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Newbies get Muties: Mutation Haven event!

Newbies get Muties: Mutation Haven event!
Posted 2022-10-26 06:15:35 (edited)
Welcome, fellow NGM groupees, to the first ever Group Event! *🎉WOO-HOO🎊* (if you are not in the group, join here)

Mutation Haven is an exciting event involving, you guessed it, mutations!

Here is the event info. If you have any questions regarding the event, DM me! (#74503)

Since this event is new, it probably won't run smoothly! DM me (#74503) if you think any changes should be made, you know about/suspect unfair activity, or if something is wrong

You will have to register for the event, it just helps us keep all the participating players in check! To register, click here. Simply post your ID and state that you would like to enter!
You may register late in the event, during the design competition.
Once you have registered, you will receive a message saying: "You have successfully registered for Mutation Haven, Newbies get Muties first group event!" and an event ID.
There is a registration period of five days in which you may register without interrupting the event.

→Design Competition
The event begins with a traditional design competition! Except there's a catch: Your design has to have a primary, secondary, or a combination of both, mutation! No other limitations, otherwise, except for time and your own creativity!
Submit your design in the appropriate forum under Group Events. If you do not submit your design, sadly, you will be eliminated from the event. If you were inactive, I am very sorry, you will still be eliminated. You, however, once eliminated, may help manage the event!
This section of the event will last for three days.

→Scavenger Hunt
secret until end of design competition

→Resource Challenge
secret for now.

Registration list:

.#88988/#1 Aria
.#100883/#2 Nuggettt
.#74126/#3 Kassidy
.#91987/#4 TinySun
.#92679/#5 Bandit
.#81286/#6 LilJadie



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