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The SwordJaw Tribal Lore

The SwordJaw Tribal Lore
Posted 2020-10-19 17:12:47 (edited)


A new tribe rose this day; the SwordJaw tribe. Founded by a young and hopeful female whose heart was still pure and kind. 

She would soon find out how harsh the world is to those like her but will it break her down and rebuild her into something else? 

Only time can tell but for now, she is setting up how the tribe will work and making things standard. 

2 males that have joined her aid her efforts in testing some things and it'll take time but they'll see how it all goes.  

"Okay so...I think we should try these out for one year guys. What ye lot think?" 

Asked the lone female as the two males rested from their earlier efforts for that day thanks to Tala coming in. 

"Sure, fine with me sweetheart...Tell me what about You?" 


Shatha tilted her head in curiousity at Burbery's question and Kinson answered 

"What he means, Your Grace, is what trial are You going to do to prove Yourself to Us as our leader? You Did say that all in this tribe should show they are worthy. How do you expect members to do that if the leader themselves haven't done it? You know, Lead by example?" 

Now shatha understood and she lay there in thought, very deep thought. She saw their point and soon spoke up on her solution. 

"As mentioned, we test things out for 1 yr for now and we'll see. As for me, I shall be doing some Quests that I myself should do such as gathering things and/or fighting for Murdock. I will do that for 1 yr as well so long as it Isn't a hunting quest aimed at you guys. If it is then i'll make my own quest that day and do an extra day depending on how many times he give me BS." 

Shatha explained and the two boys nodded in agreement at the idea. The Trials were in the works and of course things may need to be ironed out later but that was when the year passed. For now they focus on their tasks. 

"Bur? Would you mind doing hunting as well if not scouting? To test on if there's ever a time when there's more than one to test? Like maybe, future offspring?" 

The question startled Bur but he nodded. That was a good point indeed, when there's future offspring involved 1-6 is a thing so that needs to be tested as well. 

"Awesome! For now i think 3 trips for each a day max? As for those Not able to test at all then maybe they can do something else....I'll think more about it but one thing atta time right?" 

Once that was done, everyone did their thing; Kinson caught himself a Hare and Bur is working on Scouting some land before doing his own hunting a bit. Shatha is working on fighting and gathering supplies for the half moon mark. 


Later on Bur and Kin happened to see Why Shatha chose the Name SwordJaw for the tribe when she was fighting a wolf she met and was trying to be friends with but failed cuz he thought she was a threat and attacked her. Her teeth seemed so much like those teeth Humans sometimes weild and saw how her jaws just...sliced right into her opponent. Said Opponent retreated with heavy wounds and Sha wasn't too bad for wear, soon seeming to be stronger than before. 

"What's up Shatha love? Bad date?" 

"Funny Bur....Was roaming our lands and met him, tried making friends and he mistook me for a threat instead...well..i suppose that'll be one for my quest at least." 

Shatha grumbled in irritation but not at her tribemate, rather herself and the outsider before she shook herself to clear her thoughts. 

"Ah ya took one huh? Sounds like a Hunter mission...A Bounty hunter Mission...How many you need?" 

"...just 2...Now i need only 1...Why is it so hard to just be nice Bur?" 

Shatha spoke softly, All day she's been trying to make friends. Kinson was easy enough but only just and Tala was there to help for star's sake!  Bur scoffed and spoke a harsh truth to her which Kin didn't like but said nothing 

"Simple, Yer grace...The world ain't nice nor full of happiness and sunshine...Get used to it. It's a pred eat pred world out here and the sooner ya see that and get with us, the better things will be. Smiling and being nice isn't gonna get ya far at all except a grave....Everyone will walk All Over that grave and shit on it. Yer a pushover and seen as weak...Though Kin and I saw what you can do...Use your teeth well and we'll see." 

With that, Bur left to do what he needed to do and Kin galred after him before sighing. 

