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HELP! I'm a newbie

HELP! I'm a newbie
Posted 2022-04-18 09:34:58 (edited)
So I've recently started playing with these genetics/breeding games. I loved this game so far, but the community has made terms that I'm confused about. Such as low gen wolves, what does this mean? Can you tell me common terms used in the community so I can understand better, thanks! Also, much later when I level up, I want to sell wolves or have a stud other players can pay to have their wolf breed with. What is the thing most people look for? Looks or stats?


Posted 2022-04-18 09:44:16
Yo! I'll work on answering your questions in a sec— but also I would suggest checking out this clan! It's the Adopt-A-Newbie clan and it's basically for exactly what you're looking for, you can get an experienced mentor (such as myself ) who'll help you full time :]


Posted 2022-04-18 12:23:54
Thanks! I'll check out that clan!

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