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What's the story of your pack?

What's the story of your pack?
Posted 2020-09-26 22:56:36 (edited)

I figured I couldn't be the only one who's already written up/daydreamed up some ideas for lore behind my pack, and it got me thinking: what are some of the headcanons around your packs/wolves? How did they get here, and why did they leave their previous packs? Are they looking for something... or rather, hiding from someone?

This is a small, safe space to share the writings you've made about your packs, as well as just some headcanons/snippets about your packs for others to enjoy/read!

I'm working on a larger story for my pack, but for now, what I've got is: my main wolf, Pathfinder, is actually a German Shepherd Dog previously named "Shasta" who was abandoned by her owners and left to die in the wilderness of Montana. She manages to survive on small critters, listening warily to the sounds of territorial howling nearby, until a huge storm hits, causing her small den to flood. Forced out into the storm, she ends up stumbling upon who would become her first packmate: Tempest, a wolf recently kicked out of his pack, and left to die in the storm. She manages to lead Tempest to higher ground and find cover for them, where he grants her a new name: Pathfinder.


I've been considering forming a Clan and/or Family based around writing Pack Lore, and how those lores would interact with the lore of your Clanmates. Ex: buying a wolf from someone who's lore is based around having pacifist wolves; that wolf would likely become pacifist in your pack -- or the reason that it left the pacifist pack was that it was born very bloodthirsty and chased off. 

I would also love to host things like writing competitions based around your packs! I would offer a prompt, and everyone who wants to compete would write a snippet about how that prompt ended up affecting their packs - with a prize going to the top three winners. Even have something like 'Writing of the Month' where everyone can nominate each other's writing and vote on them to have them become the WotM which would become featured at the top of the main clan page.

Long story short, I know Clans aren't a thing yet, but they will be soon - and until then, it could just be forum based. I'd love to know what you all think down below! 


Posted 2020-09-26 23:12:39

Yes, lets share our pack stories! I couldn't figure out a good name for mine so I just went with something random. It's here to stay though since I'm already set on it for this long now. I was debating about whether or not to involve Tala into the narrative since I do want to role-play and base my stories around Wolvden's storylines along with NPCs based on Site Events. Still debating not gonna lie. I haven't role-played in forever either, so my writing and grammar may make a lot of writers wince and I apologize for that. 

Neftali, the main wolf in my pack's story, had grown up in his pack and basically took over challenging the previous alpha in charge. Now in charge, he is learning how to lead the pack and has issues with some wolves that were resisting due to their loyalty to their previous alpha. I haven't whittled down the details yet, but I'm hoping to have figured out the drama before the first event occurs.

I've been struggling writing biographies though that's for sure. Writing personalities isn't my strongest suit because they all end up sounding the same if that makes sense? 


Posted 2020-09-26 23:20:34

:O oooooo I love the drama! That's sort of something I always wished I saw more of in roleplays/literature based around wolves and wolves taking over as alphas. Normally, you see the alpha being challenged because they're evil, not just because

and I totally understand that dilemma. I struggled with the same thing for a long time; something that ended up helping me was determining what my character's goals were, as well as how far they were willing to go to achieve them. though I haven't even started writing my pack biographies lmfao.


Posted 2020-09-27 17:40:30

Yeah, he just outgrew the alpha basically. I'm thinking later on I'll reintroduce the old alpha coming back for revenge? I am pretty excited for the events though because it will definitely affect my pack's overall status. I also want some more juicy descriptors for the different exploration zones so I can build off my pack's environment.

Oof, yeah I don't know when I'll be able to start on any of their biographies...probably just going to wait until inspiration hits me one way or another I suppose. I did make an attempt to write Neftali's biography but....I just ended up stopping just as quickly as it started as you can see. XD


Posted 2020-09-27 17:51:17

The Garden Keepers are an elite group of herbalists and gardeners that grow and cultivate their own plots of herbs before harvesting and abandoning them. Plots and temporary territories are marked with poison ivy or stinging nettle. Fresh live nettles are a sign the pack is still present and you must tread with caution. Dead or withered nettles means the pack has moved on and their gardens are free to pick from. Herb thieves are mercilessly attacked by the pack's hunters, a collection of aggressive wolves called the Kudzu Snare. They will barter for their herbs but they are very hard to please. All Garden Keepers are named after wild plants, pups are sent to retrieve a plant and whatever plant they return with is their namesake.

The pack leader is a cool and unflappable female named Snapdragon. Her mate, Poppy, is a much more friendly soul and more personable than the cold and aloof Snapdragon. He tends to be the face of the pack.


Posted 2020-09-27 20:41:01

Van Warden's Ridge was an ex-settlement that was located on tower side of a small mountain that was a pathway between the forests of the east and the grasslands. However, the humans quickly died out because the area was claimed to be fertile but it wasn't. Any rumours of gold also melted away once they realised it was worthless. However, in the start, the humans actively killed off the local wolf packs because they were causing issues. Once the humans died, no one, save for prey animals, dared to wander into the cursed place.

In comes Samantha Paradigm, my main. She decided to claim the lands and terrorised it for a bit before settling down with Mondelez and his brother Giovanni, and allowing Shula to also join them.


