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Seluna's Art Den - YWH + Customs (YWH - Full//Customs - Full)

Posted 2020-11-18 02:23:23 (edited)

Good luck with RL craziness! 🥺❤️

On behalf of all these art-hungry folks posting for art despite your slots clearly saying Full/Full and update being right there, I must apologize. 😂

Hopefully they'll stop to read, subscribe for when slots are open, and wait eagerly next time. 😊❤️


Posted 2020-11-18 02:33:01

@Aurora — Hey there! You’re so right, I should have stopped to pay closer attention. I seemed to have really upset you, I’m sorry about that! I misunderstood what “full” meant, that’s all it was really. Hopefully, I didn’t bother you too much. I hope you have a great day/night!

Seluna, your art is wonderful, I hope I’m not making you feel overwhelmed or rushed. Your time is important! Thanks so much for offering to color wolves for people too, I hope you have a good one as well! 


Posted 2020-11-18 02:44:46

Hey Quest! Your post was fine, i'm so sorry for bristling a bit! The first one was more irksome as the artists's update was *right there* but I ignored the impulse to respond as it's not my thread, then seeing folks pile in afterwords as the thread had moved further up just had me worried. Was hoping my oops hey message might shift future posts towards "omg subbing for when slots are full i'd love to have (wolf) done!" ❤️ and general excitement/support, instead of just piling on. I didn't intend to make anyone feel bad for genuine excitement. 😊 Hope you have a wonderful day too! ❤️


Posted 2021-01-18 13:01:28

Hey all! This is Selunas roomie!

I know they haven't been on for a while so I wanted to check in in case anyone was still waiting on stuff. They got really sick (all 3 of  managed to catch the 'rona to varying degrees) and haven't been able to do much of anything since. But I wanted to let people know of they need refunds or anything to let me know and I can help out with getting it sorted (Either with gc or Grulla studdings), whichever you prefer. She's still working on recovering but she'll be back in game eventually if people would rather wait for art.

Feel free to dm me and I can pass along word to her~


Posted 2021-01-24 13:58:45

Awh no spaces🥺

𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨 🐻

Posted 2021-01-24 17:38:09 (edited)

Hey once you open back up I was wondering if I could get a GC Headshot YWH of this guy -> Headshot Example Fullbody Example

And a custom drawn Headshot for USD of these guys -> Sanglure

Devin Feral Example


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