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Any Lord of the rings/The Hobbit nerds out there?

Posted 2020-12-05 23:21:58

I love the books so much! I didn't do my yearly reading of the hobbit this year bc of depression and im bummed about that :c

Alan Dracula

Posted 2020-12-08 20:37:55

Tolkien fans? :0

I absolutely adore the books,,, I know they're a bit of a slow read but they're so good.

I have the main 3, Hobbit, Silmarillion, Fall of Gondolin, Sons of Hurin, Untold Tales 1+2 and Beren and Luthien.

Favorite character is a toss-up between Finrod, Elrond, and Sam. I'm such an elf lover if my name doesn't give it away. xD


Posted 2020-12-11 08:29:27 (edited)

Aaaaay. I never really looked into the deeper books because the translation to my language was... uh, tedious... but The Hobbit was one of the books my dad introduced me to when I started to read, so it's got a special place in my heart, along with the various covers of Bilbos Last Song. 

Most of my interest lies in the poetry though due to a cross-interest in Norse poetry styles, I've read most of it even if I'm unfamiliar with the tales they tend to go with. 


Posted 2020-12-13 14:47:42

I was really young when the LOTR's films were released and was really scared by what little bits I saw of them, however when the first Hobbit film came out I was instantly hooked, I managed to get hold of all the LOTR and binged them in two days, I now have all the books and I'm comepleaty obsessed with all of the middle earth lore, I do kinda feel like I missed out a bit by being a late comer to the fandom but I do make up for my tardiness with my extreme enthusiasm :)


Posted 2020-12-13 17:16:42 (edited)

I've read the 3 originals and I'm halfway through the sillmarillion. Estel means Hope in sindarin and it's Aragorn's childhood nickname.


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