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honestly just writing shorts about my own wolves because art

honestly just writing shorts about my own wolves because art
Posted 2020-10-22 13:21:18

I really want to get a connection with these babies so I don't forget about them smh. 

Amber laid down on her side, the once active hunter had been exhausted from the day she gave birth and so she decided that I should be well earned for her to take a little rest from now or then, today she decided on sunbathing, eventhough there wasn't a lot of sun left the night was approaching and with it came the colder temperatures. She groaned, she moved onto her other side, debating if she should get up or not most of the other wolves had already left but she loved enjoying the sun and the breeze more then anything, if only it could last a little longer she thought. The last sunbeams danced around her already golden coat, she shivered a bit and decided to follow the others into the main den. She was about to enter her place when her ears picked up  an alarming sound.


a low growl could be heard coming from inside the den

"grrr rr r" 

Another growl which was followed by a loud thumbing sound. 

Amber rushed in prepared to fight the beast that was attacking her babies. She found her sun laying in the corner of the den, every bone in his body looked as if it was shivering. 


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