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Dragon Riders || Semi-Lit to Lit || Interest Check

Posted 2020-10-22 08:26:38

oh, sure! uwu

鉁潤别潥婐潥嬸潥⑩湪 |:| Mutie Breeder!

Posted 2020-10-22 08:36:34

History Of Dragons

Dragons have long been on the Earth even before humans. The lore and myths that surround them are many: from tales of ferocious and carnivorous beasts to graceful and elegant creatures. The Inferno Dragons being the beginning and oldest of all Dragons: know for their love of hoarding shining treasures, humans, and decimating villages. Quite a reputation to live up to. The dragons were despised by most humans who desired to eradicate their kind, but some didn't. Some in secret trained and researched them coming to learn and expand their knowledge on the dragons. Soon dragons were almost extinct, and then something miraculous happened: the first Bond was established; an Enigma Dragon and a little girl. It was agreed by both parties that Dragons and Humans shall forever be Bonded to a Human. This was a way to make sure no wars broke out, and then to learn about these elusive creatures.

The Bond Of A Dragon

The bond between a human and a dragon is one for life--only to be broken by death. Dragons can have many partners in their life as they are immortal in a way, but can die if slain in the right way or poisoned. Humans are only bonded to one dragon in their lifetime and it's rare if ever that they get a second bond. The bond between a dragon and their rider is supposed to be harmonious---each can feel each others' emotions and pain along with talking to each other telepathically. The bond between dragon and rider is scared, not to be broken by any man or other dragon. It is unthinkable to want it gone.












Fire Types & Mechanics

Big Fat WIP

Every dragon's fire is fuel-based and is different from species to species. Firepower is enhanced through combinations of unique sources of ignition and particular fuels. This can, however, be a weakness, as dragons aren't fireproof on the inside; an alert dragon can ignite another dragon's fuel the moment before the dragon itself does, causing the fuel to burn inside the dragon. The effect of this varies, from a slight daze to burning out from the insides.

Fire Colors and Descriptions

Fires can come in any color from deep lavender, sparkly like magnesium, to stunning reds and oranges. Fires can be like balls of plasma, lava itself, compressed magma balls, or just plain waves of fire.

Inferno Class Fires

Some dragons need to dragon take a deep breath before breathing a huge flowing stream of ashy fire, and the fire keeps coming up and down in waves. Some flames extend in a concentrated stream, most of the time being different shades of yellow and orange, with one example of being blue. These dragons usually emit fires in an instant and the flames travel fast and straight, but they are actually capable of sustaining fires for long periods of time. Also, these dragons can sustain a low flame in their mouths to give off light and illuminate dark caves while others are capable of setting themselves on fire and glow in the dark at the same time.

Aqueous Class Fires

These dragons can't breathe fire and instead breathe water. If you go into the farther regions they can even breathe ice. Considering they have icy breath, it is possible their healing breath is also cold to soothe the pain and inflammation of injuries, like placing an ice pack on the wound, along with being medicinal. Most can drink gallons of water, and storing them in their pockets can shoot out boiling water that can melt the scales off a dragon. There is one dragon whose sprays water which is contaminated with its saliva which can heal wounds. The water appears misty and consists of visible droplets. Like other dragons, they can control the intensity of their blasts and how hot their water can be, and also what type of blast they are using whether ice or water.

Toxin Class Fires

These dragons can spray large amounts of acid at a time. It is highly dangerous and is shown to eat through huge trees in seconds, however, it cannot destroy most metals. The dragon is immune to its own acid as it can walk through and be covered in it without showing any signs of pain. They can spray large amounts of acid at a time. It is highly dangerous and is shown to eat through huge trees in seconds, however, it cannot destroy most metals. The dragon is immune to its own acid as it can walk through and be covered in it without showing any signs of pain. Some dragons are coated with poison and or can spray venom from their fangs like a Spitting Cobra and others can secrete poisons from their skin.

Nature Class Fires

Ingot Class Fires

Their fires are very unusual ones, more like shooting compressed magma or volcanic rocks. These dragons first eat rocks or metals that melt in their stomach and regurgitate and spit them back out as balls of molten lava. The substances they use to melt these rocks are Heptane/Oxygen. These lava blasts are shot out with great force and can cause serious damage once they hit their target. Attempting to block one of these blasts with a shield would probably not work. Because the blasts have a fairly solid base the blast will plow through obstacles until it hits something hard enough to splatter the lava ball.

