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Shrouded Forest Pack lore

Shrouded Forest Pack lore
Posted 2022-10-11 09:54:03 (edited)
The Shrouded Forest pack is a mighty pack with a small origin the alpha to make the pack is Amber thistle and her mate Shadow seeker have made the Deciduous forest their home and the name sake of the pack is its location.

The alpha and family

Lead Wolf: Amber-Thistle
Lead Wolfs mate: Shadow-Seeker
pups: Shadow-Mist

about the pack
made by Amber-Thistle she met Shadow-Seeker her destined mate and had one lovely pups, soon she met three others that are helping her while she keeps the territory safe her mate hunting she needed help keeping her puppies safe and someone to help scout the other territories for threats and other packs currently they are safe, and hoping the pack and some of her pups to blessed by the moon so they will have a connection to Luna the mighty moon wolf that guides her family.

Posted 2022-10-11 09:54:40
reserving for more lore

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