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1x1 Wolf Roleplay [Discord]

1x1 Wolf Roleplay [Discord]
Posted 2022-05-12 09:05:56

My name is Soli/Rosco, and I'm looking for a Discord partner who is interested in wolf RP! I have three characters that I want to try using, as well. Each of them has their own unique personality and behavioral traits, too! If you are interested, please say so in the commments of this thread! You will need to show me a wardrobe screenshot/reference of what your OC looks like, too. I will send you my discord username and tag in Private messages on site.



A male pherris lunar wolf with a tendency to not understand jokes. Normal wolves usually have to take the time to explain things to him in detail, as he has never left the Dreamlands before. Phulgraks can also be very possesive and territorial over those he creates bonds with. He shows interest in becoming a mage one day, he just needs to find somewolf willing to teach him.

Gilroy the Swift

A male solis pellis (opposite of dreamlands pherris wolves, name translates to "solar pelt" in latin) with a dangerous habit of starting fights he can't win. He is thinks very highly of himself, as he has royalty in his bloodline, although not through direct parental lineage. Gilroy can frequently get on other creatures nerves with his boasting and bragging. He could do with some humbling to get his head in the game.


A normal female wolf from the Ironclaw pack. Kionea is a smart, and quick-thinking she-wolf. At the moment, she has no idea whatsoever on what she wants to do with her life. With pressure from her adoptive parents to find a mate and have pups, Kionea knows for sure she wants to leave her pack. It may take some convincing to leave her younger brother, Sahale, behind.  Who knows, will a gentle, kindhearted loner persuade her to leave everything she's known, or will she rebel and find a stranger to match her mischievous side?


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