Gale Class

Electric Class

These dragons shoot electrical white fire, known as a lightning blast, as their body crackles with static electricity. As soon as the dragon begins to breathe its lightning-like breath, the electricity arches through its mouth and sparks along with the gases that form the body of the blast. Some can shoot a light-blue pulse ball, possibly of electricity or plasma. It can shoot multiple of these blue orbs simultaneously, but with a constant decrease of size. The balls have a sort of magnetic field, gravitating towards larger bodies (ie, opponents or victims), however the smaller the size, the stronger the force.

Enigma Class

Stryke Class

Toll Class

Other Defenses

Fire Jackets/Hot Skin

Tail Whips/Tail Bludgeon/Tail Spikes

Rotating Teeth/Vacuum Effect

Paralyzing/Poisonous Stingers, Spines, Spikes, or Tears

Their inhalation can chase a vacuum effect since they have large lungs

Smog/Smoke Screen

Electric Bite/Body

Glowing Bodies

謫謩蓻薀薀僧謪蕣占蓶 馃Ч

Posted 2020-10-22 08:40:01

Inferno Class

The original dragon: these are your dragons that have been found hoarding mounds of gold, pillaging villages, and setting things on fire. They live near volcanoes and hot and humid areas.


These dragons are highly aggressive, explosive, and temperamental. They are known for their arrogance and their high and mighty attitude. Maybe because it's they know they're one of its larger species and use it to their advantage. They're highly territorial and enjoy their personal space. When it comes to Riders they can act as if they don't give two shits about them, but in reality, they will maul a bitch about them. And you do not want an angry, large, flaming beast barreling towards you.


These dragons are always fiery in colorations: reds, oranges, yellows, blacks, and any warm colors. They can grow between 18-23 feet in height so they're quite massive in size. They always have assortments of spines, spikes, horns, and more that Riders find fun to decorate. They have the toughest of all dragon scales along with thick hides. They are powerful and muscular in build and have a quite flexible tail and powerful hind legs. They have thickly scaled faces with rows of massive and fearsome teeth that give them such an angry and fierce appearance. Their eyes are equally fearsome in color from being black as night to the brightest amber.

Fire Types


Natural Defenses and Armor

Fire Jackets/Hot Skin

Glowing Bodies

Special Fire Class Type

Light Class/Light Dragon

An extremely rare type of dragon, and one with a reputation for being just and fair. Their natural rivalry with dark dragons is legendary, and the biggest source of draconic conflict in the world today. The plasma orbs created in their breath explode after a certain period of time, or after coming into contact with a solid surface, creating blinding flashes of light. These dragons are completely blind, which means that they are not affected by their own attacks. To compensate for their lack of sight, the rest of their senses are heightened, and they navigate by a combination of scent and sound. Their scales can also glow as bright or dim as they wish. These dragons are very intelligent, mysterious, and elusive. Their scales are pure (whites, golds, and yellows)

Aqueous Class

The water type of dragon of their kind. These are your beautiful ocean dwellers, and they're elusive. They live in the water and are hard to find as they rarely surface due to getting dehydrated.


These dragons are mostly quiet, calm, gentle, and peaceful. They're the largest species of dragons. Aqueous dragons are known for their kind nature and peacefulness which is mirrored by their grace. However, some of these dragons are territorial, especially when it comes to their children and rider. Even the most mild-mannered creature has its breaking point. Whether it's by boiling water or frost and ice breath they will defend those they love and treasure. Also, some may have a taint of vanity due to their beauty as they bear the colors of the sea (more explained in the appearances)


These dragons are known for their variety in color. They can have beautiful and colorful tropical colors or be a stunning deep blue. They are also known for being the biggest of the dragons ranging from 28-34 feet in height. They are also one of the only dragons that have webbing between their feet and the bear fins and dorsal fins and other natural features that helps them move them through the water with fluidity. They have long and slender necks with a face that fits them well which makes them appear more elegant than they already are. They are more adept at eating fish, so they have sharp needle-like claws and teeth which are perfect for ripping and tearing things apart. Their eyes can be any color.

Fire Types


Natural Defenses and Armor

Tail Whips/Tail Bludgeon/Tail Spikes

Special Aqueous Class Type

Nature Class

One with the earth can classify these dragons. They're as old as Inferno dragons and hold significant wisdom. They like to roam anywhere with beautiful scenery and nature like forests, valleys and other areas.


Holding significant wisdom in their words. They hold the earth dear to them and have a connection with it. They are proud individuals, but not in an arrogant sense. Nature dragons take pride in looking their best and love being groomed. These dragons have quite an extensive memory and are very strategic and quick-witted. They don't like chaos and enjoy order and peace. Long known as the mediators of the dragon world they will try and resolve conflicts if they can.


