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Once Bitten [Werewolf RP On-site | Open]

Posted 2023-04-21 11:32:07
what if u copy and pasted it every few pages?))
Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2023-05-18 11:04:28
(Hello, this is me just wondering if anyone feels up for continuing this (I do) I'm also working with brackets, within brackets 'cause I'm like that. I wasn't going anywhere with this, but I'm trying to do a casual revival. I'm not trying to make anyone feel like they have to btw. /Enjolras)


Posted 2023-05-18 13:23:17
YES please Im just waiting for u to reply lol))
Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2023-05-18 17:35:12
I'd be up, just waiting for angel or someone else))

Su̶l̶l̶e̶n̶ Night Chat

Posted 2023-05-23 12:17:48 (edited)
Name: Ezriel Mccarthy
Age: 20
Pronouns: he/they
Human appearance: Ezriel is 5'9" and has a thin and lanky build with lightly tanned and freckled skin. His hair is a dark brown color, short and curly, keeping their hair shrouding their almond shaped hazel eyes, they always had slightly prominent canines from the day he was born and he likes showing them off with a flashy grin. He is more of a t-shirt and cargo pants type of guy with his trusty, worn, brown hiking boots and a hobby of being an outdoorsman, in spite of their twin brother who yearns to be inside as much as possible. He has a faded, bitemark-shaped scar along the nape of their neck, nestled in the thick curls as if hidden from sight, from a "dog attack" a few years ago on a hike.
Wolf appearance: red-russet fur with a lean build suited for running versus fighting and hazel eyes, often mistaken for a coyote source
What caused you to be out in the snow: The twins were set out on a family hiking trip and became separated from their family, though Ezriel could smell other wolves in the area and is determined to stay by his oblivious brother's side.
Relationships: Ezriel is demisexual and gay; open to queer platonic relationships and friendly relations just DM.
Other: Ezriel is outgoing and bluffs confidence a lot despite the nature of his wolf wanting them to turn tail and run, but is fiercely loyal and protective of their brother.

Name: Maverick Mccarthy
Age: 20
Pronouns: he/him
Human appearance: Maverick is 5'9" with skin a few shades lighter than Ezriel's from staying out of the sun for the most part, his freckles fainter but his eyes a more intense shade of green and a mess of curls that sit on top of his head in a messy, pulled back, bun. His figure is lean but he has a decent layer of muscle, picking up going to the gym and doing endurance training with Ezriel as a past-time. He wears a pendant necklace of a wolf's tooth made of brass around his neck and favors tank tops and jeans with converse shoes and other sneakers.
Wolf appearance: n/a
What caused you to be out in the snow: He was dragged out on his family's hiking trip to celebrate their upcoming 21st birthday, with the twins rotating what they wanted to do with each passing birthday so neither felt overshadowed.
Relationships: Maverick is queer, doesn't really know his sexuality very well past being an oblivious, blushing, mess at any flirting. DM for any relations, friendly or otherwise!
Other: Maverick and Ezriel are twins, though they aren't identical they do look similar enough to the untrained eye.

Hopefully I can jump in ;o if accepted it would be nice to know if anyone is open to being roleplayed with!


Posted 2023-05-23 12:35:17
(Not the OP of this but welcome here! Pretty sure it's open without being accepted but don't quote me on it, I might be wrong )


Posted 2023-05-23 13:36:48
((that sounds good! I don't know which characters are free, but if anyone wanted one of the twins (or both) to intercept their characters please lmk or we can plan something via dms to avoid cluttering here))


Posted 2023-05-24 17:02:08
Ezriel and Maverick Mccarthy • Location: ??? • @Kovaa, @Aeronwen, @Adam
Ezriel had grabbed his brother's hand and darted through the forest, seeming calm and collected, lips parted slightly to help detect scents on the wind. many wolves are here? That's not good at all. His thoughts were racing faster than the pair of their legs were going and he felt himself go down, a hard jolt on his arm and suddenly the hand that they were holding left him. Both twins went tumbling as Maverick tripped over an aboveground tree root, their bodies tumbling head over foot down a small hill before sliding to a stop...right in front of the commotion. Ezriel's heart dropped as he recognized the scents mingling on his senses. Wolves. More specifically, werewolves, just like him. His eyes looked between the two humans and the canine, two words escaping his lips in an exasperated sigh.
"Well, shit." Ezriel had no idea how territorial these new wolves were, and certainly didn't want their human twin to be exposed to this newfound life like he had been years ago.

Maverick was disoriented and took a few moments to get back to his feet from the fall, visibly buffering as he took in the sights before him. He wasn't sure what to make of this at all, and honestly he wanted no part of whatever search and rescue act this was, especially because that dog definitely did not seem like a dog. Despite being taller than Ezriel by an inch, he ducked behind his sibling slightly, hoping that he would open his eyes and just be back home curled up with his favorite novel. He could feel how tense Ezriel was getting, his twin had always been defensive of him and he knew that if something had happened, his younger sibling would stand their ground.


Posted 2023-05-25 08:11:06
Adam turned his head slightly towards the source of the noise. It practically rang in his ears, and he watched the two fall. "Don't tell me you two are wolves too? If so, you didn't make my day any better. To be honest, I'd be happy if I never saw a damned wolf ever again in my life. Anyway. Unlike certain people, no names, but they're present, I hope you're at least more polite." He said, kneeled in the snow, eyes closed, trying his best to manage to stay human, but it was a losing battle. The wolf, which he had yet to learn how to control properly, took over, and there was no sign of that he had been human only seconds before. The wolf bared his teeth, warning, only briefly, before backing down, he had no intention of fighting them, only warning. What are you even doing here, it's the middle of nowhere... He stood frozen where he was, cautious, and suspicious, particularly of the one who smelled only of human, and not wolf, while the other smelled of both human and wolf. Strange.


Posted 2023-05-25 17:13:11

♧ Aeronwen ♧

The pale-skinned woman watches, pride glimmering in her eyes, as the wolf she had rescued from the trap shifted from human to wolf. She claps her hands gently together, "You did it! Ah! My name is Aeronwen, and yours?" She grins and then turns to Adam. "Well.. it's difficult to know. You could have been bitten before you saw the wolf and only succumbed to it then. Or..." Aeronwen sighs, "the wolf may have been a werewolf that turned you right then and you didnt notice. Then said werewolf just... ran off."

"I dont have a match or a way to make a fire but... my pack has a cabin near here.. The alpha may not be happy if I bring you guys there, but i cant just... leave you here. She chews at her thumbnail, thinking. She perks up slightly as she smells a human and a.. werewolf maybe(?) approaching. Her purplish-red eyes land on the woods as she searches for the source of the smell. She finds it, and tilts her head before rolling her eyes at the less than pleasant werewolf that had found her and the first werewolf. Don't say anything to him, dont say anything to him.. She thinks.

"I apologize, he's not very pleasant. Do you need a pointer to the nearest town? You don't seem like people who should be out here.." Aeronwen says, smiling gently. She didnt want to scare them off. She knew one of them was a human, she could smell it. She hoped they hadn't been there for long and seen her and the other two shift. If they had... She blocked that thought out and rubbed her hands together. It was getting much colder out and they were all going to freeze to death at this rate.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

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