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Custom Wardrobe Designs! {The First}

Custom Wardrobe Designs! {The First}
Posted 2021-12-23 16:39:08


I created this because I'm pretty good a designing things and enjoy doing it as well.
This is similar in some ways to an art shop, but it's using WD art.
This is completely free, and I shall make no profit off of this except for fun (also pretty sure that selling art not created by me is against Tree Carving's rules).


None! No cost at all!
The only cost is technically my own time in creating these in wardrobe, which is not a problem!


You can request a wolf with a certain base/marking/eyes, and I will adjust the rest of the wolf to match.
You can also request a certain BG, but I may change a lot of the wolf itself to match he background more evenly.
Requests can also be themed, so you can request, for example, themed after a idk, dragon or something else without telling me to use a certain wolf- meaning you don't have to have a wolf for the design and the whole design can be from scratch (completely new).

Wolf: _____ [link]
Base: ___


Theme: _____

Background: _____


You can also request age (adol, adult, or puppy). Not sure how it would work, but I currently do not have pup stages and therefor cannot do young or newborn pup designs if that were even possible.

Sharing With You

To share the design I would probably pm (message) you wardrobe link, I may be able to Imgur some too if you really want but I don't often use Imgur (only once, and it was still VERY hard bc I can't figure it out)
✨ Pinecone 🌲

Posted 2021-12-23 16:48:18
Hey :D
I might have the first job for you! This Woofer needs a pretty design
You can change him however you like~ please keep Slots 1, 4, 7, and 9 - but get rid of the yellow back! Not sure if I keep his eyes or change them to wisp, but feel free to change them as well
For the theme thingy I'd love something fitting his name/base ^^ decors are welcome as well!

Posted 2021-12-23 16:50:50
Ok! I'll get to work!!!
✨ Pinecone 🌲

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