They are very earthy in color and in a pretty way. These are the only dragons in which flora and fauna seem to grow on them. They can have vines wrapped around their tails to flowers adorning their heads like crowns. However, they can have the normal assortment of spikes, horns, etc. They are massive creatures standing at 20-28 feet in height. Though massive they are gentle giants (mostly). Their teeth are sharp as well and so are their claws. They have the longest claws as some can be 9-12 inches in length. Their eyes tend to be more blue and greens in colors.

Fire Types


Natural Defenses and Armor

Tail Whips/Tail Bludgeon/Tail Spikes

Special Nature Class Type

Soul Class/Dragon

The ancestors of the nature dragons. Known as the dragons of life, these creatures can heal and protect other living creatures should they choose to. Their healing ability extends to almost any ailment, with more deadly wounds taking longer to heal. They can also bless one other dragon with increased vitality and endurance for a brief amount of time each day. There are rumors that these dragons can bring the recently deceased back to life - true life - under special circumstances. They feel the pain they take away, and it causes them to go to sleep for periods of time but it depends on the severity of the wound. Also to raise one from the dead their own soul/life is needed so they'll ultimately die. Also if they bless a dragon for an extended period of time their attacks are weakened.

Soul Dragons indeed have radiant colors but natural-- like mud, lush grass, dark forest, and rarest, a mist color. It would make sense why they're 'rare'. They sport little bulbs that look like cacti on their backs, somewhat replacing spikes. The little barbs on the bulb and shoot out. They carry a poison. Not a deadly poison, but a poison that makes their targets forget they saw them and knock them out. They'll wake in ten to twenty minutes depending on how deep the barb went in their skin/scales thinking they passed out. This also explains how 'rare' they are. Because people never thought they saw them when they probably have a lot of times. The bulbs can grow back, but they fall off and wilt during fall and can't grow back during winter. Like the circle of life for a tree. During spring, the bulbs have countless numbers of barbs, given how healthy they are, and can even grow back in a week or sooner. Dead bulbs are great healing properties, and humans often use them for healing mixtures, they can be worth hundreds.

Ingot Class

These are quite massive dragons and rival the size of Aqueous dragons. They quite love mountains and the rocky crevasses they live in. They are a force of nature so don't let their rather docile nature fool you.


These boys are stubborn sons of bitches. Almost rock-like in their stubbornness, because if they don't want to do something they won't do it. It'll take a lot to change their mind. These are hard-working dragons and are mostly meek and docile, almost yak-like. They don't mean to inflict harm on someone purposely, and if they do hurt someone it's by accident. However, there is a time when they will put that docile nature behind them. They have a guard-like personality when it comes to their Rider. They'll beat the snot out of someone if they find it appropriate. Also, they love belly rubs.


These boys are mostly brow scale with some black dragons in their group. They have the roughest skin know to dragon kind. Their scales are also unique as it can often be actual rock making them up. They are large, stocky, and powerful in build. They have a bulky and cumbersome appearance but make no mistake they can move swiftly and vigorously if needed to save a loved one. They also have tons of ridges and bumps along their skin. Their tail is long and holds some sort of rocky formation. Their tail can be the shape of an ax, a sword, or anything good or usable to club someone. They stand at 20-27 feet of height so bigger than an Inferno Class and a tad bit smaller than the Earth Class. They have mostly brown eye color but there may be a couple with blue or green eyes.

Fire Types


Natural Defenses and Armor

Tail Whips/Tail Bludgeon/Tail Spikes

Rotating Teeth/Vacuum Effect

Special Ingot Class Type


謫謩蓻薀薀僧謪蕣占蓶 馃Ч

Posted 2020-10-22 10:18:44

Hmm haven't RP'd in a while, I like the idea of this! Not sure how much time I'll have on my hands with college and all, but I'll sure be keeping tabs on this thread.聽

Hyacinth Grove

Posted 2020-10-22 10:41:23

will this be discord based?


Posted 2020-10-22 10:50:30

This sounds very interesting, I would definitely like to join.


Posted 2020-10-22 11:01:40

I'd be super interested!


Posted 2020-10-22 11:06:53

I may be interested as well


Posted 2020-10-22 11:08:49

more peeps are intrested, yeeey-! uwu

鉁潤别潥婐潥嬸潥⑩湪 |:| Mutie Breeder!

Posted 2020-10-22 11:18:52

This will not be discord based and Forum based, but possibly in the future be on Discord

謫謩蓻薀薀僧謪蕣占蓶 馃Ч

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