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World of Warcraft players?

World of Warcraft players?
Posted 2020-10-22 01:03:11

I noticed others mentioning it in the chat. Who here plays WoW? I am just a casual semi-new player but I think it is fun. :3 I like to draw comics of my characters and make up backstories for them and personalities too.


Posted 2020-10-22 01:14:27

I heard there may be a BC Classic beta in April/May and I am HERE FOR IT. If they announce a legit BC beta, I'm resubbing to level my druid to 60 and spec into tanking. Then I'm looking into what the best class draenei can be. Anything up to WotLK is A++++. I played when I was barely a teenager and I've loved it ever since, though the more recent expacs have turned me away. I'm so glad for Classic because it reignited my passion for WoW. I miss the old Blizz. ;-;


Posted 2020-10-22 05:26:03


I've only been playing for about a year at this point, but I'm having a great time :D I started when classic came out and then dipped my toes into retail later, and I'm pretty active on both - I'm playing a fair bit of retail because my close friends play it more often, but I do all my PvE in classic. I wouldn't say either game is objectively better than the other, but I prefer classic to retail, myself. All it needs are transmog, barber shop and more character customisation options... muh rp

I love coming up with backstories for my toons! I don't really draw comics or anything, but I'll do little doodles of them sometimes. Trolls are a big fave of mine, but I also love Tauren, Forsaken, Worgen and Draenei - I have a hard time sticking with Alliance characters, but good god the Draenei gun animations are amazing  too bad classic spoiled me on max level hunter gameplay and now I can't bear to roll one on retail

Here's a pic of my terrible little ice troll warlock, which I have to redraw now that the new customisations are out:

Oh, also @Bird IMO they all but confirmed BC classic when they polled the userbase last year on how they would like hypothetical BC servers to be handled, so pretty much everyone is expecting it at this point :D Druid would be such a good class to bring into BC as well, I've heard much talk of flight form and herbalism... I'm super hyped as well; as a hunter main in classic I would love to see my class truly shine like they say it does in BC lmao


Posted 2020-10-22 05:27:01

Guilty WoW player here. :) I do enjoy the characters I create and actually (one day) intend to create a full fanfic of my characters. ^^ At least a few of 'em.


Posted 2020-10-23 09:15:49

Not right this second as my game time ran out, but yes.

Belf BM Hunter main, because of course, but planning to level a paladin once I have some game time again to use as a potential new main for Shadowlands since I haven't really touched Pally or Warrior since.....Cata? And want to get back into trying those out(I already have a mostly leveled Warrior).

Do you play on a RP server?


Posted 2020-10-23 12:10:09

Me? I do not. I've always wanted to, but just never have. 


Posted 2020-10-23 19:44:06

*flails around*  Me!  I play on Wyrmrest Accord-US and enjoy a mix of RP, PvP, and PvE.  I only raid super casually but I enjoy dungeons and battlegrounds.  I'm really fortunate to have a guild with a great group of people that do a little bit of all the things, although we're an RP guild at heart.  I haven't yet decided on a proper "main" for Shadowlands but I rarely stick to just one main anyway.  My current favs are shaman, hunter, and monk, although I also really enjoy druid and mage.  I play both factions though I'm mostly on alliance at the moment.


Posted 2020-10-24 06:25:30

Hello yes I am a Cata player coming back for Shadow lands. Finally just unlocked zandalri trolls to make my dino druid to level up before the expansion actually drops. Yes. I am tired.


Posted 2020-10-24 13:20:05

I've been playing WoW on and off for around 11 years now - I usually have breaks for a few months at a time, then return to do anything I've missed.

I usually play retail as I tend to do a lot of solo or lfg type stuff as I can't dedicate myself to months of raiding or pvp (I enjoy them, just work is too exhausting for me to have a set schedule). I have enjoyed playing the bits of classic one done so far.

As a result, I have the majority of the classes at a high level with 3 at max (hunter, shaman and demon hunter), and the others not far behind. I'm not 100% sure what their levels would be with the new system. My troll hunter is my first ever character and regardless of what I want to main that expansion, I will always level her to max first. 

I play horde on one server (where I am 99% of the time now) and have alliance characters on another. Yes, I may need to attend altaholic anonymous...


Posted 2020-10-24 14:44:36

I am! Or was, anyway. I main resto druid and main alt mistweaver. I participated in the first MDI of BFA and was loving it, but the stupid grind got really old really fast. Looking forward to Slands so hopefully I can get my Legion energy back!


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