"...His....not wrong...Being nice isn't Always a good thing. I know it is good sometimes and not so others...You just need to know when to do it...I have a feeling this land isn't a place for Kindness i'm a fraid...Kindness and good will get beat out of you if it doesn't kill you. I...Like you for a leader Sha and i see what you can offer once things get going...It's up to you on how you want to proceed and what lessons you need to learn. Easy or hard and for better or worse, i Want to stay by you and see what becomes of this new way of life i found." 

Kinson gave a faint smile and left the young leader alone to think a bit.


Posted 2020-10-20 13:16:54

Oct 20, 2020 

Things started off well this part of the moon. Bur did try to take Kinson's kill but failed and thus went out to hunt for his own food, which he did get on his first go. Both males are on scout duty for now since they had they're own kills and Shatha could easily get herself fed while exploring their lands. 

She herself, completed her daily mission; defeat 3 small canids, so she was free and is just gathering supplies. She was seen walking into the Passageway with a newcomer, a female one who shared the same persona as her. Shatha was explaining things to the newcomer and how things were still being worked out before asking her to go out to hunt. 

" many did you meet before her?" 

Bur Asked as he and Kin came over behind Shatha, watching the newbie go off after a trial to the lake. 

"Ran into a male, he didn't like my singing and left....then i met Ana where i zoomed around, play bowed and we groomed each other while we spoke." 
Shatha explained casually, she seemed sad that she was rejected previously....She didn't see Bur stiffen, fur floofed in anger and Kinson had a dark look before the two were leaning against Shatha. 


"How dare him..." 

"We Like yer voice love." 

" have a beautiful voice. It's a loner's loss if they can't appreciate your lovely voice and sweet nature." 

"...I Still think ya need a tougher skin tho love...Yer jaws are like blades and yer very capable...ya just need ta not be so....Soft as ya are." 

"Burbery you-" 

Kinson growled at the other male who snorted and Shatha chuckled. 

"Oh You two...Thank you for your words...In a way Bur yer right...But i'm not sure how i'd go about doing that just yet...I'm not being what i am not but i can try to improve for better. Kinson, yer words are wise, insightful and very kind yet you're a tough one yourself. I think i Can be who i am while being a force to be reckoned with...It'll take some time though but i'll get there...just as our tribe will. 

Let's keep busy for now huh?" 


"Let's do that...One day at a time" 



Posted 2020-10-21 12:10:26 (edited)

Oct 21, 2020 

The tribe had 5 members now and all were helping to test the tribe's rites while living as one in a way. 

Shatha's mission was to have her hunters go out and hunt a few times but she refused and just did a hunting task on her own which she gained more virtues for her efforts as a lv 5 now. 

Kinson and Bur both managed to keep their kills and are scouting today so Rhea and Ana have to hunt for themselves and Najima managed to win Shatha's food in a friendly but firm fight. Najima is managing the tribe's stores, huts and current equipment while he keeps an eye out on things. 

Shatha is just gathering supplies and keeping their lands looked after 


Najima failed hunting and got to steal from Shatha's stores 

Ana got a hare which Bur was eyeing after a bit. Tomorrow would be a attempt for sure. 

Kinson Ate the last of his kill so he'd have to hunt tomorrow as would Bur if he failed the attempt. Shatha wants him to at least try to hunt more though, she encourages hunt attempts first Then steals if at all possible 

Rhea is stubborn, she failed her hunts and refused to steal anything. Admirable but something that could kill her if not careful. Burbery is disgusted at the foolish move but he cares less as it's not His life in danger while Kinson finds it honorable indeed while glaring at the heartless brute who passes him and Rhea. 

Sadly, this is Survive and Thrive 

or you weaken and die 

Something has to give 

Morals and your beliefs on right and wrong 

Or your life which you have only one of. 


Posted 2020-10-22 18:26:16

Oct 22, 2020 

"Burbery you dirty-" 

Kinson began at the other male who retorted back 

"Oi! Don't ya Dare give me Bull today Kinson! There is No fairness in life and shit happens. Ya gotta fight fer shit round here and ya know it!" 

