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Cult of Riften Lore -- WIP, DO NOT POST

Cult of Riften Lore -- WIP, DO NOT POST
Posted 2022-07-21 10:20:54 (edited)


"Do you wish to be remembered?"

Hey, hey! This is just a lore post / daily update thread for my pack! Please keep in mind that there are incredibly dark themes for my pack and I may go into dark and uncomfortable themes in my little roleplay sections of these posts! Please do not read if you're not interested in: death, murder, cult themes, sickness, war, blood, and brief mentions of abuse (?).

Do not post! This is a major WIP while I gather all my lore, HTML, etc! If you're interested in having our packs intermingle (whether it be negative or positive, just message me!

𝔗𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔶 ♡

Posted 2022-07-21 10:36:58 (edited)

- I am to roll a dice every roll-over for an event.

Odd Number: no event partakes this month.
Even Number: an event happens, proceed to roll again for the outcome.
--> Odd Number: negative event. --> Even Number: Positive Event
I will then roll a d4 to see how many wolves are involved, then roll to see which wolves are involved. This may include my wolf, and I may briefly add or subtract wolves if I think this may fit an idea for lore that I have in my head, though this won't be done often.

At the end of the summer, I must roll for Dracul's ritual. An odd number = a death, an even number = no wolves have passed. If I roll an odd number, I must then roll for the number of wolves who pass, and then roll for said wolves. This may not include my lead wolf or herbalist.

During the winter, for Lumen's ritual, I will roll to see how many items I must discard, and then choose which items to discard afterward.

For each litter born, I may choose to protect pups if deemed necessary, as this doesn't guarantee survival. If a pup is to die though, I am to roll to decide if the keeper is punished or not / if I can write it off as natural causes. Odd = punishment, even = a natural death.

If pups are to be adopted by pair-bonded couples, I must roll to see if they are accepted by Czar. Odd Number = Banishment. Even Number = Accepted into the pack. All pups must be clean, however. If I see fit, I can decide to ignore the odd roll and accept the pup into the pack, either way. Then, however, I will roll to see how one, if not both parents are punished for choosing to ignore Czar's words.

If a wolf is to fall ill and the pack has NO healing items for it, the wolf has "died", and are to either be chased off, sold, or executed for lore purposes. (This excludes minor illnesses such as ticks and mange).

I must rull for a wolf before accepting them into the pack at all, whether this is via the market or finding them in the wild. Odd Number = Not Accepted , Even = I May Purchase or Befriend Them. I can choose to ignore this roll, but the wolves will automatically become prisoners and in return will be the brunt of all negative events. This will rarely be done unless I've really fallen in love with a wolf that rolled an odd number.

Try to keep the prophet lineage related to Czar. Obviously if I find a proper heir that isn't related to him I will make an exception, but I must write a proper lore explanation as to why this wolf is chosen.

As this is a lore-based pack, there will be no in-breeding; I'd rather not write that. However, there will be dark themes in these posts, pleas be aware of that.

I will post something for each day that I'm active, with bullet-points of everything I can think of that's worthy of being written down. Along with accurate numbers of wolves in the pack, etc.

If a hunter is to be injured during a fight, I will more likely than not pull them for the day unless food is scarce. If they are injured a second time before they have healed, I will roll for their death. Odd number + death, even number = being healed.


The Prophet's word is law-- to ignore his word is to find yourself worthy of banishment or execution. Anything that may put the cult in danger is worthy of these same options.

Pups, if deemed worthy, are to be protected with the pack's life. If a pup is to die on someone's watch (minus from natural causes or sickness), they are to be banished-- or executed if these pups are related to Czar.

Wolves may not be pair-bonded without Czar's consent (a dice roll). However, if a dice roll is failed, another one can take place to decide if these wolves ignore Czar's word. If this roll succeeds, they will be paired in secrecy, but any litter they may have will decide if their secret is found out or hidden by other members of the pack.

