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The Court of Howls - Quiet Council [Personal Use - Do Not Reply]

The Court of Howls - Quiet Council [Personal Use - Do Not Reply]
Posted 2022-10-20 22:41:09 (edited)

The Quiet Council gathers all the special and most prominent members of the Court, who help the acting leader taking decisions regarding the administration of the pack. Only wolves holding a special position can be part of the Council, the only exception being the leader's mate, who is part of it regardless of her status.


  • Punisher: Torpedo

  • Pherris Representative: Chandra

  • Faelcu Envoy: Nimue

  • Seer: Mystique

  • Eternal: Sandalphon & Metatron

  • Bookman: Tunamay

  • Merged Abomination: Warirna


CURRENT TRAVELERS: Bacara (retired) = Wildfire (traveling)


Posted 2022-10-20 22:41:56 (edited)


Posted 2022-10-20 22:42:41 (edited)


ID Number: N/A
Designation: N/A
Position: Punisher (1st)

Doom was the first 'special' wolf to ever been born in the Court. His violent behaviour forced 2nd leader Yukimi to separate him from the other pups, and find a way to channel his bloodlust personality into something productive.
With the creation of the Punisher position, Doom became a useful member of the pack, even if he remained a loner and always preferred to stay away from the other wolves.
He was particulary protective on Renegade, the 3rd leader, who was the only one he would accept to speak to.


Posted 2022-10-20 22:43:31 (edited)


ID Number: N/A
Designation: N/A
Position: Punisher (2nd)

Following Doom's death, a new Punisher was born, immediately named Bloodbourne for the color of his pelt.
Compared to Doom, Bloodbourne was a less violent wolf, even if incredibly deadly. His stealthy approach left no salvation for his enemies, who found themselves bitten to death before even understanding what hit them.
Bloodborne brought enough renown to the Punisher position that he was admitted into the newly founded Quiet Council as a member


Posted 2022-10-20 22:44:32 (edited)


ID Number: N/A
Designation: N/A
Position: Lunar Blessed Announcer
Born during: 10th Lunar Event

The Court had experienced the manifestation of the Dreamlands for some time when a special pup, blessed by the lunar flame, was unexpectedly born in the pack.
Akatsuki demonstrated a deep knowledge of the Dreamlands and its secrets, and he warned the pack for the future coming of an even more special wolf, one who was said to possess the soul of a Pherris.
He was among the founding members of the very first Quiet Council, together with Bloodbourne and Kiera


Posted 2022-10-20 22:45:57 (edited)


ID Number: N/A
Designation: N/A
Position: Faelcu Envoy (1st)

It took the Court a full day to understand that the unknown young pup appeared out of nowhere one morning among the young weaned pup of the pack, was the manifestation of the old Faelcu's legend about abducting and swapping pups.
Renegade had learned a lot about the Faelcu's unusual habit to send one of their pups into the Lands, so he was aware of the need to raise said pup as one of them.
Even if she grew up with the rest of the pups, Kiera remained a reserved wolf with a gloomy personality. She liked to spend her time alone and she trusted few members of the pack. In spite of this, she was a founding member of the Quiet Council, and her contribution in the establishment of a larger support system for the leader was renowned.


Posted 2022-10-20 22:46:27 (edited)


ID Number: N/A
Designation: N/A
Position: Traveler (1st)
Journey started: Wolvden Year 20, summer
Journey ended: Wolvden Year 26, summer

Ark had been fated to be chased from the pack to try his luck somewhere else, but 4th leader Dante decided at the last moment that Ark was the right wolf to become a traveler.
The Court had started to host traveling wolves from other packs, and Dante thought one of theirs could benefit from a similar experience.
Ark traveled for most of his life, coming back during his elderly years to be a mentor and a precious source of knowledge for the pack. In his last days, he mentored Zayun and prepared him to start his own journey.

It was when Ark was still a puppy that his pack, The Court of Howls, started to host traveling wolves coming from far away territories. He liked to listen to the travelers' stories about their journey, dreaming about seeing the world and meeting other wolves from unknown packs.
It was no surprise for Dante, the pack leader, to see the young wolf leave the Grasslands to live his own adventure...