Burbery had challenged Ana for her hare and won it, which Kinson wasn't happy about but That Is what is going on right now....Survival trial. Shatha prefers members to hunt for their food first but a steal attempt was allowed esp if there wasn't enough time for everyone to be able to hunt all 3 times. Kinson growled at the other male who snorted and went on his way to have His food. Ana spoke to Kinson, breaking him from his thoughts. 

"Kinson? ...It- It's okay...It's only a hare, enough to feed for the remainder of this moon, nothing else. I'm sure i can get something for myself...Last resort is trying our leader. Najima has done it twice when he's failed so it's alright." 

"....No...It's not. Najima is a bloody theft, he has no talent in hunting for himself...I understand why this is going on...The whole if you cannot feed yourself then how can you feed others explanation is true but this feels...wrong. We're supposed to be one, work together and we're Not. We're apart..." 

Kinson was understanding and he followed Shatha well since she was growing and getting better but, Wolves aren't meant to be alone. Not this way. It was a way to weed out the weak and see whose able to survive and whose not. The Steal attempts also show how cunning, resourceful and able you are in getting what is needed as well as your ability to protect the needed. 

Najima was one whose cunning and charm served him well, he was devil in the stealing task and shit at hunting but it was clear he had what it took to take what he needed to live, no matter what becomes of another. He could be nice and honorable but he was ruthless to those he went after. Kinson Didn't Trust the golden male, not one bit and He Hated Burbery for his cruelty and heartless actions. However, He, just like everyone else were trial runners. Testing the tribe's new system and perfecting it. 

He just wondered who would be the first to fall, how and when. He had to wait and do what he could for the time being...He was afraid though...Would he have it in him to attack and steal from another if he had to? A Future tribemate? He hoped not and that meant making Sure he got food and kept it for himself. 

Shatha Did say This was a test trial and just to see how things played out. Shatha wasn't excluded in this either, she too had to fend for herself in many ways so she'd know what it's like. However, she was a damn good hunter and brought back so much, plenty for the tribe but one had to fight her for it and Only if they really needed it. She would only allow an attempt If one tried a hunt and failed. Najima failed twice so he got to go at her and keep himself fed but would that one's time run out? 

Kinson could only wonder as he left again to hunt once more. 


Posted 2020-10-29 13:40:22

Oct 29, 2020 

Quite a bit happened that wasn't recorded but well, 


He certainly proved many times to be cunning and uses his abilities the best he can and sadly intimidation doesn't always work, at least on Rhea when he wanted to take something from her. It startled her at first yes, but then she beat him into the ground as soon as she caught him and walked off. He had to really work hard on his hunting skills since he was out of options now. Seems he learned that he won't always be able to charm, steal and fight his way out of a problem as he just learned. 


The brute was also aware that he would have to hunt and work for things since not everyone will be intimidated nor easily beaten in a fight. It was funny to see Kin try to fool him though as Kinson didn't want to risk an unneeded fight as Bur was a low blow kinda male in a fight. Kinson was so close in stealing til Bur figured it out and plowed the near white male into the ground. Fool him once shame on you, good luck trying to fool him again though. He ain't bright at times but he sure as hell ain't freaking stupid nor dense. 

Sadly, this day, he managed to get himself a nasty cough. He is stubborn and won't allow Not doing nothing so, much to his leader's dismay and annoyance, is working while making sure he doesn't get his tribemates sick. 


Is a tough, feisty girl and doesn't put up with anyone's Bullshit no matter who they may be and she calls things out like it is hurtful or not. She's smart and wise and very capable and ready to jump into when Bur got sick and is working to get enough herbs to make the cure since Shatha gave her permission to remain as the tribe's herbalist for now. Her work will be her way to earn her keep. 

She makes sure to keep busy and doesn't intent to let her tribe down. 


