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feline rp with Silver

feline rp with Silver
Posted 2022-03-18 14:43:11 (edited)
kibby go brr,

A war between the tribes. Our characters are sent out to get an artifact that'll end the war. Will they be successful?

Descriptions of ocs for easy reference:

Name- Silver
Gender- Female
Sexuality- Pan
Appearance- A dark silver furred cat with black markings over her paws. Her tail is the same silver, lighter around the white edge of her tail tip. Her eyes are pale yellow. Her ears are black and her chest and belly are white.
Personality- Snappy and deceitful, only telling the truth and being nice to those she trusts.
Extra- Her back left leg is scarred from a fire, and, because if unproper healing, her leg is still bad and stiffens up if she rests for too long. Whenever her leg is mentioned she acts full of herself since she hates the injury


Name: Rat (you can completely ignore her warrior suffix and just call her rat,)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi-curious / male leaning
Appearance: A ginger patched large she-cat with a bald tail from a fire (how coincidental). More can be read here!
Personality: Shes a bitter and violent cat who is bossy and controlling. She will wrong anyone if it puts her on top!
Extra: She is very sensitive about her "kit name" and will get very aggressive if its brought up. Same with her tail.

Any and all extra info can be found Here (her profile is somewhat wip and is patchy with info- sorry about that-)

Name: Flint
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: A fluffy monochrome tom with white cheekpads, toes, tailtip and ticking. Gray eyes link
Personality: Much like Rat, he is a violent and aggressive cat, not taking to others' opinions well.
Extra: Tribe leader

More tba!

Posted 2022-03-18 15:47:17
Silver followed her group, sighing as she felt her scarred leg flare back up.  She didn't quite agree with the tribes meeting, they were in a war after all, but one of them said there was a way to stop it so she joined in. "What if this is a sabotage?" Silver over heard a cat say, "Maybe Pine was just a spy!" She shook her head, trying to stop listening to the gossip. Eventually the tribe made it to the meeting site, waiting for their rivals to show.

Posted 2022-03-18 16:01:44
Rat was irritated with the arrangement, she knew it was a mistake to meet with the other tribe. She figured her tribe's leader had hit their head when they agreed to this. She huffed as they walked, muttering under her breath. Rat flicked her tail, the slight chill in the air nipping at her. She looked around at the others in her group, they were all older than her yet far less battle-scarred. She picks up her speed and trots along next to the leader, she looks at him "Are you sure this is a wise choice? What if they ambush us?" She huffs as he scoffs at her question, slowing down and taking her place again. Maybe Flint was dumb. Maybe he really was hit over the head.

As they neared the agreed meeting spot she glanced around, sniffing the air. Ew. the other tribe stank. she huffs again before they step into the clearing.

Posted 2022-03-18 17:30:04
Pine stepped forward, dipping his head the other tribe's leader. "Welcome. Thank you for agreeing to meet here. I believe I've found a way to end our war." He said. Pine turned and jumped onto a rock that could easily overlook the two groups. "I appreciate all who have come. Although I am not the leader of my tribe, I know what's right for us, and what's right is the end of this war." He spoke.

Silver sat near the back of the crowd, preferring to stay hidden during this secret meeting. 'This is to end our war, we'll be fine.' She thought, though she couldn't shake the feeling in her gut.

Posted 2022-03-18 17:50:35
Flint nods, not trying to look friendly in the slightest. "Lets get this over with. I don't have time to play with kits." His voice cold as he looks up at Pine. Flint's tail flicks back and forth. Its clear hes not very pleased that hes there but he stops talking, allowing Pine to continue.

Rat looks just as unpleased, looking around at the group from the other tribe. She's not hidden at all, shes on the edge of her group in full view of the others. She looks very criticizing as she glances around the group, her nose wrinkled. She rolls her eyes when she sees Pine representing the other tribe. 'Their own leader couldn't even force themself to be here. How pathetic.' she thought with a smirk.

Posted 2022-03-18 20:26:38
"To finally end this war," Pine started, after some time of talking, "I need two cats to find an artifact that will put peace on this land once again."

Silver hissed. 'Forcing us to find some artifact? He's probably sending off his least favorite cats or the strongest cats for some backwards attack.' She thought, yawing.

Posted 2022-03-19 07:45:55
Flint let out a laugh, an odd thing coming from him. "An artifact? What you need is a brain implant! What kind of artifact would stop a war? Hell, your own leader didnt even come to this meeting, what does that tell the rest of us?" Flint scoffs and turns away from the other tribe, walking back through his own cats like he was about to leave. "This is a waste of time."

Rat narrows her eyes at the other tribe, knowing this could easily be a trap. She notices the shock and anger coming from some of the other tribe and smirks, clearly someone didn't even bother to tell his own crew what the plan was. How sad.

Posted 2022-03-19 08:14:40
Pine narrowed his eyes at the cats below him. "An artifact that will bring the spirits back once and for all!" He said, his voice on the edge of a yowl. "The spirits came to me in my dreams and showed me what we need to find! My leader may have abandoned hope for the spirits, but I know they wouldn't leave if they weren't forced."

Silver gasped quietly. For once she seemed surprised. 'The spirits? Those are just stories. Yeah... yeah stories. There's no way to bring back something that was never there.' She thought, shaking her head.

Posted 2022-03-19 08:22:34
Flint pauses and turns back to face Pine, looking entertained. "Yeah yeah, spirits and dreams. Where is this all so powerful artifact then? Assuming your spirit guides were intelligent enough to just tell you.. Or did they speak in riddles? Just. Like. The Stories." Its very obvious he didn't believe Pine, instead choosing to mock him. "And who exactly would you send? One of my strongest fighters as an attempt to weaken my tribe? Or one of my weaker cats and pick them off and call it an accident? Or maybe a healer and hold them for ransom when you find out your sad little plan didn't work?"

She looked just as amused as Flint, clearly not taking Pine seriously either. 'Who would actually send a cat off with someone from another tribe? The idea alone is insane.' Rat thought to herself, her hairless tail gently flicking back and forth.

Posted 2022-03-19 08:29:43
"They didn't speak in riddles. What you heard were stories, what I saw was a prophecy. They told me exactly where it is, past our forest, over the mountains, through the ash forest and farther." Pine said, an air of wisdom gathering in his voice. "Though I understand your concerns. I will pick the cat from my tribe and you will pick the cat from your tribe. Then there's no way for me to sabotage you."

Silver shook her head again, hissing to herself for being shaken. 'Pine has always had moss covering his brain, this time it's no different. Now he needs to drop all this so we can all go back to our camps and sleep.' She thought, stifling a yawn.

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