Females are to be just as respected as males-- and although females cannot breed with males within the pack without Czar's consent, they are allowed to find love in another as long as they accept and respect the consequences of their pups being executed if deemed unworthy in the cult.

The Prophet may breed with whomever they choose, (as to create a heir), but his bonded mate may not find love in another, as this goes against what the gods and goddesses want.

If pups are deemed unworthy at birth, it is up to the Prophet themselves, to execute them-- as they must live with their deaths, forever. They must be properly disposed of, as all wolves are. Along with this, pups shall not be named until they are weaned, so their mothers can get to know them and their personalities... and to prevent them from being as attached, just in case.

The Prophet may not retire, they are to lead the cult until the day they die. If a prophet is to turn their nose to the pack, they shall be executed with no remorse or exception.

A wolf born with red eyes is to be chased away upon weaning from their mother; they are deemed unworthy, and a disgrace to the pack-- rumored to bring heaps of death and misfortune to those they interact with.

Couples are only to breed three times in their lives, as to not drain the mother of her energy or keep her away from her duties for too long. This prevents overbreeding and these numbers must be kept note of throughout the pack's reign. (This excludes Czar or the breeding male).

One may not be greedy-- to put yourself above others is to deem yourself worthy of banishment. Everyone shall eat equally, ve healed equally, etc. One may not resort to cannibalism in times of great hunger, and shall be executed if found out about doing so.

𝔗𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔶 ♡

Posted 2022-07-21 10:37:30 (edited)

The Chosen One / The Prophet: The overall ruler of the pack / cult. Can either be male or female, though it's more common to see this rank being male-dominated. Usually, each ruler is kin to the previous, but if the Chosen One has no worthy offspring, it is rumored that Borealis, the goddess of destiny herself will send the Grand Inquisitor a prophetic dream; deeming someone the next Prophet. The Chosen One is to never be disrespected, and their word is law. Nothing in the cult can be changed, added, or taken without their permission. Their offspring is to be protected with the life of the pack, no exceptions.

The Anchorite: The second overseer of the pack. If the Chosen One is away, the Anchorite's word shall be taken as law until the return of their leader. They're the CO's right-hand man / woman, and are to be treated with the utmost respect. They send out most of the patrols, watch over important rituals, help assign rankings in the pack, etc. If the CO has no fit offspring for the role, it's likely that the Anchorite will become the next ruler of the cult if / when their predecessors pass on.

Grand Inquisitor: The wolf in closest touch with the spirits, and the gods and goddesses that the Cult of Riften reminisce of so fondly. They're considered the third in command, and will make the decisions of the Ruler and Anchorite are unavailable to do so. They sort out almost, if not all of the pack's rituals, and are rumored to have necromantic powers since they speak to the dead if necessary. They are to be respected greatly, and tend to deal with most of the pack's executions.

Acolyte: Direct assistants of either the Prophet, Grand Inquisitor, or the Anchorite. Although they are mere assistants / followers, Czar demands that they are respected and protected fiercely. To squabble with one's Acolyte is equal to squabblin with the Chosen One, themselves, and can be punishable by death. Acolytes do whatever their superiors ask without question, no matter the cost. Typically bonded with their superior, though this is avoided at times, as it can be seen as taboo / favoritism, and be frowned upon. It all depends on the Prophet who is leading.

Liege(s): Direct offspring of Czar-- typically with him and his bonded mate, though any offspring of the Chosen One should be respected no matter whomst the second parent is. (Though some packmates may see them as inferior if they're birthed from she-wolves with lower ranks). Nevertheless, Lieges are expected to work just like everyone else. They're the first in line to inherit the throne, but said throne is not guaranteed. Borealis, or any other god / goddess can step in and deem them unfit for the role if they see fit.

Spymaster (Scout): Although there are technically only two spies within the pack per Wolvden rules-- one will be chosen by the CO to watch over and lead the second. Preferably the older, more experienced spy. They will organize all of the scouting patrols unless a rank higher than them steps in to do so. The Spymaster directly reports back to a superior.