Is still learning and working but she's getting better. She cares alot for her tribe mates no matter what as she has shown by aiding Bur when he needs it most despite him being a bully to her every so often. She's sweet and willing to forgive him though. 


Stern, hardworking and ready to act as ever. He's a real good worker with good morals, even willing to put his difference aside to help another like Burbery when needed. He does see how tough Bur is and the work ethic the male has is admirable as well as understandable even though Bur is only like this cuz he doesn't want to be seen as weak in any way, a fact Kin himself knows well but still. Some respect earned there. 



Posted 2021-06-04 17:07:49

June 4, 2021 [Year 4] 

Been some time since the last entry and Much has changed since then. 

  • The tribe has a new name: The Meteor Tribe though the name SwordJaw is reserved as a family name for the Matriarch and founder of the tribe. 
  • Rhea and Kinson had had a tough time with pups but it looks like they finally got a break and have 2 sons. Rhea and Kinson's family name is BloodWing 
  • With the Enclave here, everyone has taken in a few pups to raise. Not all will be staying for sure though so far. 
  • Some of those whom where born in the tribe will be doing some rites, quite a few being successions for the older members of the tribe.


Posted 2022-11-02 07:58:59 (edited)
Celtic Moon| Year 9| 2

Time has certainly passed when a entry was made last. The tribe has grown and things have changed mostly for the good and they were managing well enough.
This time around the tribe has a new issue to face; from travelers and when to say no on how many stay at a time to the odd new world things that have begun to show up.

Previously the tribe has kept Owls, not really as pets but as partners in a way. They always had a good relationship with Owls ever since their founding and have kept them around since then. There was a place built up just for them to stay where they are often cared for.

Now however, there are Horses that have never been seen and they don't flee as they should thus made the tribe curious on what to do with them. Easy meal yes but it didn't feel right nor fair. Quite a few seemed to care for these odd animals so Shafron spoke with their god at her shrine.

"Brunhild! I call for you as i wish to talk, if you please and you have time."
Spoke the male, making sure he was polite. The shrine's rune stone glowed and hissed as the hellhound came forth and sat not far.
"Greeting Shafron... What have you called me for that bothers you so?"

The male dipped his head respectfully before he spoke, keeping his eyes lowered as was the wolf way.
"My tribe and I have seen some things which don't belong, Horses esp. are odd. Not at all like what we all know. No fear, no flight as they ought to do so some have wondered if we could keep them as we do the owls.
If i recall right, Humans use them to carry things as well as them."

Silence was felt for a minute or two before Brunhild spoke after some thought.
"I don't see why not... If they can be used and to help then you may keep them... Should you catch them and know how to care for them that is... I shall give you what you need and we shall see how well you do."

"Thank you My Lady... I hope we won't disappoint and they may thrive."
The Jarl bowed his head and the hound before him nodded hers before she went back to the darkness and the Jarl left a gift of thanks before going back down to share the news with his tribe.

Congrats! The Meteors have a way to keep Horses!
They currently keep Owls and butterflies still.

Horses caught: 6
[Sorrel draft | a Soot bay pony | 2 shetlands | 1 Frisian | 1 brown Fell ]


Posted 2022-11-27 11:15:22
Celtic Moon | Year 10 | 27

The travelers that find their way come and go. They share many things just as the tribe itself does but the tribe as a whole had agreed among themselves ages ago before allowing Travelers a safe haven with them that None were to lay with a Traveler.

It presented many problems for them. It was alright if other packs allowed it but the Meteors worked differently. They valued stability, loyalty and rank. Only those who've proven themselves and gained high enough rank were allowed to take a mate and have pups. Even then only a few were kept in a litter. It was a way to manage their numbers while having the best pups grow into able members Based on signs given.

Still, there were a few times were a few members were really tested to follow the hidden law set as they'd fall for a traveler but they'd remain true to their oath. Another thing the tribe found sacred. A Vow made is a vow to keep no matter the cost.

