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Foxes Trophies Drop Rate

Posted 2022-03-07 23:08:14
Yeah they will drop something always but i always end up with either Meat Chunks  or some sc

⚜️ Mr Zuki ⚜️

Posted 2022-04-19 15:56:02

I feel so unlucky, I think at most I've gotten 1 trophy from foxes that wasn't meat, I just gave up on trying to get stuff for the fox applicator recipes because the drop rate (atleast for me apparently) is so low and I don't want to spend every waking hour grinding.


Posted 2022-04-24 15:18:16 (edited)
@Lionel -I'm curious what level do you and the OP usually fight? I know you can get trophies from level 5 after your lead gets to level 10 - does it make any difference if someone always goes for lower or higher levels. I'll go see if I can figure out my wolf trophy rate. Just as a side note I never battle anything less than level 15 -I'm after the stats!

Just for wolves I received 14 trophies out of last 100 battle wins. Some were lower than level 15 because of recent Lunar event.
Snowcat13 🌞

Posted 2022-04-24 15:44:45
For wolves, I only fight level 15+ wolves (except in the lunar event), and a big chunk of those are level 25 turn back wolves.

For red foxes, I fight everything 5+ for trophies (even though I have no plan for them. someday I am just gonna slap a fox base on a random wolf because I feel like it).


Posted 2022-04-24 15:55:21
Your higher rate might be because of the turn back wolves? I have to admit I don't fight them as much as I did with my prior lead who was on strength leaderboard - he won almost every time. With my current one with much lower strength I struggle to win against them now and they don't give me the stats I'm after as much so I pass them by.

I might have to adjust my red fox battles though to include lower than 15. I may want to slap a fox base on something too. LOL
Snowcat13 🌞

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