Ritualist(s): Following the word of the Grand Inquisitor, the Ritualists put together and perform the sacred rituals that the cult actively partake in. They are wolves that are in touch with the spirits and the gods, and are generally calm, even-tempered canines. If rituals go bad or the gods are upset, Ritualists, along with the Grand Inquisitor are usually the first to know and the first to be blamed, whilst Priests are there to correct behaviors that may have angered said gods in the first place. It all depends on the day.

Priest / Priestess: Typically, there is only 1-- maybe 2 priests or priestess' within the cult. They're responsible for blessing all of the pups that are deemed worthy to stay in the cult, along with guiding any wolves who have found themselves lost from the light of their gods. They can chase out any members who endanger the cult's religious reputation, and are always present for rituals-- they aid the Grand Inquisitor and Ritualists when needed.

Keeper(s) (Pupsitters): Keepers are responsible for looking after, guarding, and raising the pups of the cult whenever the parents are away or unwell. Their sole duty is to ensure these pups are alive and well, and report back to their superiors if any of the offspring are showing great potential for a specific rank, or become unwell / sickly. They typically suggest mentors, but Czar makes the final decision whilst assigning Thralls to newborns.

Thrall(s): Average members of the pack; they've been within the brotherhood long enough to earn this rank, but have not proven themselves worthy of anything higher. They hunt for the pack, and do anything a higher rank asks them to do. Thralls typically need to mentor a pup / adolescent before they can gain a higher, more respected rank. The Chosen One will typically assign newborns to Thralls one a mere day or two after their birth so nobody can be more biased towards a pup that shows more potential, etc-- all pups will be trained with equal respect and equal opportunity. Once assigned, a Thrall is expected to aid the Keepers in watching their assigned pups, as to give their packmates a small chance when needed. They, and the Keepers will be equally punished if a pup dies on their watch.

Spy (Second Scout): The overall scouts of the cult-- they see and hear everything. They're tasked with scouting, marking, and protecting the boarders. They also tend to find willing canines to join, and are instructed to report back to the Spymaster; who will return report back to a superior. Spies are usually smaller, sleeker wolves that have an easier time hiding in the areas around them.

Squire(s): Adolescents of the pack-- those whomst are working, but have not reached adulthood in order to gain a proper rank. They are usually assigned to one specific mentor, but it's not uncommon for Squires to be trained by whoever is available at the right time of day. Squires are typically assigned to wolves whose rank fits them the most, but Czar and the rest of the Nobility can try to sway their decisions if they see fit.

Cultist(s): Members of the cult who are not ranked, but are loyal to their brothers and sisters. Nevertheless, most see them as a mere mouth to feed-- ones who don't pull their weight, ones who haven't found their destiny. They can eventually find a rank, die trying, or ultimately be chased away for being useless.

Initiate(s): New members of the cult-- to be watched like a hawk. Not to be fully trusted until they prove themselves worthy of a rank. Typically watched over / tested by the Anchorite or the Chosen One, himself. Can be instructed to shadow ranked members whilst they learn the proper... ways of life.

Prisoner(s): Those whom the cult has taken as prisoners / slaves-- most of the time they're former members who have gone against the brotherhood's laws, put the cult in danger, etc. More often than not, these wolves will be either chased, killed, or used as bait for training puppies and adolescents.

Pup(s): Generally a pretty understandable rank. Whilst they are considered freeloaders due to not pulling their weight, they are to be respected and protected as though they are loyalty. Once a pup is old enough to defend themselves, then they will be properly judged and given a rank and / or mentor accordingly.

