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[ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ sᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 225 ] [ ʟᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ ] (wip)

[ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ sᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 225 ] [ ʟᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ ] (wip)
Posted 2020-10-23 21:38:36 (edited)

[ number station 225 ]
Deep in the wastes of the Siberian tundra lay an abandoned research base. This research base - which the locals call 'number station 255' based on the writing painted onto it - has always had a reputation of sorts. Strange noises, an uneasy feeling around it, creatures that come and go. Cursed, some might say. With what? Nobody ever clarifies.

Even so, the haunting allure of its walls and the empty echoed chambers calls to those who are brave enough to dwell within. Of course, sometimes, they don't have a choice but to answer.

At least the broadcasts will keep them company.

────────── 〔 Ω 〕──────────

ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ sᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ 225 is a lore clan based around a pair of wolves named Beau and Miho who stumble upon a notorious, abandoned research station in the suberian wildnerness. Drawn in by the cold and promise of shelter, they become the first creatures to walk within its walls in decades. Nobody is sure where the humans went to, or why the wildlife is so thick in this area despite its inhospitable climate. But between the ever-present broadcasts coming from the research towers and the mysteries of what lie within, the pack are now caught up in unraveling what exactly is going on.

Below you'll find a table of contents that links to all the relevant parts of the clan information; current members, hierarchy, culture, and more.

[ navigation ]

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Posted 2020-10-23 21:55:43 (edited)

[ background ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tortor massa, mattis quis lectus eget, auctor fringilla tortor. Vestibulum vestibulum justo vitae diam commodo interdum. Nulla facilisi. Mauris faucibus consectetur lacus. Donec ultrices risus arcu, ac aliquet mauris fermentum ut. Aliquam tristique a justo ut scelerisque. Fusce tempus dui sed ultrices vulputate.

Ut sit amet turpis augue. In quis velit consequat, rhoncus arcu non, aliquam diam. Mauris in felis ac mi fermentum ultricies in sed urna. Mauris eget est quis dolor fermentum scelerisque. Nulla tincidunt lorem aliquet, lobortis lacus in, pharetra nulla. Nullam non fermentum ex. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi malesuada iaculis efficitur. Donec mollis enim tincidunt accumsan sollicitudin. Phasellus sit amet mollis nisi, ac scelerisque massa. Proin vestibulum nibh sed euismod dapibus. Fusce molestie ante vitae tristique finibus. Phasellus imperdiet sed lorem at tincidunt. Sed sodales leo sit amet lacus consequat cursus. Duis ante massa, auctor non nunc non, bibendum euismod augue.

Suspendisse pulvinar massa id purus commodo, non ultrices mauris euismod. Curabitur gravida tincidunt viverra. Nulla eget nulla ipsum. Pellentesque quis sem vitae orci interdum suscipit. Nulla tristique odio elit, ac lacinia neque suscipit vitae. Praesent maximus, augue sit amet laoreet pellentesque, arcu magna porttitor purus, a aliquam dolor enim ac nulla. In congue erat neque, ut viverra enim mollis porttitor.

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Posted 2020-10-23 23:17:47 (edited)

[ pack members ]

BEAU [ leader | capable ]

The leader of the pack. Beau is a wolf from a former nature reserve that has slowly made his way accross Russia alongside Miho. He's generally rather quiet and unassuming, but uses that to his advantage to get into places he shouldn't be able to. Beau has an insatiable curiosity that often leads him into danger. He has no mate, but takes to pups well, often bringing home orphans.

MIHO [ scout | imaginative ]

A bit of a daydreamer, Miho is best described as eclectic and aggressive. She isn't rude, per say, but is often forceful in her friendliness in a way that can put other people off. She's been traveling with Beau since they were both children and knows him better than anyone else. Despite the rumours, she's not interested in him romantically at all.

MIPIN [ scavanger | reliable ]

A bit of a grump, but reliable, Mipin is more of a do-er than a say-er. She's a bit rough around the edges and doesn't talk much, but nobody would ever deny her dedication to taking care of the group. Some say she's the fastest wolf in the entire tundra. Mipin insists that she's covered in intricate markings, but nobody seems to be able to see them.

