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⚔ Art Shop! (Closed) ⚔

⚔ Art Shop! (Closed) ⚔
Posted 2021-11-09 20:01:58 (edited)

⚔ Mordred's Art Shop! ⚔

Hello, this is Mordred! Today I'm opening the commissions for GC/SC or art trades! (Show your examples first) This will be a simple and small shop so I am currently doing sketched bust and shaded bust.

To get a commission, simply post below with what you want in a commission (Bust, etc) and you can post your character reference here if you wish! I will pm you the wips and finished result! Or you can pm me and discuss in pm. As for art trades, please PM me with your examples and I will consider!

Only one commission per person!

-- Rev #20270 (Done!)
- 𝔇𝔬𝔫 𝔇𝔲𝔢𝔩𝔦#8024 (Working)


1 - 300

Sketch bust - 10 or 3000

Shaded bust - 15 or 4500

Here is a format if you want to use!

Type (Bust, half etc):
Character reference:
Payment (GC or SC):


Posted 2021-11-09 20:02:46 (edited)


Posted 2021-11-09 20:13:01 (edited)
User/ID: Pigeon #30850
Type (Bust, half etc): Shaded bust
Character reference: Acta - ref , toyhouse
Payment (GC or SC): SC

User/ID: Pigeon #30850
Type (Bust, half etc): Shaded bust
Character reference: Credo - ref, toyhouse
Payment (GC or SC): SC

User/ID: Pigeon #30850
Type (Bust, half etc): Sketched half
Character reference: Pigeon - ref, toyhouse [with clothes preferred]
Payment (GC or SC): SC

User/ID: Pigeon #30850
Type (Bust, half etc): Sketched half
Character reference: Althea - ref [with clothes preferred, can link toyhouse if needed]
Payment (GC or SC): SC


Posted 2021-11-09 20:15:01 (edited)
Your art is simply stunning! Just wanted to let you know the GC to SC conversion is actually more like 1:300-400 right now! <3 You should up your SC prices to be more fair to yourself :D


Posted 2021-11-09 20:22:29

Thank you! you can send payment of 7000 SB for all four coms


Oh thank you for letting me know! I will change it


Posted 2021-11-09 21:36:13
Well, I can't resist. xD

User/ID: Pigeon #30850
Type (Bust, half etc): Shaded bust
Character reference: Milo - ref, toyhouse
Payment (GC or SC): GC

User/ID: Pigeon #30850
Type (Bust, half etc): Shaded bust
Character reference: Jarga - ref, toyhouse He doesn't have much beyond the extra headshot, but there's stuff of his human form as well to help with personality/etc!
Payment (GC or SC): GC

User/ID: Pigeon #30850
Type (Bust, half etc): Shaded bust
Character reference: Aukai - ref, toyhouse
Payment (GC or SC): GC


Posted 2021-11-09 21:56:49
Lots of commissions today! lolol

but of course! thanks so much for commissioning me! that'll be total of 45 GC for all of three commissions!


Posted 2021-11-09 21:58:24
Ehehe you have lovely art~
Let me boop that along over to you!


Posted 2021-11-10 21:40:05
8D Forgive me

User/ID: Pigeon #30850
Type (Bust, half etc): Shaded bust
Character reference: Pelna - ref Unfortunately his toyhouse doesn't have any extra refs beyond his gear and hood up, but he's a friendly and cheery guy!
Payment (GC or SC): GC

User/ID: Pigeon #30850
Type (Bust, half etc): Shaded bust
Character reference: Wilona - ref, toyhouse
Payment (GC or SC): GC

User/ID: Pigeon #30850
Type (Bust, half etc): Shaded bust
Character reference: Res - ref, headshot Only if you're comfortable trying this boyo, I can switch to a different one of my CS if you're not! x3
Payment (GC or SC): GC


Posted 2021-11-10 21:57:42
no worries! you must really love my work! It makes me happy

of course! you can send 45 GC in total for these three commissions :0


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