Since Ark left his pack lots of changes occured in him. He realised traveling is not easy and funny, but also very dangerous. He was more than glad when Gravemaw Pack took him in, leader seemed to like listening to travelers' stories. One day pack's scouts took him on a mission. La'ari went to the west and Ark wandered towards north with Cieol.
Cieol was very old wolf and Ark noticed he's getting sick, but despite that old-man was very stubborn. Sadly they found nothing, but Ark was glad that he could travel with others for a while. After a week he moved on with his journey.

Ark traveled alone for many days. He was growing worried, with the seasons changing around him, that he wouldn't find shelter for the winter. He supposed he could create one for himself, and bed down to prepare for the inevitable snow before it became too thick to trod through. Finally, he met with a new wolf, a scout who brought him to their pack, and he was given a reprieve from his trek.

As the Dreaming Moon rose, Ark had a dream of flight. It started with him being able to jump a little higher than normal, and use his fur to slow his descent, so he could glide slowly back to earth. As he kept jumping, his fur grew longer until he was capable of full-fledged flight.
He flew up to the clouds. He was so caught up in exploring that he didn't heed the scent of an enemy pack. Soon he was confronted by a trio of angry cloud-wolves defending their territory. Things were looking bad for him, but a terrestrial wolf came to his defense, and the two of them were able to escape. (His rescuer didn't give his name, but in the way of dreams, Ark knew he was called Renjiro.)
As the two of them flew through the cloudscape, Renjiro said, "Not bad for your first aerial battle! But it's dangerous here. You should head home."
Then Ark woke up, back on the ground. He was pretty sure it had all been a dream. He tried jumping and found his jumps to be perfectly normal... although his fur did seem longer than before.

Ark continued his adventure following the wind after his peculiar dream, feeling inclined towards the air element. This lead him to visit the mountains, where he encountered a quite bloodthirsty alpha who just had pups. While Sagnant, the leader of the pack, was not very welcoming, the rest of the wolves were happy to meet any need he might have.

The traveler was quite glad to have a place to rest, and soon enough, the traveling den welcomed two other wolves like him. The pups of the pack came almost daily to take lessons from Ark and the other travelers. It was quite the task, but he enjoyed telling stories of his adventures, he even got to witness the pups' first howls!

Ark traveled on and eventually reached Shadowed Moon Pack, full of more puppies! So he helped hunt and even train the new pups for their future. Before he knew it time had passed and one pup named Strawberry sent him on his way with a bunch of acorns if he got bored. He happily accepted them and started on his way to another adventure in helping others.

Ark continued to travel. He traveled to the mountains where he met another pack. During his stay an adolescent traveler joined the pack as well. He loved telling her stories and giving her advice. During his stay he offered to help out with the ceremony of the two wolves getting their true names. He helped watched the pups, and he witnessed their first albino pup born. Finally he decided it was time for him to continue on and the newly named herbalist Luibheoir and newly named scout Skáti gave him some rocks and grass to take with him. Despite the snow within the mountains and the springtime just barely beginning the grass given to him was still green and seemed as though it had been plucked yesterday. He happily accepted the gifts and thanked them before going upon his way.

Arks travels brought him to The Pack Of Singing winds on a cold rainy day, the wind whipping his fur and adornments and the cold permeating through his fir to sting his skin. He stumbled upon the wolf by accident, But once Androdamos had seen him he couldn't get away.
Before he knew it, the wolves of the pack were teaching him about things like science and math, and most importantly, of their religion. They spoke of a moon god who loved everything so much, that he took care of all the dead. And, at night, Ark dreamed of a strange blue place. When he woke up, he was surrounded by blue orbs that refused to leave him be.
Ark decided it was best to move on, much to the packs amusment.

Ark had been wondering around when she came across a hunting pack led by a cream colored wolf named Alkea. She lay down to watch them as the female flicked her tail asking her to join them. After a fruitful hunt she was asked to come back to the pack and stay for while. Ark happily accepted telling the young female all about his travels. His stories sparked a desire to see the world in the she wolf.

The cold winter months set in quickly and defore he knew it, Ark had lost himself within a blizzard. He treked onward, flecks of frozen water frosting his fur, until he felt his paws grow numb and he collapsed into the snow. He scarcely remembers the shadowy figure just within his sight, before falling unconscious.
When Ark woke up, he found himself in a warm den with furs pilled ontop and around him. The sent of herbs and earth filled his nose in a comforting sort of way and he was quickly greeted by a stark white wolf with pale red eyes who called herself Leto.
"You're quite lucky. If it hadn't been for one of our Scouts, you would have frozen out there." The pale wolf told him, nodding her head to a black wolf waiting by the entrance. " He's been waiting for you to wake up. Arawn would never agree, but he's quite the gentle heart."
Ark watched the wolf called Arawn with curiosity taking notice to the nasty scaring across one side of his face, like something had clawed and ripped it away exposing flesh and teeth. Before, Ark could study the other much longer the Scout was gone. Afterwards, the traveler was informed that he was free to stay while he recoverd, the winter months were cold and he'd do best to stay with company for a while. In his stay, Ark was determined to get to know his savior finding the chalange of working around the other wolf's muteness particularly interesting.

