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no you cant have herbs

no you cant have herbs
Posted 2020-09-26 14:44:24 (edited)

No, you can't have any herbs. I'm serious. There are none. This thread has not been updated in months, please make sure to read the most recent replies and the actual thread before asking for herbs.

🌿Rappa's Herbs & Remedies🌿

 My conversion rate: 1 Gold Cone = 80 Silver Cones


               Aloe (x13) = 15 SC per

Arnica (x15) =  5 SC per

Bearbeary (x10) =  10 SC per

boneset.pngBoneset (x13) =  5 SC per

 Buffaloberry (x21) = 10 SC per

 Burning Bush (x31) =  10 SC per

 Carrionflower (x12) =  10 SC per

cedarbark.png Cedar Bark (x12) =  5 SC per

 Chaparral (x4) =  15 SC per

charcoal.pngCharcoal (x6) =  15 SC per

Dandelion (x16) =  15 SC per

 Feverfew (x8) =  5 SC per

garlic.png Garlic (x8) =  5 SC per

Ginger (x12) =  5 SC per

goldenseal.png Golden Seal (x0) =  15 SC per

 Guaiacum (x0) =  10 SC per

kava.pngKava (x4) =  15 SC per

mullein.png Mullein (x8) =  5 SC per

Oregano (x24) =  10 SC per

pineappleleaf.pngPineapple Leaf (x0) =  15 SC per

Redwood Sorrel (x7) =  15 SC per

spoonwood.pngSpoonwood (x0) =  5 SC per

stjohnswort.png St. John's Wort (x33) =  10 SC per

tansy.png Tansy (x27) = 10 SC per

tobacco.png Tobacco (x3) = 15 SC per

turmeric.pngTurmeric (x2) =  15 SC per

Winterfat (x33) =  10 SC per
Yarrow (x18) =  5 SC per


 Large Branch (x100) = 5 SC per

Large Leaves (x35) = 5 SC per

Large Rock (x67) = 5 SC per


Posted 2020-09-27 09:34:35 (edited)


Check out the Grouse House Guide on illnesses!

I am willing to haggle! - LET ME KNOW if my prices are too high!

I will make any medicine for you, even if I don't have it in stock!


Green = In stock

 Cough Cure (x1 | x1 use) =  75 SC per

 Distemper Cure (x0 | x0 use) = 75 SC per

Fleas Remedy (x0 | x0 uses) = 75sc per

Healing Salve (x22) - 25 SC per

 Hepatitis Cure (x1 | x1 use) = 25 SC per

Infection Balm (x0 | x0 uses) = 25sc per

Influenza Cure (x0 | x0 uses) = 75sc per

 Mange Salve (x1 | x1 use) = 75 SC per

Tapeworm Remedy (x0 | x0 uses) = 50 SC per

Constipation Cure (x0 | x0 uses) - 50 SC per

 Diahrrea Cure (x0 | x0 uses) = 25 SC per

Ear Mites Ointment (x1 | x1 uses) - 50 SC per

Open Wound Salve (x0) = 25 SC per

Tick Remedy (x0 | x0 uses) = 25 SC per

 Heatstroke Remedy (x0 | x0 uses) = xx

Cure-For-All x0 = 30SC per

 Pox Balm (x0 | x0 uses) = xx


Posted 2020-09-28 05:05:15

Added Yarrow!


Posted 2020-09-29 08:03:16 (edited)

Lost Kava and Pineapple leaf to the recipe monster

Added Guaiacum!


Posted 2020-09-30 05:33:52

h e r b s



Posted 2020-09-30 09:08:46

Can I guy the garlic for 1 GC?


Posted 2020-09-30 09:17:31


Yep! I'll make a trade.


Posted 2020-09-30 14:43:36

another bump for herb land


Posted 2020-10-01 03:28:00

Would you be willing to do a trade for these herbs, for GCs?

Golden Seal x5 - 50SC
Oregano x2 - 150SC
Pineapple Leaf x2 - 200SC
Yarrow x6 - 100 SC
Total = 500 SC = 5 GC


Posted 2020-10-01 04:17:04


i currently don’t have that much yarrow, oregano, or pineapple leaf! Would you like to trade for less or do you mean when I have that much?


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