[ dynasty ]




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Posted 2020-10-23 23:18:11 (edited)

[ culture ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tortor massa, mattis quis lectus eget, auctor fringilla tortor. Vestibulum vestibulum justo vitae diam commodo interdum. Nulla facilisi. Mauris faucibus consectetur lacus. Donec ultrices risus arcu, ac aliquet mauris fermentum ut. Aliquam tristique a justo ut scelerisque. Fusce tempus dui sed ultrices vulputate.

[ chain of command ]

Because of the harsh conditions of the tundra, as well as the...unique circumstances of the groups's existence, there follows a chain of command that all members of the company must follow. The ranks are as follow, from highest to lowest:

[ marshal ]
The leader of the group. All decisions are finalized by them. Marshals are responsible for prioratizing the safety of their groupmates, dictating lower ranks, and altogether proving themselves worthy of the title. Tyrannical or disliked Marshals are occasionally deposed via mutiny. Elected position.

[ general ]
The second-in-command to the Marshal of the company, and usually responsible for foreign affairs. Generals typically take on secondary roles such as scouts or hunters. Generals are appointed by the Marshal, and can be of either sex.

[ colonel ]
Hunters, scavengers, and other combatant positions. Only he head of this rank is known as 'Colonel'; all others are Lt. Colonels. Most members of the group tend to fall into this rank, and colonels hold a decent amount of political sway within the group.

[ major ]
Scouts and spies. These are largely non-combat positions, but those in them still require basic combat training for self defense. Majors report their findings back to the Colonel, who in turn uses that information to direct their Lieutenants.

[ warrant officer ]
All wholly non-combat members of the company fall into this category. Pupsitters, Herbalists, Researchers and other roles go here. These members do not have much political sway, but are well-respected in the community for their services. Are often protected heavily because of their value and proximity to the young and ill.

[ private ]
Any other member of the company - including pups or retired members - go here. Privates are considered civillians are are not called upon unless in dire circumstances. Are generally resigned to whatever fate those above them have decided upon.

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Posted 2020-10-23 23:18:30 (edited)

[ law of the land ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tortor massa, mattis quis lectus eget, auctor fringilla tortor. Vestibulum vestibulum justo vitae diam commodo interdum. Nulla facilisi. Mauris faucibus consectetur lacus. Donec ultrices risus arcu, ac aliquet mauris fermentum ut. Aliquam tristique a justo ut scelerisque. Fusce tempus dui sed ultrices vulputate.

Ut sit amet turpis augue. In quis velit consequat, rhoncus arcu non, aliquam diam. Mauris in felis ac mi fermentum ultricies in sed urna. Mauris eget est quis dolor fermentum scelerisque. Nulla tincidunt lorem aliquet, lobortis lacus in, pharetra nulla. Nullam non fermentum ex. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi malesuada iaculis efficitur. Donec mollis enim tincidunt accumsan sollicitudin. Phasellus sit amet mollis nisi, ac scelerisque massa. Proin vestibulum nibh sed euismod dapibus. Fusce molestie ante vitae tristique finibus. Phasellus imperdiet sed lorem at tincidunt. Sed sodales leo sit amet lacus consequat cursus. Duis ante massa, auctor non nunc non, bibendum euismod augue.

Suspendisse pulvinar massa id purus commodo, non ultrices mauris euismod. Curabitur gravida tincidunt viverra. Nulla eget nulla ipsum. Pellentesque quis sem vitae orci interdum suscipit. Nulla tristique odio elit, ac lacinia neque suscipit vitae. Praesent maximus, augue sit amet laoreet pellentesque, arcu magna porttitor purus, a aliquam dolor enim ac nulla. In congue erat neque, ut viverra enim mollis porttitor.

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Posted 2020-10-23 23:19:52 (edited)

[ alliances ]

PACK NAME status


PACK NAME status


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Posted 2020-10-23 23:20:16 (edited)

[ header ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tortor massa, mattis quis lectus eget, auctor fringilla tortor. Vestibulum vestibulum justo vitae diam commodo interdum. Nulla facilisi. Mauris faucibus consectetur lacus. Donec ultrices risus arcu, ac aliquet mauris fermentum ut. Aliquam tristique a justo ut scelerisque. Fusce tempus dui sed ultrices vulputate.

