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Posted 2021-01-26 17:30:04

Perfect! I'll write you up and as soon as I get started I'll send you the sketch/flatcolor and you can see what needs changing! <3


Posted 2021-01-26 17:32:04 (edited)

NAME/ID#: Argent 2945
Decor size:  Large!
Number of age poses:  Adult

Decor description: Angelic high elf armour + crown. The armour is elegant and silver with pale moonstone gems. The crown is made from horns of a deer and dazzled with pale moonstone like crystals and silver wear. 

Reference photos:  Reference here (not my art)
Method of payment: GC
"I have read and agree to terms & conditions": Yes!


Posted 2021-01-26 17:38:24

Hi Argent! I definitely want to do this decor because it's right up my alley, I just need some clarifications.

a) Since large decors are 160+ up, and this would at least take me 6 hours, I'd probably need to charge at least 250 GC (about 60 USD for my time when converted), I'd need your approval for that pricing.
b) I can't copy the exact clothing because I'm assuming this is a character design. If it's yours, I can definitely do a replica suitable for a wolf! What parts of the armor and/or clothing do you want here? If you just want the metal pieces here and the crown, the price would reflect that, but if you want parts of the clothing/fabric as well, it'd go up to that 250GC pricing.
c) A lot of the tiny details in that type of clothing would be lost because of size restrictions, and it'd have to be simplified to reflect this. Is that OK with you?

Please let me know and we can work something out! x


Posted 2021-01-26 17:43:32 (edited)


This is not my character, so obviously we cannot copy the design heh but, the crown and metal armour would be lovely! (I can always come back later for addons for the fabric when you have more time!) The image is just a rough image of what I'd like, but you can make it however you want as long as it fits the "high elf of lord of the rings" look hehe (Thranduil is a good character reference!). Let me know how much the crown/metal armour would cost and I'd love to pay the price for your lovely work!


Posted 2021-01-26 17:51:29

I can work with that! The crown and metal (with some embroidered fabric to tie it together) would be 250! I feel bad asking for a lot but hopefully it will be worth it. I love making armor!! I start working on the others in the waitlist on the 28th/29th but I should be able to get to yours right after that! I'll send you a sketch/flatcolor picture once I've started and you can let me know if you want anything changed ^^. Thank you!!


Posted 2021-01-26 17:52:22

Sounds good. Is it at all possible to be contacted on discord with wips?


Posted 2021-01-26 17:53:16

Sounds great!! Thanks so much ^^


Posted 2021-01-26 17:54:40

@slothie, absolutely! just edit your form and add *please contact me on discord via (name #id)* or put *please contact me on discord* and then send a PM with your discord info if you don't wish to post it publicly! 


Posted 2021-01-27 00:12:52 (edited)
I'm so excitttteeeeeddd now that custom decor is here, here we go baby 

† Salem Trials †

Posted 2021-01-27 06:58:57 (edited)

Not Sure if this is possible or if you are comfortable with doing a design like this. I also would most likely like to buy the seller's license. I kind of want this to be a one of a kind so I don't want to sell the design to others. I do not have a Lioden account unfortunately.

NAME/ID#: Ryhn#31929

Decor size:  Medium/Large?

Number of age poses:  Just one for Adult

Decor description: as in depth as possible: I have an idea to create the four wolves of the apocalypse so may commission for the rest in the future. For now I am interested in creating Pestilence. I would like to create a sickly wolf (zombiefied wolf). Not sure how in depth to go with this but I am sure I wanted to have permanent mange, exposed bone (minimally), as well as any suggestion you think may enhance the zombie/sickly look.

Reference photos:  Wolf to be used (He will be made immortal once his design is perfected) 

Example of Mange: 

Method of payment: Full GC! Let me know how much

 "I have read and agree to terms & conditions": Yes


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