𝔗𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔶 ♡

Posted 2022-07-21 10:41:54 (edited)


There are currently 3 godly beings the pack believes in-- originally 5, though this is just a rumor and that story shall come later. Lumen, Borealis, and Dracul. Lumen and Borealis are rumored to be lovers; polar opposites who love each other and radiate nothing but adoration and warmth. Don't be fooled though-- these she-wolves are forced to be reckoned with; to upset Lumen and Borealis is equivalent to having a death wish. Whilst Lumen is the goddess of weather, hunting, and wealth, Borealis is the goddess of destiny (good and bad), karma, fertility, and the moon. Although the two are nothing alike, their duties and purpose(s) go paw in paw. To anger one, is to anger the other. It is rumored that they have pups together, but nobody has seen them, nor have been given proof to believe so. Dracul is a fickle, measly god-- one that most packs refuse to believe in. Being a cult, however, changes the views of the wolves of Riften. Dracul is as important as his two successors. He is the god of death, sickness, misfortune and success. A greedy bastard, he is; as the tales are told-- he smothered, slaughtered, and consumed his two brothers Tenzin (god of apprenticeship and spring) and Kojiro (god of morality, will, and anomalies). Some view Dracul as the gentle, concerned wolf who guides the dead to their respected destinations, whilst others believe him to be the clever, attractive brute whomst destroys all that get in his way. Some fear him, others worship him beyond words. To each their own. It is said, however, that Dracul had slashed out his own eyes in order to start the Red Plague and smite those who have wronged him-- this is really, truly the first gruesome act that these gods have committed against Riften. Czar now puts a lot of effort into trying to make amends with the angered gods.


Goddess of weather (specifically anything related to the sun, or lack thereof), hunting, and wealth. Lumen is a bright figure, rumored to be made of flames and sunlight, her form forever changing. She is considered protective and motherly-- much less mysterious than her lover, Borealis. She is responsible for (though not limited to): wildfires, heatwaves, cool weather, drought, tolerable winters, etc.

Positive Traits: Polite, Light, Warm, Fiery
Negative Traits: Stubborn, Perfectionist, Tired

Symbol: The Sun, or Fireflies

Means of Worship:
"She likes when you tell her good morning-- when she feels left out, you will feel it on your back. Do not take her tenderness for granted."

Keeping a small. harmless fire lit throughout the night to accompany her lover, hunting (and using every part of) large prey, praying to her every morning and saying goodbye every night. She is a softer presence, and is easy to befriend. She likes those who care for her.

Rituals: (Will be discussed in detail in next post!)
Moto wa Milele -- "Eternal Flame"


Goddess of destiny, the forest, karma, fertility, and the moon. She has a light gray pelt with blue tints to it, and it is rumored that a gentle light accompanied by the stars follows her wherever she goes. She is associated with the birth of pups (or lack thereof), sources of water, plant growth, and the skies. She is considered mysterious; quiet but firm. She is responsible for; floods, earthquakes, famine, tainted water, pups, and prey.

Positive Traits: Elegant, Fair, Passionate
Negative Traits: Vain, Judgmental, Picky

Symbol: Butterflies or Leaves

Means of Worship:
"When life's blood runs out, a gift of some back is greatly appreciated."

Give thanks to every meal before digging into it, she gave it life, and you took it away. Gifting her shiny stones, bird eggs, and crafts from the leaves she makes can get you on her good side. Bathing every night in the rivers she provides is deemed an act of good luck. (It's also rumored that sacrificing newborns to her will leave her indebted to you, but Czar denies this harshly. What god would want the precious children she creates to be smothered without being given a chance at life?)

Rituals: (Will be discussed in detail in next post!)
Borealis is the only god with two rituals.
Kuzaliwa Mara Ya Pili -- "Born Again", and
Maisha Katika Kifo -- "Life in Death"


God of death, sickness, misfortune and success. He's a white-pelted brute rumored to be covered in eyes (ironically), teeth, and scales. He is considered handsome, clever, and entirely too good at manipulation. You could be in his grasp and never suspect a thing. Whilst some believe he guides the dead to where they belong, others suspect he consumes the bodies and souls of those who have passed on. Typically, most turn to him when they find themselves with constant misfortune and bad luck. They must have upset Lumen and Borealis. He is associated with war, meteor showers, snakes, and scavengers. He is responsible for; illnesses, decomposition, sinkholes, scarcity of prey, and rats.

