12-12 05:58:23
5 winters, fall season

The entire pack of wolves was resting by the dens, awaiting the return of their Alpha. As the first in line, Elric was going around, checking on all the pack members. He suddenly felt something wrapping around his hind leg, and to his surprise, little Nira was giggling and hanging onto him. "Why aren´t you asleep, Nira? It is late." His voice was soothing, yet he gave off a respectable feeling. Ever since his father had been out searching for a new home, he had been in charge of the pack. This newfound burden of responsibility had influenced him greatly. "But I can´t sleep!" she whined quietly. "Do you wanna chase? Or play tug? I will show you my cool stick!" she stared into his eyes longingly. Elric looked around. Everyone was sleeping after a long day except for the playful pup. He focused his attention back on her and giggled, "Well now, I can´t miss that, can I?" and galloped off, leaving the pup excitedly chasing him. She eventually snapped at his angle, claiming her victory. "Hah, you are a pretty amazing pup!" he bumped his foot slightly into the little fur ball. "I run fast like you! But I wish grandpaw would see me." she brushed her paw-pads against some dust. Elric calmed down and turned back to his daughter. "He is away on an important quest. We will all soon go on a long trip somewhere safer. We won´t be able to live here in the deserts, and the woods will be too far out of reach, too, but we will have a new home."

Posted 2022-12-24 16:21:21 (edited)
5 winters, winter season

At last, the pack was quietly moving through the lands. Little Nira proudly by her grandfather's side, keeping pace, the rest of the wolves loyally following close by. They traveled the swamps, carrying the young and caring for the old. They were soon met with a winey complex and spacious burrows in the safety of the rainforests, so far from the continent center, they were almost by the sea. "Alas, this shall be our hideout." Elvor proclaimed to his pack and looked over to check up on his comrades. They seemed to have made it with no additional casualties. The wolves all began to settle.
"Hunters, rest up for a minute and be prepared to set off to hunt soon." Elles hollered, giving a glance to her daughter Eydis, who nodded in agreement. Nerey and Nira procceeded to fall asleep cuddled up to eachother and Satura watched over them, still grieving from her own loss of puppies.

Posted 2023-03-03 07:45:17 (edited)
6 winters, spring season

Time flew by and with the disappearence of the snowy residues, the Ōritsu pack was making a swift recovery from the loss of not only their youngest members, but their entire homeland. The two hunting parties were making their best efforts to adapt to the new hunting conditions under leadership of their huntmasters and the herbalist was ever so delighted to discover places with rarer herbs. Scouts barely noticed a difference in their routine, always traveling out and about. All the wolves felt the effect of recent events, but surely things were becoming the past.

Itsua was taking this the worst of all. He was one of the stalkers and since his sight was somewhat compromised, he would often count on his memory of the lands. When stalking out prey for his party, he would occasinally trip over and fall falt on his face, sometimes disturbing nearby prey. Elles walked up to him and nudged her apologetic subordinate "Itsua, come, get up." she addressed him softly, leaning her body towards him to provide support. "Huntmaster, apologies." his ears were pinned to the top of his head. "Don´t worry, you will be all good again soon enough. It just takes a little practice."

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