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Look at this boy. This boy is amazing.

Posted 2021-02-13 22:28:12

Bucket Pups coming soon!! ♥ 
He is so excited to play with the baby bucket heads!! <3


Posted 2021-03-08 02:44:37

Bucket's two sons! 

Meet Bucky & Silver Claw:

(Bucket is not very creative with names. Zuraa has claimed the next litter as her names, lol) 

And of course, ALL members of the Bucket Family get an honorary bucket! ^w^


Posted 2021-03-08 03:21:03

aww cute Bucket has pups


Posted 2021-03-09 16:40:30

Awwww Bucket bby


Posted 2021-04-25 17:30:47

This is the LAST time I will be posting updates on this Bucket thread! 

Hey anyone who is still subscribed to this thread! I wanted to make one last announcement here for anyone that liked Bucket enough to own one of his kids. :] 

Sadly, Bucket is now gone. (Well, I technically made him immortal so he could keep his decor items and stuff, but story-wise, he passed away) 8( 

RIP Bucket

His last litter is looking for homes! Here are the four wolves I am looking to rehome: (along with my mockups of adult concepts and a little bio of each one) 

NOTE: All pups come with their special signature Bucket Head Family decor item! (That  I made via custom decors) So that's a freebie!


  • All pups are free (or whatever you want to pay for them!)
  • With the promise that you will not chase them, try to breed them, decorate them, and otherwise give them loving homes. 
  • Writing a little story for them is extra appreciated! <3 
  • If you take good care of them, I'm happy to draw them a little custom icon, like the ones I did for his other sons below!


Okay, so here's who I'm looking homes for!

Cackle: Daughter | Scatterbrained | 756

Bio: Hunting is no laughing matter..... until you've met Cackle. Absolutely floored by the slightest joke, Cackle cannot be distracted or the entire hunt falls apart from her contagious laughter. Always perfect for lightening the mood, Cackle is adored, but also exhausting at times. 

Her favorite kill is the quail, because the little floppy head feather makes her lose her shit. 

[Adult Concept]


Fiddle: Daughter | Amiable | 385

Bio: Fiddle was so aptly named for her fascination of messing with things. She loves to create strange abominations out of animal scrapes. Don't even get her mother started on the one time she made a replica of herself using antlers and beaver skin. It was... very unique. 

Although she's inherited her father's strength, Fiddle has always wanted to be an herbalist! 

[Adult Concept]


Scuttle: Son | Amiable | 398

Bio: I've... been workin' on the raaaailroad!

Scuttle's always been just wandering around and trying to figure things out. He's always found working. Hunting, scouting, collecting scraps... anything you can imagine. Despite his nose to the grindstone attitude, however, he always ends up getting dragged into other wolf drama by his buddies. Oye, why does he associate with these goober-muffins anyways?

[Adult Concept!]


Sickle: Daughter | Amiable | 398

Bio: Along the path of snow, you'll always be sure to see a familiar face. One of comfort and reflection. Sickle isn't like her family at all. She may seem cute, but she's quite a serious girl. Her tempting expression often alludes other wolves to spill their secrets to her, and boy does she use that to her advantage. Her loyalties lie with her pack, and no attractive stranger. You'd be best not to trust her... but just look at that face! She would never take advantage of you... right?

[Adult Concept]


That's the crew! Would be really nice to find good homes for them and see Bucket's line grow and be a creative outlet for people! <3 Let me know if you are interested and what you'd plan for them! Thanks guys!


Posted 2021-04-25 18:29:14

RIP Bucket, you were the best boy <3

I’d love to adopt Cackle, to come live with her sister Grimm <3 


Posted 2021-04-25 20:17:26

scuttle is so cute! i'd love to adopt him <3


Posted 2021-04-27 00:26:35

RIP Bucket, we’ll miss you 

🌵NIB Brachy Breeder🌵

Posted 2021-04-27 17:50:12 (edited)

@ nestly # 7262 

RIP bucket 

you were the best. 

i would love to adopt Sickle. i won't chase her . she will be a pup sitter. i will breed her to whelp bucket's line grow 

if i'm able too make her immortal. 

i would pay 100Sc for her 


Posted 2021-04-29 11:58:39 (edited)

Thank you all for your interest in taking care of these guys! <33 Fiddle is now the only pup left! I decided to dress her up and keep her. Check out her new look!!

Quite a difference from before eh? XD

Werewolf!--> Sorry I actually got a message before hand asking for Cackle so I adopted her out. 


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