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Ethris's School Of Dragons | Sign Ups

Posted 2020-11-10 18:05:01

Is there an to thread open yet I looked but didn't see


Posted 2020-11-11 08:27:59

human sheet:


Amilea margaret willis







Likes and dislikes:she dislikes grasshoppers and Lightning. She likes the stryke dragon class and is alot like them In a way. She gets distracted by shiny objects and shiny dragons. She loves sushi

Appearance: Physically, Amelia is in pretty good shape. She is tall with pale skin, chromed hair and black eyes. She always has a shirt that says "I LOVE DRAGONS!" 

Personality: She is energetic and giving, but can also be very talkative and a bit lazy. And some other personality traits that she has is active, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, canty, energetic, generous, giving, gumptious, indefatigable, industrious, lazy, liberal, lively, merry, openhanded, physical, snappy, strenuous, talkative, teenage, tireless, unflagging, unwearying, up-and-coming, vigorous, zippy


Other: She grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. She was raised by her father, her mother having left when she was young.


Dragon form




Dragon type:Stryke dragon class


Appearance:He is a radiant emerald colored dragon with smooth metal scales. He has radiant green eyes. He has one stinger in he tip of his tail and two on his front talons. 

Personality: his personality is a bit weird. He can be very snappy at times and calm at others. active, benevolent, benignant, canty, charitable, cold, considerate, convulsive, crimson, crisp, dapper, dashing, educated, energetic, enlightened, fashionable, ferocious, fierce, forgiving, frosty, furious, generous, genial, gentle, good, gracious, gumptious, helpful, hospitable, humane, indefatigable, industrious, informed, instructed, intense, jaunty, kind, kindhearted, knowing, knowledgeable, lashing, learned, lettered, literate, lively, lurid, merciful, merry, natty, nipping, nippy, numerate, openhearted, parky, physical, raffish, raging, rakish, rampageous, red, savage, schooled, self-educated, semiliterate, smart, snappish, snappy, spirited, strenuous, stylish, sympathetic, taught, tearing, thoughtful, tireless, tolerant, tough, tutored, unflagging, unwearying, up-and-coming, vehement, vigorous, violent, well-educated, well-read, whipping, wild, zippy

Likes and dislikes: he loves to worship one human and that is his rider. He is very compassionate and caring. He doesn't like acid and bows shooting at him.

Strengths and weakness: his strengths are his wings in which he can cut trees down and his stingers. He is also very agile and quick. His weaknesses are his vibrant scales and his thin wings in which if he is in a bad predicament the enemy could injure his wing membrane.

Rider: Open

Affiliation: Open

Other:loves to eat sushi

Maria Skylar

Posted 2021-01-11 14:20:20

Human Form

Name: vesika 



Role: Rider

Appearance:is a skinny red head she has bright green eyes always wearing dragon scale shoulder pads 

Personality:dark sly loves to play pranks aggressive and loves to fight

Dragon: open

Likes & Dislikes:likes dangerous dragons,weapons,drawing,freedom dislikes some dragons,being out in the open

Strength & Weaknesses:  she is a great close combat fighter and can sneak up on people well but she is nervous in open areas and some times her aggression can lead to mistakes that ends up with her being hurt or someone else

Affiliations: none?


she is a complete distaster when it comes to being calm and loving she takes a great interest in more dangerous situations and dragons ending up in trouble for trying to get one 


Dragon Form

Name:deseo (means wish in spanish)


Species:wish class


Appearance:she is a lavender color and glows wiht many shades of purple when the sun hits her glass like scales just right she is amazing. There scales light up to be many shades of purple and pink like a sunset. Standing at a amazing 45 feet tall there wing span is 12 feet 

Personality:soft kind and loving they are a pure heart and will never do anything wrong 

Rider: open

Likes & Dislikes: they have a great intrest in colors and paintings they love to stash it away when they find anything shiny they hate it when humans steal and normally tries to stop it they hate not being able to see the ground 

Strength & Weaknesses: they have hard crystal claws and huge crystal spikes along there tail they use to smash into there enemy if hit in the right spot there scales will shatter but they protect that and will become desperate in battle when defending themselves 



she is a very kind soul and will never do anything wrong she loves to stay hidden and take great interest into human artifacts 


Posted 2021-02-09 13:54:34 (edited)


Name: Night

Age: 55

Species: Aqueous class

Gender: girl

Appearance: dark blue scales, with lighter blue horns, wings, spines/spikes, and claws, and silver eyes

Personality: kind, quiet, calm, and usually tired

Rider: Sky ( if I can. if not then idk)

Likes & Dislikes: likes the moon and ocean, dislikes mean dragons/people

Strength & Weaknesses: she can swim quickly, but can be stubborn at times

Affiliations: none



Name: Sky Crow

Age: 16

Gender: girl

Role: rider

Slayer Role : N/A

Appearance: black hair, with light, almost pale skin, and wearing a grey t-shirt and black jeans. eyes are brown.

Personality: calm, quiet, stubborn, energetic

Dragon: Night (if I can, if not then idk)

Likes & Dislikes: likes the moon, my dragon, the night, water, and nature. dislikes mean people.

Strength & Weaknesses: is really stubborn, but has good intentions and is really friendly to people she likes.

Affiliations: none


Night Crow the Bird Brain

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