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All-Female Packs Clan (Closed)

All-Female Packs Clan (Closed)
Posted 2020-10-19 17:07:46 (edited)

Sorry. I'm not able to invest properly into this, so it's now closed.


Posted 2020-10-19 17:14:16

This is super cool! I'm really excited for this challenge! And i agree with the rules because its too early in the game to put strict restrictions on the packs. Is the only male that we can keep the breeding male? 


Posted 2020-10-19 17:21:02

I actually kind of wanted to do this since starting during EA and so far the only male wolves I have in my pack are my breeding male and my tutorial wolf.  I'd sex change him, but sadly he was used as my breeding wolf during the tutorial and I wasn't thinking when I customized a new wolf for my stud. Going forward I definitely plan on only having female wolves, choosing to sex change any of the male pups I plan to keep. I'd definitely like to see how many people are also choosing to go this route!


Posted 2020-10-19 17:22:32


Not right now. Later on its likely to be that way, however. I'd do it to where there wouldn't be any males allowed, but I think that should be a decision for clanmates to make themselves because of how "extreme" it is.


Posted 2020-10-19 17:25:03

I already have a few females so I'm pretty excited for this 


Posted 2020-10-19 17:55:12

Same here, if you guys are looking for any female pups check out my den! I have a good many I dont plan on keeping, and any males can always be sex changed :) I have 3 more wolves with litters of 4 a piece that will be ready to pop in the next 3-4 days as well!


Posted 2020-10-20 21:03:11

I have a question would there be rules about inbreeding and would we need to have clean females?


Posted 2020-10-20 21:27:30 (edited)

I feel the inbreeding aspect would probably differ player to player and not so much as a whole for the clan? If anyone chooses to skip out on having a breeding male they can always use studs from other players to keep their pack lineage clean. That's how I plan to play at least, use my own stud for some of my wolves but I eventually have to stud outside of my pack to keep the lineage clean.

I don't believe valiant has decided on a ruling for that aspect yet though.


Posted 2020-10-20 21:29:42
That makes sense! I might go for a clean female pack for the extra challenge


Posted 2020-10-21 06:39:17

Man friendo this is a great idea, would love to join <3

Doc. Hjonk

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