Posted 2020-09-27 21:54:27

Ooh! I like these different stories here!

Mine was actually based after a daydreamed story I had based around coyote characters, but I have decided to apply it here somewhat. Basically how it goes is a fire was abandoned by summer campers, the small bonfire ended up becoming a big wildfire due to how dry the land was. It began to engulf dens that my lead's (Donoma) pack was in. Donoma was a freshly weaned pup at the time, and her mother (and by proxy the pack) had to make the decision of burning up to save everyone or running away with the strongest in order to carry on. The former was chosen and Donoma was abandoned, left to fend for herself. Despite the heat and the smoke rolling into the den, she stayed at the back of it until the fire burned out enough for her to escape.

Due to being a young pup, and therefore inexperienced, she followed whatever her former pack members told her at the time. One of them was to stay near the water, as hydration and sustenance both reside there. She did just that, living by herself near a shallow creek. Drinking when needed and scavenging fish that would trap themselves along the banks. As she grew older she came across Kotori, a male wolf whom was relocated by humans. He was a lone wolf who spent most of his adolescence near human residential areas. Humans were scared of him and conservation was looking into finding ways of effectively removing, "urban wolves." So he was captured, microchipped, and relocated far away. Donoma begrudgingly accepted him in her travels as he always wanted to stay with her due to his lack of inexperience with hunting and living in the woods (seriously, this boy ate trash for a living). Together they are slowly building a pack and have named themselves Locust Creek after the name of the creek Donoma lived at as a pup.


Posted 2020-09-27 21:56:00

LittlePuppy that's wholesome. 
My main Samantha has that sort of relationship with Mondelez


Posted 2020-09-27 22:52:53

This is great! I love reading other stories and see what people come up with. I have a loose idea that needs some molding for sure. 

My lead wolf is the daughter of an OC from another game, because for some reason I like to make certain characters interconnected even though they live in completely different settings :p Her mother was a fallen star, who had lost her memory and taken the form of a wolf. She lived her life on an island with other wolves with strange abilities, honing the powers she had no memories of and learning the ways of herbs and healing. She had a litter of puppies with a wolf whose abilities were centered around the ocean (breathing underwater and such) The only pup who survived was Azda. She raised Azda with the knowledge of a healer, but the pup had a much more adventurous personality like her father. The island became too cramped for her, so she left and somehow (I have not figured this out yet because it seems impossible buuut) left to where Wolvden takes place. From there she set out for the wilderness, hearing tales of how normal wolves lived their lives. She ran into Winter’s Sun, who taught her how to survive - she was not used to the strange ways of her new habitat, as life on the island was very different. They bonded quickly, and Winter’s Sun helped her come up with a new name to fit the traditions of the wolves- Ashes of the Moon, nicknamed Ashes, to pay homage to her celestial ancestors.

The wolves in my pack are all named similarly, and the generic theme is water + sky, the combination of Ashes’ elements. I need to consider if I want Ashes to have the abilities of her parents or be a normal wolf (having abilities would not fit the realistic elements of Wolvden, and being a “normal wolf” would help explain why she left the island- she didn’t fit in) But yeah, that’s what I have for now. This definitely ended up being longer than I thought it would xD


Posted 2020-09-28 19:56:04

Ohhh I'm loving this y'all have such fantastic stories for your packs!! This topic also inspired me to put a bit more thought into my own SO

My lead wolf, Speakeasy, lived in a fairly big pack. The pack was... So strictly controlled. Everything was scheduled down to dang near the minute, and if you weren't doing your assigned job at your assigned time, various privilages- including your rights to a share of food- got revoked. Some of the wolves got on with it. It was all in the name of thriving, after all, and nobody could argue that the pack remained well-protected, well-fed, and healthy; far moreso than their neighbors. But Speakeasy hated it. The rules and regulations left no room for fun, and fun was all she lived for.

After getting her privilages revoked one to many times, she turned on her alpha and beat the bejeesus out of him in front of the whole pack. Now, typically, this might put her in charge of that pack- but just about every wolf there (correctly) thought she was an ass, and she didn't want to carry on hanging around with a load of wet blankets anyhow, so she bailed. Vodka; a decent hunter who didn't much care for the overcontrolling alpha, and Bourbon; a small scrap of a male without a mind for violence and typically considered useless by other members of the pack went with her, hoping for a better life under the laid back girl.

And a better life they got! As I said, Speakeasy is aaaall about fun. And Speakeasy personally gets her kicks from alcohol. Sometimes stolen from human settlements, sometimes made by her own two paws. Thus- the Rum Runners, a pack dedicated to brewing and trading the unusual commodity of alcohol, was born. Speakeasy's eventual dream is to have a good, comfortable space, and to be able to invite friendly wolves to come and go as they please, enjoy what the pack has to offer- for the right price, of course.

I'm sure there's more to come for these guys laughs they still don't have their herbalist who I'm sure is going to be a major player in their story |D Its not the most serious tale but its a good bit of fun and fits into the pack's overarching theme pretty nicely pff


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