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Characters Out of Character

Characters Out of Character
Posted 2022-03-08 14:48:13 (edited)

Have you ever seen or read those "ask me" fanfictions before? If you haven't, I shall explain!

"Ask me" fanfictions takes characters from anime, movies, games, etc. and has them answer questions. Usually in text format, but sometimes in story format. This game is inspired by that concept! Characters Out of Character is simple. Someone posts a question or a scenario and you post as any of your characters. The catch is that your characters are out of character! Meaning, you write them as how you think they would act IRL and not in RP. I hope that makes sense. XD They can even interact with the humans (us) and break the fourth wall! So crazy stuff is encouraged LOL. I'll start as an example! Let's seeeee. We will need a question or a scene.

Scenario: Your character(s) find themselves at a hots pring full of only male wolves. Kinda strange. The atmosphere, however, is very relaxing. Will you stay for awhile?

This totally wasn't taken from a specific scene on another specific game. ;P

How my characters would react!

Pyracantha: Oh my! How lovely! Everyone seems to be having a great time! Let's stay for a bit! :D

Chrysanthos: I know I'm dedicated, but I don't think it's enough for this... Attempting to slink away.

Coleus: Cough Wimp. Cough

Crysanthos: What's this? Are you sick? Do I need to put you out of your misery?

Coleus: Pyra! Get your mate!

Pyracantha: Too busy soaking in the hot spring and chatting with the other wolves to notice her mate trying to strangle their pack member.

And there we go! That's how it's done! XD Have fun, guys! And feel free to come up with your own questions and/or scenes after a few posts! Just remember to give people a chance to reply before doing so! :)

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