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World of Warcraft players?

Posted 2020-10-25 01:20:27

I haven't been on an RP server just yet.

If anyone ever wants to chat or do something:
I have tons of horde characters on the server Aegwynn, and all my alliance characters are on server Dalaran.
But I can always make a new character on a different server too if needed.


Posted 2020-10-26 23:55:49

Yay WoW players! I’ve been playing since open beta (2004). I play both Horde and Alliance and am fairly casual though I do have a raiding group, which is on hiatus until Shadowlands.


Posted 2020-12-07 17:48:51

I play! I'm Siven#11367 for anyone who wants to add me. I main alliance but play horde too.


Posted 2020-12-17 07:01:32

Yay! Im a wow player, have been for a rather long time! (started during vanilla, not right at the start but yeah) 

I enjoy playing both horde and ally and primarily play healers, the main ones being priest and shammy although with this new expac im trying out a resto druid. 

I play retail for the most part. I did make an account on classic but the people I was playing with stopped so I eventually did. 


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