Positive Traits: Strength, Accepting, Determined, Loyal (Surprisingly)
Negative Traits: Jealous, Manipulative, Angry, Vengeful, Headstrong

Symbol: Crows or Smoke

Means of Worship:
"They are his messengers, and they need to eat too, yeah?"

Be grateful for your wins on the battlefield, Dracul was watching over you, after all. Properly dispose of those whom may die around you, as he must guide them to the afterlife. It is rumored that watching over (and giving scraps to) scavengers earns you good favor with him.

Rituals: (Will be discussed in detail in next post!)
Kuepuka Kifo -- "Escaping Death"

𝔗𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔶 ♡

Posted 2022-07-21 10:42:31 (edited)

Rituals that are meant to appease the gods.

Moto wa Milele -- "Eternal Flame"
During the first snowfall, in hopes to appease Lumen, the pack will light a fire in the middle of camp, and throw in some of their valuables in the flame to show their loyalty to the sun-goddess. Not only is this said to bring a tolerable winter, it is rumored that this ritual is considered how the pack burns away their past-- giving them a clean slate. If the fire goes out on the Ritualists' watch, it is deemed that Lumen will feel betrayed and unneeded... the pack will feel her anger.

Kuzaliwa Mara Ya Pili -- "Born Again"
Anytime worthy pups are born, the cult is to stop what they are doing (no matter how important, though rituals are excluded in this idea) and gather around the mother and kin. Each of these pups are Borealis' children as well and shall be cherished beyond words. They will each say a prayer to Borealis, and for the mother, before showering her in flowers and gifts. Until the pups are weaned, someone is assigned to stay by the mother's side as long as possible and aid her whenever she needs help. (Usually a Keeper or the father of the pups if he is around).

Maisha Katika Kifo -- "Life in Death"
This ritual is-- the most confrontational, and even banned by some Prophets. If the cult is struggling beyond an unreasonable doubt, a willing she-wolf may sacrifice herself to the goddess in order to bring the pack good wealth. It is rumored that these wolves become one with Borealis, and wander in her realm. If a wolf is to sacrifice herself, she may choose how to do so, though most of the time the Grand Inquisitor is to spare her any suffering by giving her herbs so she may pass in her sleep. The wolf is to be buried properly, as any other wolf who passes on Riften grounds should be no matter their rank.

Kuepuka Kifo -- "Escaping Death"
At the end of each summer, (specifically the last night) when herbs are difficult to come by due to Lumen's everlasting heat, the pack will show their respect to Dracul by sacrificing a good percentage of their herbs into the river, and will stand still in its water until the sun rises in the morning. No sleeping, no eating, no moving-- each pack member (minus one Keeper if there are young pups in the pack) will stay put in the water, their heads bowed to Dracul in a night-long silence. Some may be swept away in the process. Once the sun rises above the horizon, the pack will share a prayer for those they may have lost, and will return back to their duties.

Rituals that are moreso meant to appease Czar's pack members. Currently none though I am thinking of little lore-themed rituals like feasts, sacrifices, etc.

𝔗𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔶 ♡

Posted 2022-07-21 10:42:59 (edited)

Though many are unsure of its origins, the Red Plague is the untimely sickness that swept through the forests and killed off most of Riften's members. According to Czar, however, the plague was formed by the God, Dracul, himself-- only forced upon the Cult of Riften when Czar's father-- the Damned One-- made a deal with him; a guaranteed rise to the throne for the lives of whomever Dracul wanted. It's believed that the Damned was hoping to spread a disease that would weaken his superiors so he could smite them, and take their place. Unbecomingly, of course, this would lead to the start of the worst sickness known to these lands. This form of selfishness enraged the Gods; they turned their cheeks to the ones who worshiped them as the Red Plague had spread like wildfire, killing many as it went-- the Damned One included. Now, as he's matured, Czar believes that only those unworthy and undevoted to the Cult and their gods were forsaken; for he, and a select few of wolves were spared. This thread starts at the end of the Plague, as Czar takes it upon himself to renew the Cult and help it grow back into what it should have been from the start. Rules have changed-- and he will be better than his father.

