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Misty's Custom CSS (& free stuff too) ~COMISSIONS PARTIALLY OPEN (Please Read)

Posted 2022-10-22 19:20:32

Weekly Update

Alright alright, so i think its time for my weekly update and I am booked xD I will be CLOSED until further notice when i am caught up, but you can reserve spots for when I am open again. Thank you for your time and understanding, I hope everythings going good for y'all and this is Misty signing off ^^

Until we meet again :>


Posted 2022-12-02 11:38:57
Hi! I'm not sure if your open yet or not, if not can I reserve a spot for when you are open?

Posted 2022-12-20 17:33:32
hi, do you mind making me one that has this photo 


Posted 2023-01-30 23:57:48


I'm back, and unless something happens again, i should be back for a while, and hopefully consistent. I apologize for all the inconsistencies with my absences and whatnot, and i really, really appreciate y'all for sticking around, it means alot more than you probably know :D


Posted 2023-01-30 23:58:15
@DarkRose- Reserving a spot was perfectly fine! However i'm open now, and I am able to accept your commission if your still interested. Send me a message letting me know what your decision is, and what theme/edits you would like for your den ^^

@Shunka Warak'in - Of course! and I don't mind, if your still interested in taking a commission from me, that is. Shoot me a pm and let me know if you are, and more of the specifics to what you would like on your den, thanks!


Posted 2023-02-26 16:14:41
hey i saw that it was only 350 sc for a full den makeover i thought i would check it out ^^


Posted 2023-02-27 07:30:47
Hello @TimberRose! I'm glad you did and that is correct ^^, are you interested in something specific for your den?


Posted 2023-02-27 09:25:50
Uh yeah i was interested in a lunar style den for the lunar event as it fits with my lore


Posted 2023-02-27 09:53:49
Alrighty! Do you have any background ideas in mind, and/or would you like text boxes, and any other design options that you'd like to have done? :)


Posted 2023-02-27 10:03:32
So i would love to have rounded out boxes sorta like the CSS i have currently


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