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🍂 Teeny Tiny Pixel Scenes 🍂 [Pixel Scenes With Bite]

🍂 Teeny Tiny Pixel Scenes 🍂 [Pixel Scenes With Bite]
Posted 2020-10-19 19:02:13 (edited)

Teeny Tinies

pixel scenes with bite

Starting price: 50 GC / $15 USD / 4500 SC

Currently only accepting USD!

Examples of Teeny Tinies





Examples of Other Pixels

  • Payment comes FIRST.
  • One scene per slot.
  • 5 animals per slot at base price.
  • Pups count as half a wolf so you can have 4 adults and 2 pups.
  • Animation may be extra, case-by-case.
  • Animation must be decided on before payment.
  • Once you move from Post-Queue to Queue, you will have one week to fill out the form before you're removed from the queue.
Post-Queue [Not paid yet, but next in line for a slot!]


Da Username: (if you have one, to tag you when I post on dA)
Character(s) you want: Include if you want them specific ages
Any specific character dynamics?:
Scene specifics: like season, location, etc
Animation?: Note this may cost extra. Be specific with what you want please!

click here for more of my art


Posted 2020-10-19 19:15:28



Posted 2020-10-19 19:21:02

Thank you!!! They're a lot of fun to do haha


Posted 2020-10-19 19:21:57

Mhmm Subbing to this for later when i get monah.


Posted 2020-10-19 19:31:58 (edited)

Could I grab one? c:

I'd love an animated fall themed scene with these guys if possible:

As adults:

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

As pups:

1 | 2

If the animation is extra, how much extra will it be at most do you think? I'd love to get some leaves falling if possible, and maybe a tiny bit of wolf movement? c:

Comatoast 🐀

Posted 2020-10-19 19:38:13

Oh, heck it.  Gimme a Teeny pixel slot, because I can't help it.


Posted 2020-10-19 19:50:32


Sounds good!! Do they have any preferred dynamics between them?
For the animation, how much wolf movement are you thinking? Would it be for all wolves or just one or two? 
Would this be GC or USD?


Rad! Who do you want depicted/what sorta scene/which currency? :)


Posted 2020-10-19 19:54:37

I'd like Rita & Shark by the ocean with the ocean moving kinda like what you got up there, but not on a cliff, more like on a beach?  I can do some GC!


Posted 2020-10-19 19:57:19

I'd love the 2 pups to be together playing, Juniper to be amused but not playful, and Freyr to be sort of serious and watchful. Otherwise, I'll leave it up to your imagination!

Just one or two would be great! I'll be paying in GC. c:

Comatoast 🐀

Posted 2020-10-19 20:02:36


Sure! Does 5 extra GC for that animation sound alright to you? So 55 GC total? 
If that works, feel free to send a Private Trade request and I'll get started tomorrow!


Aw, sounds good! For leaves falling and a bit of minor movement... 10 GC extra for the animation, so 60 GC total sound good? 
If that works, feel free to send a Private Trade request and I'll get started tomorrow!

I'm heading to bed now, thanks so much for the interest guys! c':


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