It's true origin, however, is still unknown; some believed it sprouted from tainted meat, while others suggested it came from red beetles that started to inhabit the forest around them. The first sign of this sickness was the sclera of one's eyes turning a bright red; days after this, one would start to grow incredibly weak and feeble. Eventually, one would start to bleed from their eyes and mouth, until one would either bleed out, or choke on their own blood; the most devious of punishments for the damned. In extreme cases, a wolves' extremities (paws, throat, ears, etc) would also turn a sickly shade of red, maybe even growing pruned and wrinkly before inevitably getting caught on something and ripping open. There is no known cure to this plague, and one who has it will most certainly perish in the days to come.

This is why Czar will turn his cheek to any wolf with red eyes, sickly or not; he will not allow his packmates to perish the way their ancestors did. Those with red eyes are to be chased away or killed on sight. There will never be an exception to this rule.

𝔗𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔶 ♡

Posted 2022-09-15 15:04:44 (edited)

Last day of Winter.

5/7 Pack Adults -- 1/35 Pups -- 1 Pregnant Dam -- 0 Deaths -- 0 Banishments -- Pups Born: 0
Will not roll for an event the first 5 months, want to let myself grow a bit!

- The thread has officially started! The cult is starting with 5 adults, and a Squire!
We will be starting with Czar himself, a Grand Inquisitor, a Spymaster, a Ritualist, a Keeper, a Thrall, and a Squire! All current wolves will be linked above in my first post!

- Hunting has been successful today; especially with Elaheh being our only hunter as of yet.
Aoko will be joining them soon as the pack's first Finisher.
- Our Grand Inquisitor, Arpachshad found himself infested with fleas after a patrol for herbs. He ended up treating himself rather quickly and remains parasite free ever since.
- Our Ritualist, Aoko, is showing signs of pregnancy. Czar will keep an eye on her to ensure her safety.

Overall a pretty successful day, no complaints. Eagerly looking forward to Aoko's pups.

𝔗𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔶 ♡

Posted 2022-09-16 14:48:02

First day of Spring.

6/7 Pack Adults -- 1/35 Pups -- 1 Pregnant Dam -- 0 Deaths -- 0 Banishments -- Pups Born: 0
Will not roll for an event the first 5 months, want to let myself grow a bit!

- Aoko has officially joined the Cult's first hunting party-- although her first hunt was a little more than unsuccessful. She ended up picking a fight with a porcupine, and whilst trying to escape, ended up leaving the hunting grounds with her leg torn open. Luckily, Arpachshad was prepared with meds and wrapped her leg. (We had an Open Wound Cure already made, so Aoko suffered no permanent losses.) Chose not to remove her from the hunting party for quest reasons.

- Grinding a bunch of event currency in hopes to customize Czar a bit.


- A new face has joined the tribe, she calls herself Hardika. She joins the ranks as an Initiate and promises to aid in hunting to the best of her ability; she is unexperienced but shows a natural inkling towards being a chaser. She cannot rank up until I roll for an event aimed towards her.

Out of boredom, I rolled to see everyone's opinions on Hardika-- how they view her, treat her, etc.
Will be rolling a d20, the higher the number, the more positive the relationship.

Czar: 11 -- Rather neutral. Hopeful to see her thrive but wary of, nonetheless.
Arpachshad: 17 -- Thinks she's beautiful. Hesitant to get to know, though.
Aapal: 3 -- Untrustful of, has a bad feeling about her and swears on it.
Aoko: 7 -- Almost neutral, a little bitter towards. Blames the hormones.
Novak: 19 -- Considers his best friend already. Hopeful for her success.
Elaheh: 16 -- Positive. Honestly just grateful for another working body.
Jacira: 3 -- Moreso incredibly wary of. A new face around is just... weird.

𝔗𝔞𝔟𝔟𝔶 ♡

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