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Lf people who enjoy lengthy conversations

Lf people who enjoy lengthy conversations
Posted 2021-12-05 20:55:27
I will not be providing a tl;dr because if you can't bear reading this you'd be bored out of your mind talking to me.

Hi! I go by Moon and I use she/her pronouns. I know almost no one to talk to either online or irl, and I struggle to find people who I have enough in common with. I'm a bit intimidated by meeting new people as well, but I can't stand being isolated for so long anymore. I am a minor, but I don't mind slight age gaps so long as obvious topics are avoided.

So, why such a specific title? I don't feel like I'm genuinely connecting with someone if we just exchange 1-sentence responses for a couple of minutes before one of us leaves. If I really start talking I never seem to shut up, and I want to meet someone who'll actually be as invested in conversations as I am—someone who actually gives a shit what both sides of a conversation have to offer instead of absent-minding a response just to look nice.

My main interests are writing, drawing, and character design—usually feral animals with slight magic, alien, or unnatural aspects, and I have a tendency touch on dark themes or humor. I can also be very blunt on my opinions and negative subjects, so if you're set off easily, you probably wouldn't like me very much. I'd like to get back into roleplaying someday, but I don't currently have any characters I'm comfortable enough using for such. If you're wondering what kind of roleplays I'd like, though, feel free to ask!

I also really love music, mainly variants of rock/similar genres, though I've never been able to keep up with the specifics. I'm not the type of person to study the band rather than just listen to the songs, though.

If you're interested in talking to me, please leave a PM! (I don't really like talking out in the open.) I'd like to get to know you a bit to see if I think we'd get along—if I don't want to add you, it doesn't mean you did anything wrong, it just means I don't see us getting very far.


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