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Harmony Pack Lore [read only]

Harmony Pack Lore [read only]
Posted 2022-04-30 08:33:44 (edited)

The Forming of Harmony Pack

Harmony Pack began with a small group of 5 yearlings, who were sent out on their first real hunt as a newly formed hunting party but they never returned home from this hunt! Instead they decided to form their own pack! And so the 5 yearlings traveled for weeks in a eastward direction, stopping only when they found a spot in a woodland that had everything they would ever need. It was a beautiful spot next to a watering hole with trees that provide cover from the elements and twisted roots that make prefect sleeping dens, deep within the Riparian Woodland

Pack Rule

Whole Pack
-Wolves will only breed once they reach level 20, and paired bonded with their best match
--Both parents look after their own pups, as pupsitters and retire from their roles (except the herbalist)
-No buying meds, herbs, amusements or food - all this must be found / made by the pack
--Any meds left over on the last day of every month will be donated / given away

Lead Rules
-Talents are picked by and they become the pack's focus
-The heir with the highest stats will take over as lead (lead's offspring only)
-The lead's mate will be the one with the highest stats and the opposite gender

Posted 2022-04-30 09:18:23 (edited)

Lead Yin: Year One


After settling into their new home, Yin the dark female quickly took charge of the group and gave each their new role within the new pack, deciding that 1 hunter would be enough for the pack since Yin will also be bringing back food from her territory scouts, a herbalist is always a must and 2 scouts to discover new places surrounding their new home seemed like a good idea too

It didn't take long for the new pack to realise that there was something strange going on within their new home. Strange lights were spotted, and plants and animals that didn't belong were everywhere, lost wolves and crying puppies and strange smells had everyone spooked, and Yin soon found herself helping out a nearby pack trying to figure out what was going on

Yin made her way back to the nearby pack, to give them her findings and see if they had anything new to share. She met the packs elder who had a fascinating tale to tell and the herbalist suggested that maybe there was something that was bringing about all the strange visions that wolves have been experiencing lately, so Yin want off to look for anything odd and found a green trinket, which quickly proved to be the thing giving wolves the visions, after having one such vision herself form touching the thing. The elder thinks it might be only one part of a whole and that there's other pieces out there, 4 other pieces in fact since wolves have been talking about 5 different visions. Yin is now on a mission to find the rest of the trinkets

Back within her own pack everything is going good, on one has gone missing, but everyone is still spooked by all the strangeness. The herbalist is doing great, he hasn't made any meds yet, but he is collecting and studying a ton of herbs, so Yin is hopeful that she picked out the right wolf for that job. The huntress however isn't fairing so well, after being inured during one of her hurts, the wound is pretty bad and looks rather sore, but the young huntress isn't letting that stop her form doing her job, earning her a new found respect from Yin. Hopefully Herb can help the young huntress with her wound soon

Yin managed to found all the trinkets and made her way back to the nearby pack, where she helped to fix all the trinkets together like a puzzle, which started to glow and seemed to summon the spirit of the wolf from all the visions. Yin decided to touch the glowing trinkets and was transported to a different time where she witnessed the tale the elder had told about the changeling pups. On returning to the present the spirit was angry and demanding her pups back and things quickly turned bad, with one wolf fighting for their life! The spirit disappeared and now a hunt was on to find her. A suggestion was made to look within the caves that have be popping up at night, and so now Yin's new mission is to found the spirit within one of the caves

Meanwhile at home the scouts are doing well discovering lots of new places, though both scouts appear to be bored with their job. The huntress continues to go out on daily hunts, though most of them are unsuccessful. Yin is not mad at this, considering the young huntress is currently sporting a nasty would on her leg. The herbalist, Herb has been bathing the wound almost everyday or at last when Honey the young huntress will let him! Herb himself seems to have come down with something, Yin has noticed the herbalist doesn't seem to have as much energy has usual and his nose is running. Yin also hasn't been feeling to good herself and feels like she may have passed on her illness to Herb when she went to see him about it, hopefully it will spare the others while Herb works on a cure for him and herself


