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Do Not Post | Challange

Do Not Post | Challange
Posted 2021-12-18 14:59:07 (edited)

Please Do Not Post on this thread. I will be using this to keep track of this project. If you have any comments please pm do not post! Thank you all!

This challange is not mine and was created by #885 & others to be a fun new mode to play. For more details please pm them. If I get more information or a offical link(When clans are out) I will include it here. I take no credit for the base idea, but some rules etc I have custom added to make this challange more me.

Challange Information: Base Rules & DtA

Starting with:
Partial Pack -
This playthrough only involves a portion of your pack. The rules apply to them but not to the rest of your pack.

Death to All -
This playstyle is for those who want an exceptional challenge and game of chance to see who survives. It is the hardest challenge you could choose.

Anything Goes -
Neon Blue Skin? Purple eyes? Green base? Go for it! Anything and everything goes.

Base Rules:
Rules Apply to Everyone(DtA Rules are Specific though)

°Name every wolf (Pups included)

°Personality blurbs (Simple as a quote to a full book backstory)

°Illness coin-flips (Simulating how an illness can heal on its own)

  -If a wolf is at 0 hp 1 use of healing salve can be applied. Otherwise coin flip for 1 use of healing salve/day/wolf. 0HP use nulls this.

  -For lethal illnesses
Pups get 3 coin flips and adults get 2.

  -For non-lethal
Pups and adults get 1 flip.

°Nesting happens on the last day.
  -DtA wolves do not nest.

°Begin w/ NBWs (may conflict with "start with what you have" option).

°Pups need to make it to adolescence (unless they die from RNG).

°Adols and befriended wolves can't be chased, but they can run away.

°Adult wolves born in the pack can be chased.

°Breed every Winter heat, no other heats.

  -Day 3 of Winter, "4  days until season change" (or close to).

  -Realism & DtA: Have to breed every heat.

  -When breeding out, you can only breed to something with +50/-50 of your wolf's total stats.

Death to All Specific:
°DtA: All wolves starting  your pack are NBWS
Optional starting choice: A&E

°DtA: Must live in challenging biomes (Rainforest/Glacier).

°You can only send scouts to directly adjacent biomes.

°DtA: Breed Every Heat.

°DtA: No Pupsitters.

°DtA: No Nesting.

°DtA: No Quests.

°DtA: No Buying or Selling.

°DtA: Raffles can be made & Entered but no Food or Amusment entry/tickets allowed.

°DtA: No Healing.

°DtA: No Training.

Other Added Challanges:

°No Inbreeding

°One Pup per Litter - If user wants to keep more than 1 pup coin must be flipped if sucessful they can keep a additional pup. If it fails user can keep no pups in the litter(Can repeat as many times as long as any roll has not failed to keep multiple litter pups).
- 2 pups 50/50 (1/2)
- 3 pups 25/25 (1/4)
- 4 pup 10/10 (1/10)
- 5 pups 5/5 (1/20)
- 6 pups 1/1  (1/100)

°If a Stud is Bred they must be G1
  -Must follow the General Stat rules.

  -Funds used must be obtained through DtA means.

  -User can only Breed to the stud once per pack wolf then the stud may never be used again for said wolf(To keep low blood lines).

  -Stud must at time of breeding have less than 200 pups.

  -Wolf can only be a Carrier of 1 Mutation(It's a given as G1).

°No food or sex changers are allowed to be bought from the Grove.

°Only two personalities can be befriended.

Things Allowed:

°Personality Changers - Only For Hunt Teams (If being used). Limited to what I get via DtA means.

°Breeding items - No Limit but keep in mind the Pup Rule & No Pupsitters before using.

°Customization - Grove can be used with funds gained in DtA(unlikely as no selling only currency swaps & raffles), or via Events.

°Backgrounds, Decor, & Poses - These all can be used on DtA wolves as it does not effect game play at all. These items can not be sold or traded for DtA Funds etc.

°If I have over the 5000SC Cap(Due to Non-DtA Funds) I can gain SC per battle. This is limited to avoid the Selling/Trading rules.
-Every Battle Rewards 3SC

°Pups can be Enclaved if they survive the rolls.

°Playing the slots if DtA Funds allows it.

°DtA: Currency can be traded for other currency if earned via DtA means. So SC can be traded for GC(As this is the only way outside raffles to get GC).

Personal Additions:
°If a Lethal is Born(Non-Brachy) it does not count tword the One Pup per Litter statement and can be used for Non-Challange Funds(Lethal must be coin flipped if wanting to keep to sell for Challange funds).

°I am allowed to Claim NBWs for Personal use, but must not change to a challange NBW for my standard gameplay or vise versa.

°Food from Non-DtA wolf Hunt Teams can not be used on DtA wolves - Lead Wolf explore food can be used on DtA wolves.

°Amusment From Slots and Explore can be used on DtA wolves.

°Quest will be done for my normal pack funds. These funds Can Not be used under any circumstances for the DtA wolves. This includes but is not limited to: Customization, Scrying, Racoon Purchases, etc.

°Decor of any kind can be used on DtA wolves as it does not effect gameplay in any way.


Posted 2021-12-18 14:59:14 (edited)

Current Stock: Currency

0 & 0

Current Stock: Amusement & Food

Items will be listed by uses gained to avoid listing every item obtained.

Amusement Uses: 0

Food Uses: 0

Current Stock: Applicators

None Listed

Current Stock: Breeding Items

None Listed

Current Stock: Herbs

Burning Bush:
Cedar Bark:
Pineapple Leaf:
Redwood Sorrel:
St. John's Wort:

Current Stock: Other Items

Acorns: 0
Canine Claw: 0
Canine Fang: 0
Glowing Spore: 0
Lucky Feet: 0
Wolf Skull: 0
Wolf Tail: 0


Posted 2021-12-18 14:59:19 (edited)

Current Quest Log: Goals

°Breed a Carrier
°Breed a 2x Carrier
°Breed a 3x Carrier
°Breed a T3 Based Wolf


Posted 2021-12-18 14:59:26 (edited)

FAQ: Pm for Questions

Tba soon


Posted 2021-12-18 14:59:32 (edited)

Current Pack: NBWs



Current Pack: Bred Wolves




Posted 2021-12-18 14:59:40 (edited)

Information: Pack Log

Here I will eventually list the exact information on my pack such as death, illness, etc.


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