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Prismatic Penitentiary [IC]

Posted 2022-10-18 18:15:07

γ€Œγ€Kaisa γ€Œγ€

Ilta startled at the hands clutching for her face and Kaisa whispered an apology, but didn't try to stop Ilta. The melanistic leopard lunged forward, fangs aimed at Drista's throat and claws gripping into her coat.

There was a sharp crack and Drista yelped before thrashing against Ilta's fangs, legs sliding out from under her. A soft snarl and Ilta pulled away, blood dripping out of her mouth. A pause and she pressed her forehead to Drista's side, Kaisa muttering another apology, over and over again. Ruaha, the peace maker as always, pushed ahead of Kaisa and Ilta turned to the bird now hovering before her.

"She deserved to be free. We all do, and if death was what she wanted, then she deserved it." Kaisa's voice broke between Ilta's own voice, Ruaha's quiet presence a constant as they looked to the half-man. "And now we have a chance. We should take it!" Ilta snarled. "There are others here, surely they want to be free? Those who hold fire, those who hold the seas, rivers and rain. We ought to try free them as well."

A drop of blood, splashing against the white floor was the only movement as Kaisa waited for... Nyx's? answer. This bird seemed less in control than Nix, sharing the space with Nyx instead of forcing themselves forward. Nyx had described it as a horrid storm, flashing over her thoughts and drowning out so much. Kaisa understood, to a degree. The movement swirling at the back of her mind was more controlled but the... well, she couldn't call it fear if she craved the loss of humanity. But Kai understood, even if it was just to a degree.

Ilta shifted, tongue cleaning the former pack mate's blood off of her muzzle. Ruaha settled, waiting for what would happen next. Kaisa watched, swaying between reality and imagination.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

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