Though the Jarl felt this yearning himself as one Traveler stayed longer and he really got to know her. She was deaf but he and her spoke often thanks to the ways she taught that she herself learned in her travels. Elke was her name and she was a sweet, beautiful wolf... Not just looks but her overall.
Yes he had a mate and pups already but it was common to just make a mate ship as a duty. Many did it and none felt what many call true Love. Yet he felt it and it evaded him. It hurt but he had to accept facts, an Oath was made and he was going to keep it.

Elke did ask to try out their Rite to see she'd fare which he allowed. It wasn't an odd request as a few others had asked to try it out though none ever made it far if at all. Yet, She passed and would've made a good member yet she had to leave soon. He at least allowed her a place in spirit and written recording in their scrolls made of leather hide of the first Traveler to pass their rite. Her and her kin would be welcomed.

"Never thought i'd see our Jarl watch a traveler leave with a shattered heart..."
Came a familiar voice as Shafron flinched from his thoughts being interrupted and he turned to see Simeon, their Herbalist. The Young yet matured Jarl snorted before returning his gaze before him. Of Elke leaving with an escort to guide her back safely.

"...Never thought It'd hurt this much... I hope for those in my tribe to heal well from their heartbreaks... Perhaps we should take a rest from allowing Travelers to come here for a bit..."

"Hmm, I think not yer grace... We'll all miss those who've become close to... Elke was like a sister to me so i feel the pain of missing her though your pain is more.... Still, Do you regret it? To know her despite what's happened? Would you change it if you had the chance?"
Simeon spoke thoughtfully. He was once an egotistical and prideful wolf when younger, always flaunting his strengths and thinking himself better than others... Until he was shown a lesson that humbled him. Now he was a wonderful Herbalist whose become a close friend and valued member.

Shafron thought for a moment before smiling.

"...No. I do not regret a thing... I believe... that i rather feel love and the heart break than not at all... We still have the memories to go back on. The law placed will still remain for now. It'd be in everyone's best interest. We have our ways just as other tribe's do. I will only wish our beloveds a happy and full life."

"... I agree Shafron... Let''s go and see what the patrol brought Yeah?"

"Yes... Hey... Bet i can beat ya in a race back."

"Pfft that a challenge yer Grace?"

"Yeah, Move it slow poke ~"

"Get back here!"

With that the two males darted off with playful growls and chuckles between them as the sun stood near the ground. It'd be dark but it was a nice travel and the jarl had faith in the escort to keep them and Elke safe.


Posted 2023-03-03 16:13:33
Match Moon| Year 10 [2030] | 3

A new 'event' of sorts has come around and while things got curious it opened up a whole new rock of grubs. Shafron had been questioned on their Gender Identity which had them ponder about it til they finally came up with the answer. They felt more female than male really so they were refered to as she/her since then.

A few new rules were added to the tribe as well, Opening up the way for love of all kinds as well as ways to refer to oneself. Of course, the current laws remained and was easy to weave the new with the old.

1. Mateships were used for a pairing to make pups
2. a member was required to have a litter at least once.
During that time and even after, anyone could be with who they wished without the need for the mateship to make it official.
3. Min requirements to pair was still Lv. 10 and be 4 Springs old.
4. It was wise to Not nest so strong pups are born and to maintain numbers.

Fron and quite a few others had found who they were as well as love though Fron was a bit wary at finding someone new. The entire tribe encouraged it so Fron had been dating some wolves while many members would sneak about and gather info and opinions as to who was best for their leader and family member.

Currently there were a good pawful that Fron seemed fond of and seemed like a good fit for them. Inve was a sweet girl and Halcyon was certainly a charmer in his own right for a few examples. Fron still works to help match others to their lovers when not dating themselves.

The fact that Fron was dating made the tribe learn to be a bit more independent while their leader was gone even if just for a bit. They are eager to see who Fron chooses though and they Know She's gonna be happy either way.


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