Ark had another dream of flight. This time, he heard a crying pup. He searched everywhere for the pup, but could not find him until he realized: The pup must be in the sky. So he flew up to the clouds, where he saw a snarling pup on the edge of a cloudbank, cornered by a flock of honking geese.
Ark puffed up his fur until he was twice the size of a normal wolf, then barreled into the flock at top speed. The startled geese took flight, and Ark was able to grab the pup by the scruff of the neck and make good their escape.
The pup said he lived in the desert, so that's where Ark brought him. Ark had just alighted on a sand dune when he was approached by Renjiro, the wolf he met in his previous dream. "Alber!" Renjiro said to the pup. "You're okay!" And to Ark, he said: "Thanks for bringing him home safely! We owe you big time!"
Ark tried to say, It's nothing, you saved me last time, but he couldn't form the words because he was waking up.

In the miserable heat of the summer sun, Ark felt more in between reality and fantasy than he had ever been before. Renjiro's voice continued to call out to him. Ark wasn't sure what he was saying, though. He slumped to the ground and his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth. That is when he felt the fresh sensation of water.
The herbalist of Truth Pack, Duke, had been foraging for tobacco when he had discovered a delirious and dehydrated Ark. He soaked moss in a nearby trickle of water and resuscitated the traveler.

After a short stay  with the truth's pack herbalist ark moved on to a much cooler climate, the mountains. A few miles in he began to hear howling. He arrived in a clearing at a cliff's edge where there was a crying female wolf surrounded by what ark assumed was her pack. As he got a little closer he saw the body of a small silver pup on the rock. And small black she wolf slid up behind ark and began to speak : hello traveler, we would be a lot more welcoming most days but we are mourning the death of silver pup who in death has been given there adult name of quicksilver my name is halo "why aren't you mourning?" Ark asked "I just got back from a hunt, also my fate is still being decided." "Your fate? What did you do?" "I didn't do anything really but one of the laws of our pack is that a female wolf who falls in love /has pups outside of the pack if they have less than three pups they will be kicked out if they have more than three only one of the pups will be kept. Harsh, I know but life is tough in the mountains."said halo " How did silver pup die" ark asked "he was found dead by the border killed by a stranger  male wolf so you might not be the most welcome even if you didn't do it."

The leaves on the trees had gone and winter was fast approaching by the time Ark found his way to the Clemensly Pack, just in time for the first snowfall. The pack's leader, Queen Euphrates, welcomed him with open paws, and oddly teary eyes. It was only later through the pack's Beta, Tarik, that Ark found out why. Her pack had just become a host to travelers like himself, after Euphrate's son Tsu'tey decided to leave and become a traveler.
"She is worried. For our son, that is. Winter is here, and, well, he is alone. He had came and talked to me before he left," Tarik said as he and Ark laid side by side, watching the first few flakes of snow begin to fall. The adolescents and pups of the pack hopped and yipped about, catching flakes on their fur and tongues while the pupsitters watched them carefully. "Tsu'tey felt that...his mother was beginning to ignore him. That he had lost her favor for those younger and stronger than him. If only he knew how wrong he was." the Beta sighed. "Winter's are getting harsher as our pack grows. More mouths and barely enough food. Euphrates was worried that eventually there wouldn't be enough food to go around. So, the next generation is being trained to be even stronger to take down more prey. True, she removed him of his Lead Hunter status, but, Euphrates never wanted him to depart. She loves all her pups as much as she loves this pack, regardless of strength or looks, and tries her best to keep all them close. Even when they leave, go to The Enclave or join other packs, she does everything in her power to make sure they're safe. She's just not good at displaying that." Tarik shuffled, looking over at Ark. "They said their goodbyes to each other, but the unspoken tension was clear to see, and ever since he left, well, the Queen's morale has been pretty low. She will recover, though, and I hope upon his return someday that they will make up with each other properly."
"They will." Ark assured, and Tarik simply nodded his head with a hum, the two males returning to peaceful silence; watching the snowflakes fall...

