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🌲 Gaia Wolves Breeding Project 🌲

Posted 2020-11-09 01:21:11

Hi! My green based wolves from this auction didn't sell and I was wondering if anyone wanted them as I don't have room for them. I need them gone ASAP. Two have RMA marks!


Posted 2020-11-10 19:41:19

All these green wolves aaaah it makes my heart happy, I swear I definitely thought there was no interest in khaki or honeydew and that the colors that had drawn me to get into the breeding sim wouldn't sell or be celebrated...then, this thread exists. Glorious.


Posted 2020-11-10 21:44:32

I'm just getting started and have two honeydew females :) 


Posted 2020-11-13 12:05:22

This thread makes me happy. I just joined recently and have started a project I am calling the “Ugly Sweater Project” for Khaki and Honeydew wolves. Mainly focusing on Khakis with aim for her wisdom stats. Btw I don’t seen the green bases as ugly people just kept saying the green with red markings reminded them of ugly Christmas sweaters so that is where the name of this project for me comes in.


Posted 2020-11-13 12:06:33

@Ashburr Feel free to join the server! I have a lovely khaki girl that has a red shaded marking :) Veya is her name. If she can help you out lemme know!

Peryton 🦌🦅

Posted 2020-11-13 17:42:09

I was looking at this thread earlier and thought it was cool then complete the breeding quest and got a khaki and a honeydew. If anyone wants the khaki just let me know haha i might keep the honeydew. So unexpected!


Posted 2020-11-13 18:04:23

Congrats on your green pups LittleFish!

Peryton 🦌🦅

Posted 2020-11-20 07:09:39

I have two khaki pups with merle and don't mind selling away for projects if needed :) 

Adult form F 246s

Adult form pup 2 F 249s

Wolfbeatsx (Semi-Hiatus)

Posted 2020-12-18 10:30:16

I'm here to report Kazas has passed away T_T

Honeydew Lohan is my new stud!


Posted 2020-12-26 00:23:00

@Greentusk handsome boy, bookmarking him!

Honeydew is one of my favorite bases. Got a couple honeydew pups (Jackfruit Cider and Chendol). Chendol was a rescue; her breeder was like "best of the litter but she's green :((" and I was like "hell yeah"


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