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Spooptober! Share your personal spoopy stories with ghosts or cryptids.

Spooptober! Share your personal spoopy stories with ghosts or cryptids.
Posted 2020-10-24 06:54:38

I know the topic of ghosts and cryptids is a bit of a debated topic but for those of us who have experienced things we cannot explain, they very much do exist. So I ask that even if you don't believe in this stuff, please be respectful and please PLEASE do not bring religion into it. 

So! I love halloween, I'm listening to a Darkness Prevails video as we speak. I love hearing about or reading scary experiences, so share yours!

My first ghost experience
My very first ghost experience was when I was around 8 or 9 years old, around halloween actually, my friends and I loved to be spooped, as most kids do and one of our favorite things to do was to go into the local cemetery and just mess around, no vandalism or anything but we would sort of taunt the dead people. In hindsight, very disrespectful but kids will be kids. 

So as us kids are running around, I think we were playing hide N seek or something, in the cemetery, as you do. When I catch something out of the corner of my eye, I look over and there's a man standing there, he's a heavier set man wearing a suit and tie and a wide brimmed cowboy type hat, I glanced away for a seconds and when I looked back, he was gone. 

My experience with what I think might have been a skinwalker or some sort of forest spirit. 

So this one is kinda short because it takes place within just a few minutes. This happened when I was a teenager, 16 I think. I was walking the dog, we're walking along the road on the edge of the woods and the dog is doing dog things, sniffing around, when he suddenly stops, dead in his tracks, tail straight up in the air, ears erect, the fur along his spine raised, then he suddenly loses his shit, teeth bared barking his lil dog head off. I look in the direction he's barking at and there's this...what looks like a big buck, but it's white, a big white buck with massive antlers, like, they looked more like elk antlers than deer antlers. It's body also looked weird, at first I thought it was just really skinny but like, it's torso was just really narrow, either that or it's legs were freakishly long. It stared at me and the dog for a few seconds before turning and walking back deeper into the woods. As soon as it was gone, the dog immediately calmed down. 

My Abandoned house experience
So this happened 
when I was a teen as well, a couple years before the weird skinwalker or whatever experience. There was this old abandoned farmhouse outside of the town I grew up in, I was with a girl I was seeing at the time and she basically dared me to go into the house, which had a couple different urban legends, including that a witch lived there. 

So being a teenage boi w
ith a girlfriend, I had to prove that I wasn't a massive chicken, didn't I? So I tumble on into the house and look around, it was about what you expected. But then my girlfriend calls from outside the door "see if the witch is in there!", I refused of course so after calling me a chicken about 15 times, my girlfriend sticks her head into the door and shouts "aNy WiTcHeS iN hErE?!" and almost immediately there was a huge thump from the floor above us and I swear to god I heard a loud "GET OUT!" but like, it was in my head or something? because my girlfriend swore she only heard the thump. 

So that's it, those are my three really notable paranormal/unexplained experiences. There's been several more, seeing things in the corner of my eyes, shared dreams with friends but those aren't really worth talking about I don't think. 


Posted 2020-10-25 12:18:56

I was haunted by a ghost I referred to as Jerry for about 9 years of my life. I considered him a friend for a long time, being a child when he first appeared and being really lonely due to bullying and other personal issues. I think that's why he attached to me. He was never malicious to me directly, but he was to others around me for sure.

The first time he did something malicious was when my stepmother first moved in with me and my dad. I was anxious bc of the new changes and not dealing with it well, so I guess Jerry decided to deal with it. Early in the morning, he threw my cat at my stepmother and her dog, resulting in everyone ending up scratched and bitten. I know it was him bc to this day, my stepmom claims she saw my cat levitate before she attacked them both.

Then, there was a time when I went to Connecticut to visit my mom for a week. Well I guess he didn't come with (didn't have enough energy to do so) because in the time I was gone he harmed my dog and tried to harm my cat. My dog had to get hip surgery from what my dad described as "being yanked into the air" as she was running around the yard. And my cat almost got trapped under a giant clock we own that suddenly fell off the wall despite being bolted in.

I communicated with Jerry using my pendulum after the last event as a last resort bc I was scared and angry. Learned a lot, though I'm beginning to think most of it was lies to satiate me.

He scared a friend of mine in college as I was telling him and another friend about my ghost experience. My friend had said I was making it all up and then all of a sudden a light flickered behind me (a light that was plugged in and needed a switch pushed to turn off). No other light in the room did this. Needless to say, my friend believed me after that lol.

The reason I stopped communicating with the ghost and referring to him by the name I gave him is because of a psychic's advice. My aunt had a patient who was apparently a psychic who told her to "tell Emily the spirit that is with her is not one of human form and she needs to get away from him". My aunt had no prior knowledge of my ghost experiences, nor did she bring me up in conversation, nor did I know this psychic. To this day I don't know the woman's name. I stopped talking to the ghost and told others to do the same after this event, not wanting to take chances. He retaliated at first by throwing fits but now it has been months since anything happened and I am beginning to believe he finally passed on from me, as I no longer feel the presence in my daily life.


Posted 2020-10-28 12:34:49

I don't know how to spoiler but tw:// cryptids, dead animals

Currently I live in the Southwest United States. Whenever we go to visit family further west we have to drive through Arizona. Our usual route involves passing through a lot of reservations (mostly Navajo). Most of the time we drive through Shiprock. If you don't know about the situation out there, here's a little backstory. There are a TON of rez dogs. A lot of them hang around the fast food places because truckers will feed them. It's nothing unordinary, just packs of rez dogs either soaking in the sun, playing along the road, or scavenging. We're very used to it. However, one time we were driving through and we see this massive figure on the road. As we get closer it's a giant rez dog that must've been hit by a car. I have never seen a dog so big. The best I can describe is that it was as bulky as a deer. It had a long snout and very tall, sharp ears. It looked like a black wolf but... There are no more wolves there, and I've never seen a wolf that big. As we were approaching it (and getting ready to swerve around) I just had the strangest most unsettling feeling. Something was really wrong. There was just something off with that rez dog. Was it a dog or a wolf or something else? I have no idea but something very wrong was there. 


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