Ark spent many months there. Winter was gone and passed, before he too decided it was time to move on. Once he was sure these wolves could take care of themselves, without his help, he left, and soon found himself in a familiar place, though it had been some time, and he had been a much younger wolf then. Nevertheless, they were happy to take him in, and he felt the stress leave his shoulders as he took in the warm breeze of spring in his fur, the cool dirt below his belly. He stayed only as long as a moon, before heading off on another adventure.

A couple of yawns slipped out of Arks mouth as he woke up. The sky was filled with billowing clouds. His fur clung to him in ragged clumps, as the rain poured onto his thick pelt. His muscles ached, his whiskers were drenched, and his bedding was soaked. It had been raining all night. He stood up, shaking off the droplets that stuck to his fur. He must move on. Ark stumbled across a pack who had trouble deciding if they wanted to take him in or not. As they soon realised that this wolf was not a threat to them, they took him in. Even though he didn't say much Ark was able to learn about the packs laws, their ancient rulers, and their clever ways of survival. He spent most of his days training the pups in intensive lessons, before he set off again, eager to move on.

It was weird for Ark to stumble into his native pack while crossing the Prairie. And it was even weirder to see so many new faces standing together with some old wolves he left when he started his journey.
But home still felt like home, even if a wolf named Daimon had taken the place of old leader Dante and most of the wolves he had grew up with were no longer there.
He decided to take a small break from his travels and just enjoy the familiar scents of the Court.

After another short travel, Ark understood that he was yearning for stability. He was growing old, his paws were starting to hurt and his last visit home had left him with the desire to look after his native pack until his last days.
So he went back.
It was hard to leave behind his traveling life, something that had been a constant in his whole life. But going home turned out to be the best thing he could ever do.
He was welcomed back with joy, tears and respect, and he was reserved a special seat in the Silent Council, together with the other special wolves that ruled the pack.
Ark decided to dedicate his remaining time to mentor young pups, the future of the pack, as well as preparing young Zayun for his future travels.

▪Old Railway Background
▪Goldenseal Accent
▪Divine Extensions [Albino]
▪Windy Decor
▪Acorn Bundle Decor
▪Scarce Underbrush Green
▪Circling Orbs
▪Arctic White
▪Yarrow Decor
▪Snowladen Fur
▪Glowing Paws (Lunar)
▪Arnica Flower Decor
▪Bone Decor


Posted 2022-10-20 22:48:13 (edited)


ID Number: N/A
Designation: N/A
Position: Eternals (1st)
Mutation: Conjoined Twins

The birth of such different pups was reason for worry and discouragement in the Court, none of the members wanting to see the two conjoined pups die. To the surprise of the whole pack, the little twins not only survived their first months, but they also appeared to never age, outliving their parents and numerous generations of other wolves.
The two of them liked to play around, often disrupting the ongoing meetings of the Coucil, and before the advent of the Seer, they were the main and only source of premonition of the Court.


Posted 2022-10-20 22:48:39 (edited)


ID Number: N/A
Designation: N/A
Position: Seer (1st)

At first, young Oracle was pitied and pampered because of her incapacitating blindness. 4th leader Dante refused to send her away and just accepted to keep her in the pack and protect her. But after reaching adulthood, it became clear that Oracle was much more than a blind pup. She was a prophet with the ability to see the future, even more clearly than the Eternals.
She had a placid but strong personality, and a gracefulness that few wolves could match.
Reaching her last days, she announced the birth of a new Seer, prophecy fulfilled weeks later with the arrival of Mystique.


Posted 2022-10-20 22:49:33 (edited)


ID Number: N/A
Designation: N/A
Position: Bookman (1st)
Name Meaning: "One" in Italian
Ancestors: N/A

Uno joined the Court almost by chance, just a random wolf met by 5th leader Daimon during his exploration.
But there was more behind his bland and common appearance: a vast and almost infinite knowledge of the Lands and of everything that happened among the numerous packs that inhabited it.
Uno was very devoted to his books, sometimes forgetting to eat or sleep to keep recording the history of the world. But even in his most busy times, he always found some hours to teach the pups.
Calm and reflective, he chose Aahsa as the perfect female to give birth to his heir, who he taught until his last day of life.


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