Ut sit amet turpis augue. In quis velit consequat, rhoncus arcu non, aliquam diam. Mauris in felis ac mi fermentum ultricies in sed urna. Mauris eget est quis dolor fermentum scelerisque. Nulla tincidunt lorem aliquet, lobortis lacus in, pharetra nulla. Nullam non fermentum ex. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi malesuada iaculis efficitur. Donec mollis enim tincidunt accumsan sollicitudin. Phasellus sit amet mollis nisi, ac scelerisque massa. Proin vestibulum nibh sed euismod dapibus. Fusce molestie ante vitae tristique finibus. Phasellus imperdiet sed lorem at tincidunt. Sed sodales leo sit amet lacus consequat cursus. Duis ante massa, auctor non nunc non, bibendum euismod augue.

Suspendisse pulvinar massa id purus commodo, non ultrices mauris euismod. Curabitur gravida tincidunt viverra. Nulla eget nulla ipsum. Pellentesque quis sem vitae orci interdum suscipit. Nulla tristique odio elit, ac lacinia neque suscipit vitae. Praesent maximus, augue sit amet laoreet pellentesque, arcu magna porttitor purus, a aliquam dolor enim ac nulla. In congue erat neque, ut viverra enim mollis porttitor.

[ intro | worldbuilding | wolves | culture | rules | allies | updates ]


Posted 2020-12-02 04:52:27 (edited)

It's a big world out there! There are many types of creatures you can find out in your adventures, or here at the fields, so entrepid explorers have taken to documenting everything they know.

Generally speaking, XXX can be divided into four rarity tiers: common, uncommon, rare, and legendary. Each creature also has what's called a affinity, which is where they're native to. This "affinity" influences what it looks like. They can also sometimes have mutations; though these can be exclusive to certain breeds! Explorers haven't found many breeds that fall into these categories thus far, but below you can find all of them that have been discovered and how to obtain them!

Moomini COMMON
Named because of their resemblance to real-life cows, Moominis aren't actually related at all! They only stand at about XXX tall at the shoulder, but Moominis are known for their stout bodytypes and sturdy builds. They possess flat teeth used in their herbivorous diet as well as two small tusks at the back of the mouth used for protection. Moominis have short tails to avoid injury from attacks and tall, sensitive ears to listen for predators. Though fast, they are poor swimmers.

Because of their resistance to attacks, Moominis tend to be rather jovial and friendly. Elder Moominis are known to be incredibly wise, and the parental instincts of the breed lead them to occasionally adopt infants of entirely different species. They show affection by doing what's called 'snoofing': pressing their nose against someone and sharply exhaling. Moominis will never leave a herdmate behind, and will chase off even their natural predators to protect one of their own.

Moominis are the most common type of XXX, and can be found almost anywhere. A group of Moominis is called a herd, and typically composes of 8-15 individuals from several generations. Most groups are controlled by the eldest female in the group. Moominis sleep huddled together with the infants in the middle.

Obtained: Auctions, Flatsales, Customs, Events, Explore
Affinity: All
Mutations: N/A
Named because of their resemblance to real-life cows, Moominis aren't actually related at all! They only stand at about XXX tall at the shoulder, but Moominis are known for their stout bodytypes and sturdy builds. They possess flat teeth used in their herbivorous diet as well as two small tusks at the back of the mouth used for protection. Moominis have short tails to avoid injury from attacks and tall, sensitive ears to listen for predators. Though fast, they are poor swimmers.

Because of their resistance to attacks, Moominis tend to be rather jovial and friendly. Elder Moominis are known to be incredibly wise, and the parental instincts of the breed lead them to occasionally adopt infants of entirely different species. They show affection by doing what's called 'snoofing': pressing their nose against someone and sharply exhaling. Moominis will never leave a herdmate behind, and will chase off even their natural predators to protect one of their own.

Moominis are the most common type of XXX, and can be found almost anywhere. A group of Moominis is called a herd, and typically composes of 8-15 individuals from several generations. Most groups are controlled by the eldest female in the group. Moominis sleep huddled together with the infants in the middle.

Obtained: Auctions, Flatsales, Customs, Events, Explore
Mutations: N/A


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