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Wolf Pack Private rp

Posted 2022-03-17 15:22:55
I walk into the cave and sniff around before walking farther in and finding an old moss bed I'd made long ago. We'll sleep here for the night. I hope it's comfortable, if not I'll try to add more moss to it. And flowers in the morning.


Posted 2022-03-17 15:27:57
"Ok." I replied and laid down on the moss going into heat as i did.

Posted 2022-03-20 11:15:48
I watched Lilly lay down then looked at the spot next to her. Maybe it'd be best if I didn't sleep next to her. I sniffed the air a little and picked up her heat, stronger this time. I glanced at the corner of the cave and remembered a smaller bed I'd made but never used. I'll sleep there for the night. So that you can have your own space and privacy. I nodded towards the small bed and turned, walking to it.


Posted 2022-03-20 13:52:25
lays next to him and rests my head on his back falling asleep still in heat.

Posted 2022-03-20 13:55:02
I whined a little and tried to feel okay with her being at my side. I guess it's fine...Just for tonight. I laid my head on the cold moss and started falling asleep slowly. Soon I was snoring softly.


Posted 2022-03-20 14:00:13
Wakes up in the morning and starts marking the territory with my scent as i am in heat and it will travel for miles.

Posted 2022-03-23 10:29:14
I wake up and am greeted by a strong scent. I realize soon that it is the female and she'd marked her territory. I stood and shook my fur out, yawning loudly. I walked to the female and nuzzled her side. Good morning!


Posted 2022-03-23 16:10:25
"morning" I replied.

Posted 2022-03-24 04:28:16
I wagged my tail and pushed against, shoving my muzzle into her fur. What do you want to do today? I was thinking maybe we could go explore a little and gather some recourses since we're going to be staying here for awhile.


Posted 2022-03-24 09:42:22
Nods "sounds good." i replied.

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