Yin continues to look for the spirit within caves for most of the month and finally finds the right one, a little to close to home for her comfort. Yin didn't waste any time returning to her friends to give them the news and before she knew it she was off on a rescue mission. Things however did not go to plan.. they discovered that the spirit has been tricking wolves into the caves using the lights and the voices of loved one, in Yin's case, her mother, and though Yin misses her mother, she also knows she is safe miles away from all this craziness, so the trick has little effect on Yin, she does still flatten her ears to help block it out none-the-less. They never found the lost wolves, but Maeve gave the spirit her unborn pups, in a bid to get the missing wolves back, one of which is her mate or at least bring a end to all the craziness and to stop more wolves from disappearing. It seemed to work the spirit left and the world felt right again, though none of the lost wolves were returned, the strange animals and lights were still about and trinkets were left behind, and as a ground everyone agree that burying the thing would be the best thing to do. The herbalist also grabbed some St. John's wort to add on top

Back within her own pack, Herb managed to make up a ointment for the huntress, Honey, which helped to heal up her wounded leg. Yin and Herb are still sick, with what Herb thinks is the flu and it has passed on to all the other wolves in the pack. Herb thinks he remembers their old pack's herbalist using purple flowers and spikey leaves to mix cures for this illness, and so everyone is on the lookout for such things. Meanwhile Herb has been keeping himself busy learning as much as he can about the herbs they've all been finding, experimenting and mixing up some cure for future use, while waiting for the stuff needed to make a flu cure

Yin found herself growing bored and missing her new found friends within the near by pack, so decided to go pay them a visit  and was surprised to see Maeve with a pair of pups and looking well, though understandably still a little sadden by her recent losses, but the pups seemed to bring her some joy and this made Yin happy. The two females sat and watched the pups play for bit and Yin learnt that Maeve had retire as her pack's scout and taken on the role of pupsitter, which seems to be doing her some good. Then The herbalist joined them with some worrying news about the lights and whispers. It seems the strangeness was picking back up again and the herbalist is currently trying to find a herb mixture that will help keep wolves safe by masking their scent and Yin has a feeling she'll be helping out this pack again

Within her own pack, Yin had a very busy herbalist mixing all kinds of things trying to find a remedy for the packs illness, that has spared no one. Yin's entire pack was low on energy and struggling to do their normal routines and Yin wasn't mad when they needed more time to rest, actually Yin liked having her pack members around more then normal. They were able to spend more time with each other and they were all growing a little closer as a result and that wasn't a bad thing, since they were still a new pack, full of young wolves with a ton of years ahead of them. Yin believes that the closeness of a pack's members is key to a successful and happy pack

After visiting her friends again, Yin found herself helping the herbalist find herbs that might help keep wolves safe by masking their scent. The herbalist thinks there might be different herbs closer to Yin's pack that she hasn't tried mixing yet, since they're not within her area and Yin is always more then happy to help out and was already collecting herbs for her own herbalist, in hopes of helping to find the herbs that will cure the illness that has currently overtaken her entire pack!


Once Yin gathered enough different herbs she headed back to her friends, and helped the herbalists mixed the smelliest thing she has ever smelt in her life this far! And was given some to take back home to her pack in order to help test out how long the smell hangs around for once applied to fur, much to everyone's horror!! The only one not having to test out the smelly mixture is Honey the huntress. Honey is having the worse time with the illness the pack in currently dealing with, and is too sick to go out hunting, her only task is to rest. Yin has taken on the role of food gathering for the time being and discovered she's pretty good at fishing and even enjoys doing so. It's become a bit of a hobby for her now

Yin was out exploring when she came across the ghost wolf cave again, but this time there was two unnatural wolves almost chanting "oath breaker" which puzzled Yin and so she made her way back to her friends to see if they had any ideas about what this could be about. Here she meet the herbalist's cute, but awkward son Lorcan who's company she enjoyed. The herbalist employed Yin's help again. Yin and Lorcan was tasked with passing on the mixture recipe to as many wolves as they could, while the herbalist gathered more herbs to make more of the mixture for her own pack

Back at home the illness keeps getting worse for most members of Yin's pack. The poor herbalist is still working on trying to mix a cure, but no one has been able to find the two herbs needed for the cure yet and though the illness isn't life threatening, it seems to be something that will not go away on it's own, so the cures is very much needed for the pack to get back to normal

Yin has been so into bringing food back for her pack lately, that a lot of food had started to rot and needed to be chucked, maybe they'll start giving some food away to other packs or exchanging food for herbs or meds perhaps? The huntress Honey is feeling better and has started going back out on her hunts and hopefully with a bit of time to rest, the scouts will start to feel well enough to start scouting again too. All the help Yin and Herb can get to find the herbs needed for the flu cure the better for everyone, the whole pack is ready to say goodbye to this illness lingering around and making them all feel awful


