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Stick x Peppy

Posted 2022-10-15 01:42:37
"Little baby boy is mad, I see. How cute. Might as well go cry to mommy and daddy," The girl, Emi, teased. Nathaniel was silent.

Posted 2022-10-15 01:46:43
The tissue hit the pavement with the force of a gentle grenade, the slapping noise it made doing nothing to satisfy its previous owner, "At least some of us had parents, child."

π”ž 𝔯 𝔠 𝔷 𝔦 𝔩 𝔩 π”ž

Posted 2022-10-15 01:48:41
"As childish as my antics may seem, Child, I'm not a child by regular definition. I'm only 200 years old," Emi laughed. It was a gentle sound... too gentle.

Posted 2022-10-15 01:55:28
"Well then, grandmother, you should be off knitting somewhere, seeing as I'd hate to hit anyone your age. Especially a 'lady' of your upbrining. Oh, no, wait," Maxon grinned twistedly as his fingers quietly and smoothly undid the buttons of his sleeves, "I wouldn't care."

π”ž 𝔯 𝔠 𝔷 𝔦 𝔩 𝔩 π”ž

Posted 2022-10-15 01:57:26
"How would your mother react to you mocking an innocent girl?" Emi smirked.

Posted 2022-10-15 02:00:03
"Innocent? Hardly. In fact she would pride me if I took off your head. But, seeing as I was brought up to be a gentleman and not a savage like you, I suppose that just won't happen now will it."

π”ž 𝔯 𝔠 𝔷 𝔦 𝔩 𝔩 π”ž

Posted 2022-10-15 02:02:14
"At least I'm more innocent than your father," Emi snapped. She didn't get angry, she only got bratty.

(Are we allowed to swear for this?)

Posted 2022-10-15 02:09:33
Maxon fixed the girl with a stare that would wither the most normal of human beings the moment that the flames touch them. His words came out deathly quiet. "Say that again."

(I have no idea, but I personally don't mind some bad language)

π”ž 𝔯 𝔠 𝔷 𝔦 𝔩 𝔩 π”ž

Posted 2022-10-15 02:13:09
"I'm more innocent than your father ever was before he was even born," Emi replied calmly. Nathaniel now spoke up. "Emi, stop. This is going too far," He snapped. "No, it's not, brother. Seeing as it's just as the fates would have it. You've seen the future. This boy and his pathetic parents bring everything down, even the last Alpha," Emi replied, watching Maxon carefully.

Posted 2022-10-15 02:20:20
The boy chuckled cruely, his sleeves now rolledΒ  up past his elbows. "My father," He spat, arms shaking with rage as he forced his sleeves ever upwards, "You have no idea what my father was, brat. But let me show you a little something that he left me."

π”ž 𝔯 𝔠 𝔷 𝔦 𝔩 𝔩 π”ž

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