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First Successful Large Hunt

First Successful Large Hunt
Posted 2020-10-25 17:04:14

My hunters took down a large prey today, and I am so proud of them??? Yesterday was the first time they caught anything but prey (they got a small porcupine), and they've never gotten any medium prey, but the only scent trail they found was large, so I sent them off and they actually came back with an elk cow! I am so ridiculously proud of them, I feel like I need to give them treats or something. 


Posted 2020-10-25 23:24:03 (edited)
Awwwhhh, what good wolfers!!! I too, am proud for thy. 


Posted 2020-10-28 09:04:48

Congrats! Feels great when they bring something back doesn't it. I struggle to get mine to bring stuff back at all often lmao :(


Posted 2021-02-21 17:09:33

I'm with you! I just moved my pack to the CF today and they just brought down a Moose Bull! I'm so proud of them I could scream!


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