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Wolvden Lore RP Clan

Posted 2022-05-15 09:26:50
Bliss here~☆ I was wondering if a separate raffel tab or conversation Like the 'General Chatter' for Raffels/Contests can be made? Or if I am allowed to make a thread in General Chatter for Raffels?

I have one I'm trying to start for food and amusment, because I have a bunch leftover and could use the currency. I thought it would be fun to host one and even more fun if our clan could be a part of it. I don't know another way for everyone to see it without a Raffel thread or conversation. Maybe the thread can be there just to provide information and links to Raffel/Giveaway/contest forms that members are hosting on the offical Chatter page. (Since forms can not be edited in Clans yet)

I think it would be cool to have access to raffels/contests/giveaways and such that clan members are specifically hosting. But if that doesn't have a place here, that's okay too. Just wondering.

Bittersweet Bliss

Posted 2022-05-15 11:19:38
Of course! Glad I could help.

Hi Bliss! Okay, let me figure something out real quick and I'll get back to you.


Posted 2022-05-15 19:18:47

Important! Please Read!!

It has come to my attention that most of the forum boards haven't been visible to members all this time. Please check to see if the forum looks like this:

-General Chatter

Lore and More
-Share your lore
-Lore Help and Feedback
-Art and Other Projects

Roleplaying and Writing
-Looking for a Partner
-RP Area
-Collaboration Area

Wolvden Advertisements
-Art and Writing Commissions

If the forum does not look like this for you, please let me know!! Thank you!


Posted 2022-05-19 23:37:11 (edited)
Hello Clan members!

I have 3 raffels right now with cheap entries.

2 raffels are for 200 uses of amusment each and the entries are cave materials or herbs.

My third is the grand raffel of the three. I am giving away 5 prizes that are worth GC for an entry of 5SC. Only 1 entry per person so everyone has a fair chance!

So if you're interested and want to try your luck. Click Here for links to these raffels.

Bittersweet Bliss

Posted 2022-08-01 16:33:14
Hello everyone!

Sorry it has been a while since my last update. I would like to thank you to everyone who has joined and stuck around, I know the clan hasn't been too exciting and I was hoping that some sort of notification system would have been added by now (still crossing my fingers).

Seeing that it hasn't happened yet, I decided to set up a discord sever. I'm still learning how to set one up, but hopefully it will be done soon. If anyone is interested in helping or becoming staff/moderator, please DM!!! I could use all the help.

I'm also aware that not everyone uses discord, so I'm think about starting something here in the roleplaying chatter to act at a hub for finding partners to rp with. I not sure how it would work, but if you have any ideas and would like to help let me know ~!!



Posted 2022-08-01 16:43:18
Nice news!
WolfFox 🐺 🦊

Posted 2022-08-15 19:00:46
Hello everyone~!

I hope you are all doing well. I would like to announce that the Discord server that I mentioned last time has been completed!  I would first like to give a big thank you to Fydo#14894 for helping me get this all set up!!!

If you are interested in joining  you can click here.

I would also like to say that if you are interested in becoming a mod for the server or have any questions, please let me know! :3



Posted 2022-08-15 19:01:33
Oooh, I don't have discord,  but may I ask what a mod does in your group??
WolfFox 🐺 🦊

Posted 2022-08-15 19:13:30
Of course!! A mod is a team of people that will help with monitoring the server to make sure that the rules are being followed properly and ensure that things are running smoothly. They will have the ability to give out warnings, delete inappropriate posts and, if need be, kick someone out of the server that's keeps breaking the rules. I hope that helps.


Posted 2022-08-15 19:15:29
If that's something that interests you, then when the forum here in the clan starts picking up I'll be asking if anyone would like to be a mod to help out.


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