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Apisi Canyon Lore

Apisi Canyon Lore
Posted 2022-07-30 18:06:18 (edited)


code by #202

Apisi Canyon

Siblings Stay Together

Apisi Canyon is what it says to be; a canyon in which houses 2 wolves currently; Makao and his sister Daena. They hide within the mountain pass, away from dangers that could threaten them on the wide open expanse that was their home of the grasslands. They had a pack that was generations strong, but even a large pack is no match for humans with their guns, chasing you down like one would chase prey for sport. Makao and Daena got away within the mountain pass, thankfully being old enough to know how to hunt and survive on their own. For now they survive with eachother and have to get through the dangers their new home within the mountains gives them.


Posted 2022-07-30 18:07:02 (edited)


code by #202

Apisi Canyon Autumn

Wolves Introduced

The siblings had the unfortunate circumstance of being forced into the canyon just before the cold season hit. They had no difficulty before the cold season hit, and it's a hope that there won't be an issue within the cold season that they can only expect to be worse within the mountains than the flat lands.
There were wolves that travelled within the valley, whether agressive, neutral, or positive, there happened to be five wolves that showed their interest in helping the siblings. They all came at differrent points in time, but the oldest and wisest of which was a female named Siarra, ashen-black with sunny orange eyes. She taught the wolves all she knew from living on their own and within a pack, and her wisdom made Makao admire her, even take a liking to her. Though heat had not yet come to the female he felt that he could make a connection within time.


Posted 2022-07-30 18:07:08 (edited)


code by #202

Winter Was Survived

More Knowledge, More Caution, Still Learning

The group has survived autumn and winter, however its changed through the winter. More wolves have shown up, and Daena is getting a bit uneasy on how many are accumulating in such a quick amount of time but kept optimistic about her brother's leadership skills. Makao had to drive out one of their previous members; who he originally wanted to mate. Unfortunately despite her knowledge and survival skills, the group learned what they could before she became problematic, leading to her outcasting. Makao was saddened by this, but he had a few years ahead of him, and in time he will overcome this sadness.

There were five new additions as well, who were looking to be very promising in filling a number of tasks, one wolf took over the role within the hunting group, two scouts were appointed, and the pack was able to aquire a healer. No one knew what they were doing still, but ever so slowly they were learning, wolves were coming and going still, and life was good for the most part. Makao had a bright veiwpoint and within the pack only the fates know what will happen.


Posted 2022-07-30 18:07:34 (edited)


code by #202

Spring Was Fine, Until It Wasn't

First Catastrophe

The small group within the canyon has survived being together through the end of autumn, winter, and now spring... However spring did seem to come at a cost. Faern and Bernie had decided to form a mating pair, but on the last day of spring before summer hit one of the pups had died of an unknown causation. The two scouts Semin and and Lakik seemed to be getting along, and even with the puppy death, Semin went into heat, and the pack are expecting more to come in due time.


Posted 2022-07-30 18:07:40 (edited)

Posted 2022-08-07 11:51:56

Posted 2022-08-07 11:52:03

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