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Planet Within The Stars: Dinosaur RP Server

Planet Within The Stars: Dinosaur RP Server
Posted 2022-10-15 21:57:04 (edited)

˜"*°•.˜"*°• Planet Within The Stars •°*"˜.•°*"˜



About 1,400 light years away from Earth, a similar planet by the name of Kepler-452b rests in the constellation of Cygnus. The planet is *exactly* like Earth, as it rotates the solar star 385 days a year and has the same consisting atmosphere. Yet, there is something quite…*off* about this planet. It could be the variation of ancient plants that meet hills of untouched lands and oceans. Or, it could be the walking, prehistoric animals that claimed this untouched planet. The most surprising? They seemed to have their own society. Yes, the majority of these prehistoric animals did their own things but it seemed there were clear leaders. As if.. They all worshiped the same thing and they had meetings?

This thing they worshiped was Du'Vara, an extremely large Spinosaurus. Du'Vara had traveled along the supercontinent of Kepler-452b, Uvona, to find the perfect place for a haven away from the corruption in the north. As she checked out each piece of land, she came to a beautiful place. From snowy caps to sandy deserts, Du'Vara staked her claim upon the lands. Soon, she gathered dinosaurs from big to small to bring them to her Haven. As long as they followed her code, she would continue to bring prosperity and protect them from harm.

After many years of prosperity and complete peace between the groups, a rift began to tear them apart. The Hu'Saa began to distrust Ca'Nara and Ornaas for their meat eating endeavors. To further drive a stake, a member of the Hu'Saa was found half eaten upon Ca'Nara's borders. Du'Vara never suspected the carnivorous beings within her Haven but she did suspect someone. Someone a little too near and dear to her..

When Du'Vara began her search, she stumbled upon a nest of eggs. They were clearly abandoned as the nest had grown cold. All of them were different sizes and shapes, hinting that these eggs were unwanted by their parents. Even the mighty Du'Vara couldn't leave these eggs to perish. She laid upon that nest for months, awaiting the arrival of her newfound family. The first that hatched was an Indomimus Rex. Following behind was a Troodon, a Quetzacoatlus, a Utahraptor and an Irritator. Du'Vara spent hours pondering upon proper names for them before suddenly being hit with them. Ku'Tava, the Indomimus Rex, was given his name first. Then, there was La'Vari, the Troodon, and Er'Ilviss, the Quetzacoatlus. Finally, there was Na'Sari, the Utahraptor, and Pa'Wentii, the Irritator.

Du'Vara was thankful for these new additions to her life as she began to show them the good and the evils of the world. Once they had become of age, she granted each their own immortality and powers.. Except for Ku'Tava. She told him she could see the anger and destruction in his heart. Until he could let go of his anger, she could not give him the power to cause said destruction. Her eldest son fled in anger, letting his hate fester and fester before his own soul became corrupted. His once silver skin turned a menacing black and he manifested abilities of wrath and destruction.

Du'Vara knew it was Ku'Tava but she didn't want to believe it. She still had love for her eldest son. As more and more corruption began, she was going to be faced with a major decision. Will she wage war against her eldest son or does she try to make peace? What is the right decision?

Join Planet Within The Stars to enjoy some awesome combat and tense scenes. Must be fifteen (15) or older to join!

Type of Roleplay


This is a semi-realistic roleplay with a literacy level of semi-literate. You will be required to write at least four (4) sentences at all times.

This roleplay includes themes that might be triggering to most. Please be wary.

We are an inclusive community. This means no discrimination is allowed. We are LGBTQ+ friendly!



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