Yin returned to her friends at the foot of the mountain, it seems they have a plan to make a new agreement with the otherworldly wolves, and so they set off to make this new deal, but it did not go so well. Yin and the herbalist was sent out to destroy 10 patches of herbs each and in return the otherworldly beings would leave their packs alone, maybe? The herbalist suggested that the two of them should split up, it would be quicker and Yin agreed. And so Yin destroyed her half of the herb patches and returned, but the herbalist did not destroy any herbs and as a result the elder was taken in exchange for the younger herbalist who was their target for her trick. They lost another good wolf, but is seems the otherworldly ones have gone too, or at least for now. Yin will be sure to tell the future pups of Harmony Pack stores of these otherworldly beings in hopes that they will know what signs to look for should they ever return again

And as expected the scouts are back out scouting after taking time to rest, they are still not 100% ok, but every seems to be doing ok at the min, hopefully someone will find the purple flowers and spikey leaves needed for the cure soon and since it's now mid summer Yin is more hopeful then ever. This is the season of growth after all and everything is in bloom

Finally all the madness has stopped, no more lights, no more whispers, or strange animals and plaints in places they shouldn't be and more alarming was the fact that the pack at the foot of the mountain has also gone. Yin wondered if maybe they too were an out of place pack? Regardless, Yin hopes nothing bad has happened to what remained of her friend's pack. They will be missed and if Yin was honest, so will all the madness. Yin found it all rather exciting!

Yin has plenty to do within her own pack, like helping her herbalist find what he needs to make a cure for this stinking illness they are all stuffing from, and hopefully before the poor herbalist exhausts himself. Yin could see the toll that working on a cure has been taking on him. Yin knows he is doing the best he can, with the small amount of knowledge he has, since Herb was trained to be a Hunter, just like the rest of the member in this small pack and so herbs and herb mixing was not something he studied as a pup

Herb is growing more and more tried with every passing day and Yin is worried about her herbalist, the huntress is also getting worse and is in not fit state to be going out on hunt, the scouts are fairing a little better and still performing their role without any problems. It might be cause they spend so little time with the pack while they're out on scouts and so the illness as less of a hold no them? Or maybe they just have a better immune system with all the places they have been? Either way, Yin is happy to see them getting off lightly, she just wished it was the case for all of them, herself included!

Posted 2022-05-13 14:27:41 (edited)

Lead Yin: Year Two


Herb continues to struggle on with cure duty, mixing and testing out medicines as much as possible wanting to cure the pack of this long standing illness. The huntress is back out on small hurts after her short break, despite her illness and the scouts are still doing their scouting trips. Yin as been spending most of her time searching for herbs to take back to her herbalist

After receiving a nasty gash close to her eye from a Turkey Vulture, Yin has been avoiding all big birds and their sharp talons. She doesn't fancy being blinded in any of her eyes! She is sure this wound will also scar and join her growing collection. Yang is feeling better after encountering a kind stranger while out on one of his scouts. The stranger noticed Yang was ill and gave him a cure which Yang gladly accepted

Yang is enjoying his freedom from illness and spending a lot of time away from his fellow pack mates in an attempt to stay illness free, meanwhile Herb continues to work hard mixing up medicines trying to found the cure the everyone else. No one has yet discover were the purple flowers are hiding are the flu cure, much to Herbs annoyance. Honey seems to have some other kind of illness which Herb is also working on. The young huntress is making it hard for Herb to treat her illness with her stand offish demeaner and unwillingness to let him help her


Yin has been thinking about the future of her pack, knowing that one day she will have to continue her line with a mate. She picked out a young male for herself before fully starting her pack and the two of them changed their names to a paired name: Yin and Yang. She enjoys his company and founds him to be super sweet, though she feels like she'd match better with Herb or Hollywood.. choices, choices

After spending more time with Yang, Yin is confidant she made the right choice, he will make a wonderful father one day with his sweet, quiet nature and Yin feels safe and relaxed in his company. Yang really likes Yin too, he invites her for cuddles as often as he can

Everyone seems to be doing better, with the illness curing itself, much to the pack's relief. Life within the pack can now return to natural - if there ever was a natural for Yin's pack! With all the strange that seem to find her and the pack, like the strange dreamland that makes itself known once it a while, almost like the veil between the wakeful world and the world of dreams becomes thin enough for two world to collide









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