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YCH interest/pricing help? (Anthro)

YCH interest/pricing help? (Anthro)
Posted 2022-02-18 14:59:43
Alright so I've never done commissions for any type of currency before, so I have absolutely zero idea how I'd price this or if anyone would even be interested. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated! I'm hoping to get some GC, but SC are good too, and I'd probably take some items as well.

I only have two finished examples, but here they are;

🐇 Hawthorne 🐇

Posted 2022-02-19 12:06:43
These are gorgeous! I know I would definitely pay 10-15 GC for one of these!
I would think an upcharge for features like horns and decor could probably sit somewhere around 3-5 GC depending on complexity :3


Posted 2022-02-20 10:07:49
Ah, that's more than I was expecting anyone to be willing to pay! Thank you for your input ^u^

🐇 Hawthorne 🐇

Posted 2022-02-22 05:23:08
I'd love one when they're open! ❤️


Posted 2022-02-23 09:31:12 (edited)
@Nox, Would you like me to ping you when I figure out how to set everything up?
(Actuslly mvm I just figured out you can't ping in the forums. 😅)

🐇 Hawthorne 🐇

Posted 2022-02-23 15:47:11
Id love to get one when there open! :D


Posted 2022-02-23 18:52:22
Thank you for the interest! I'm still very unfamiliar with the forums, is there any way to notify people when I have everything up and running? Or would I have to message people directly? Or do people not like that? 😅 Sorry for so many questions

🐇 Hawthorne 🐇

Posted 2022-02-23 18:54:48
You'll have to message them directly! That's what they mean by 'ping' since you cant actually pin people like you would in main chat,  I can answer any questions ya have! :D


Posted 2022-02-23 20:02:37
Thank you! I think I really only have one other question at the moment.  I don't know how to set up a post for selling art, since I never have before. I'm pretty terrible at organization, so my main goal will be to make sure it's understandable. So, do you have any pointers or anything on how to set up an art selling post? Oh, and also, would you like me to let you know when I do get it up?

🐇 Hawthorne 🐇

Posted 2022-02-23 20:05:42 (edited)
How I would do it is
(For the name)
[Shop name] [Shop status (open/closed)]

(For the main body)
Welcome to [Shop name]!

And whatever else ya wanna add! :D

and Id love if ya could!


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